In an instant, the feeling of being watched disappeared.

Neither Yuan Huashao nor Liu Zhengdao showed any reaction, as if they didn't notice it.

I didn't open my mouth to say it.

And I think, more or less, they must have sensed it!


I still have some guesses, I ran them through my mind, and suppressed them.

"In such a place with great feng shui, the burial of the three people who deceived their teachers and exterminated their ancestors will pollute the feng shui of the good fortune of this world."

Yuan Huashao spoke again, with determination in his eyes, and a little bit of deep hatred.

Of course, this emotion was also captured and discovered by me.

"Mr. Yuan, without further ado, go to Fufeng first?" I said in a deep voice.

Yuan Huashao nodded, and made another gesture of invitation, "Daoist Liu, Mr. Li, please." After saying that, he still walked ahead.

After Zhiguanzhishou Peak stretches down for [-] meters, the mountain rises suddenly, like a galloping horse!

Further above, it rises to become the peak of covering the cauldron.

After all, this mountain is too big, and it took us a full hour to reach the foot of Fufu Peak.

The moonlight seemed to be bright, but when it was in the mountains, the light became extremely dim.

In the quiet mountain forest, there is no road, and the road we walk is also driven by the direction.

The rustling sound kept ringing in my ears.

Yuan Huashao spoke in a low voice, and said: "The shape is like a cauldron, and the gold of the five elements can only touch the golden cave under the water."

"There is a saying that the yin dragon has the yang acupoint!"

"We don't need to go to the top of the mountain, but in the middle of the mountain, find the place where the water flows. If there is a hole, it should be next to the water outlet!"

I nodded secretly, Yuan Huashao's words are very succinct, and it is different from the "Fu cauldron" recorded in geology, but the meaning is very similar.

He had already spoken first, so I took out the fixed compass.

The palm is steady, and the pointer of the compass tends to be stable.

I said in a deep voice: "Water is north, and burial is to the human body, and the omen of the body is the bone."

"Mr. Yuan, if you go to the north, there will be water in the mountains. We still need to be careful about our waist."

"Waist bone?" Liu Zhengdao looked at me suspiciously.

Yuan Huashao said with a hearty smile: "Mr. Li is reminding us that the mountains are high and the roads are dangerous, so don't be shy."

After saying that, Yuan Huashao walked towards the true north without any doubt about my direction.

His joking sentence adjusted the atmosphere a lot.

Walking towards the north, there are many more shrubs in the jungle, and even the soil under the feet is extraordinarily moist.

About half an hour later, the mountain under our feet began to slope. After walking for a while, we reached the ridge road.

In the north, there is a slightly open area.

A brook is flowing out.

The stones in the water are scattered, and the moonlight shines through the gaps in the forest, which cannot form the reflection of the full moon, but makes the whole stream sparkling.

"The insidious technique of geography amazed Yuan. If Yuan looked for it, he could only look for it in the general direction of the mountains. Mr. Li only needed one word, and we went directly to the water source!" Yuan Huashao said with admiration, He turned around and hugged me, with more admiration in his eyes.

"Where is the grave?" Liu Zhengdao glanced around and asked with a frown.

I took out the compass again to set the compass, followed the pointer of the compass, circled around the stream, and stopped on the west side of the water.

Putting away the fixed compass, I pointed to my feet and said in a deep voice, "Here."

"Mr. Li, Mr. Yuan, please back off." Liu Zhengdao said in a deep voice, his expression unchanged.

I immediately took two steps back, and Yuan Huashao stepped back to my side.

Liu Zhengdao took out a golden hoe, and with a slight movement of his wrist, the golden hoe spun several times in his palm.

My pupils constricted, but I laughed dumbfounded and shook my head.

The three of us went up the mountain to dig a grave, but none of us carried tools.

This is a detail that has been overlooked. If you really want to do it, I'm afraid you can only use local materials.

Liu Zhengdao obviously told us to go away, he will dig the grave!

The next moment, I was stunned, even Yuan Huashao was stunned.

Because Liu Zhengdao's hand turned downward, he didn't wave his head, but was wielding a hoe.

The rapidly turning golden hoe formed a golden shadow under the moonlight.

In the direction I pointed, a big hole was dug out by Liu Zhengdao in an instant!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the pit was nearly two meters deep, and the surrounding ground was full of fine soil residue, which did not condense into lumps at all.

It was because Liu Zhengdao's speed was too fast. If it was replaced by a person, I'm afraid there would be no bones left now!

After the pit went two meters deeper, Liu Zhengdao no longer used such a fast speed, but dug the grave normally.

Even so, he is still extremely fast.

There was a light ding, and my breathing became heavier, and Yuan Huashao also showed surprise.

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao jumped out of the grave.

He didn't just come up alone, but also brought a huge shadow.

With a muffled bang, the shadow fell to the ground.

It was a heavy coffin!

The rough rock surface and the tightly closed coffin lid did not expose the slightest gap.

Liu Zhengdao let go, and dusted off the dust on his body.

Yuan Huashao walked up to the coffin, and he looked at it carefully.

I was only happy for a moment, and my heart sank a lot.

because we are too fast

Such an important burial, the coffin was dug out so quickly, without the slightest danger? !

If there is no danger, then how can the two be lured into the bait? !

I frowned, and looked up at Liu Zhengdao again.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao obviously reacted, and his brows frowned a lot.

I remained silent, and looked at the coffin again.

Here, it is by no means without risk.

The reason is that we are too fast.

There is another key reason. At this time, the Taoist priests of the Liu family, who are considered to be in the lead, who are out of the black and out of the world, are digging graves.

No matter how powerful the gentleman is, I'm afraid that in future generations, such a trio will patronize the grave one day.

"The outer coffin made of stone rock absorbs mountain air, condenses water air, and nourishes the corpse inside the coffin."

"It looks simple, but it's not what it looks like on the surface. The first layer of coffin under this coffin must be a tree coffin, and then there are jade, and then there are people! Mr. Li, do you believe it or not?!" Yuan Huashao While muttering, he took out an iron skewer from nowhere, and stuck it into the crack of the coffin without hesitation.

He grunted and pried hard.

The lid of the coffin fell down heavily!

What was exposed in sight was really a tree coffin.

The bark is thick, but it has not withered, and there are even some new shoots.

In time, these sprouts might wrap around the tree coffin, wrapping it more tightly inside the coffin!

Liu Zhengdao glanced at me again, and Liu Zhengdao and I nodded.

The matter has come to this point, now we can only follow the plan, we will open the coffin first, and then look for other tombs to find opportunities.

If there are five peaks and three graves, there must be two traps!

One mistake, there is a possibility of attracting those two people!

As soon as I thought of this, Liu Zhengdao raised his hand, and with a bang, several mahogany swords flew out, directly piercing the tree coffin!

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