Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1017 Fighting the enemy together

Dunkong raised his head, he looked at He Zhi eagerly.

At this time, Dunkong's complexion became more rosy, obviously, this medicinal wine is very nourishing.

The medicine from the Liu family was very helpful to Dunkong, and this wine also helped a lot.

He Zhi's expression was a little serious, so Dun Kong could only take the wine glass back carefully.

Yuan Huashao filled the three of us again.

Finally, the jug was suspended on the Dunkong wine glass, he smiled again, and said: "This is wine, and it is also medicine. People who are good at drinking it should treat it as wine, and those who are not good at drinking it can use it as medicine."

"Besides, Mr. Li's son is very human. The paper maker outside my door has been in the Yinyang House for many years. His strength and means are by no means weaker than Taoist priests. He actually subdued him and forced him to call out the rest of his companions. "

"Such skills and qualifications are worthy of being Mr. Li's son."

With that said, Yuan Huashao poured another glass of wine for Dunkong.

There was a lot of joy on Dun Kong's face, he carefully picked it up, and drank bit by bit.

Liu Zhengdao stopped drinking.

He Zhi smiled reluctantly, and she turned her head to look at me cautiously.

I also put down the wine glass, and said softly: "Thank you Mr. Yuan for your hospitality, Mr. Yuan should know about Li's trip." Yuan Huashao put down the wine pot, and he was still smiling.

"I know the person behind the water ghoul." I nodded, because I deduced before that he knew about it.

Then, Yuan Huashao said again: "This person has been coveting me for a long time, and he has arranged a lot. He has clever methods, superb yin and yang skills, and is good at using inferior methods. I am not sure how to deal with him, so I just stay away."

"Mr. Li made a move, forced him out of the water, and did Yuan a great favor."

"What does Mr. Li want Yuan to do, but it's okay." Yuan Huashao made another gesture of invitation.

I took a deep breath and looked at He Zhi and Dun Kong again.

Then I said: "My wife and children suffered poisonous injuries many years ago. The poison is the poison of the drought mang, and it hurts to the root. After spending several years detoxifying, I discovered that there is another poison in the poison, which hurts people two or five times." The essence."

"I heard that Mr. Yuan's medical skills can save life and death, flesh and bones, so I want to ask Mr. Yuan to cure the poison."

As I said that, I stood up and bowed to Yuan Huashao with my hands clasped in fists.

"The essence of the second five." Yuan Huashao turned his head to look at Dunkong, and tapped his hand on the table lightly.

After a while, he glanced at He Zhi again, frowning slightly.

Yuan Huashao said again: "The theory of life and death, flesh and bones is to exaggerate Yuan's medical skills, but Yuan knows a thing or two about making up for it."

"Yangshou is the embodiment of the essence of the second five, and this essence is the harmony of yin and yang. There are many ways to make the essence of the second five vigorous in the world."

"For example, the Taoism of the Taoist priests of the Liu family. The Taoist priests can rely on the greatness of their chests to keep their energy for a long time. I met the elder of the Liu family many years ago. He is ten years older than me, but it seems that he is just Forty or fifty."

When the words came to this point, there was still a bit of admiration from the heart in Yuan Huashao's eyes.

He sighed, and said again: "I thought that the Great Elder would come to my Yin-Yang House, but I didn't expect that he never entered Kaiyang City. It's really a pity."

My face didn't change, because Liu Tianniu completely trusted my master, so naturally he didn't go to see Yuan Huashao.

After a short pause, Yuan Huashao said again: "The second method is the corpse pill."

"The Pill of Good Corpse contains the vitality of a dragon's veins, and is also reconciled with the yin and yang qi of a human being. This thing can make up for the essence of two or five, and the effect is strong."

"As for the evil law, Mr. Li killed it back then, so Yuan shouldn't have to mention it."

My eyelids twitched.

That evil method is naturally the longevity stealing used by Jia Sheng and Jia Gongming!

He Zhi's expression was tense.

Liu Zhengdao's gaze also fell a little more on Yuan Huashao.

Putting down the Dunkong wine glass, he looked at Yuan Huashao more nervously.

Yuan Huashao lowered his head, and he said again: "Mr. Li, what do you think of Yuan's appearance?" I took a deep breath and said, "He was born a hundred years ago, and he is ninety-five years old, and Mr. Yuan should be 63 years old. He has passed his sixtieth year, but he seems to be in his thirties and forties, similar to Li Mou, and has the ability to maintain his appearance."

Yuan Huashao raised his head again, he smiled, and said again: "The words of the Ninth Five-Year Plan are all fleeting, this method has the ability to retain the appearance, and it is to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the essence."

"Yuan devoted himself to studying medicine, and thought to himself that a person's life is only a hundred years."

"The sufferings of the people in this world, Yuan was lucky enough to keep one side, so he wanted to keep this side for more years of good weather."

"The essence of the second five years is the essence. Yuan took thousands of medicines that strengthen the foundation and nourish the essence, and are beneficial to prolong life, and combined them into pills. By chance, he made a medicine and took it all year round, so he maintained this appearance." After Yuan Huashao finished speaking, my heart jumped wildly.

The surprise in He Zhi's eyes was even more irresistible.

Dunkong even revealed the look of longing.

Liu Zhengdao felt a little relieved, and he nodded with me.

I suppressed my heartbeat, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yuan, what conditions are needed to help the child and his wife treat poisonous injuries."

Yuan Huashao looked at me seriously, and suddenly he laughed again, and said: "Mr. Li is serious. Mr. has already helped me first, so that the person who wants to kill me will surface. This is already a big job."

"I help my husband heal his family, it's a trivial matter."

"There is no need to mention any more conditions."

"This..." I opened my mouth, but I didn't know how to speak.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao spoke.

"There is an exchange of things, and there is naturally reciprocity in this matter. Mr. Yuan rescued Dukong, He Zhi. I joined hands with Mr. Li to help Mr. Yuan deal with those two people."

Obviously, Taoist priests of the Liu family don't like to owe favors.

But Liu Zhengdao's words made Yuan Huashao's complexion change slightly, and he asked doubtfully, "The two of you? Please ask the head of the Liu family to speak clearly."

Liu Zhengdao spoke more calmly, and said again: "Under the Yangjiang River, there are thousands of water ghouls. Outside Kaiyang City, there is another village where several murderous corpses are placed. They should all be used to deal with Mr. Yuan, and Mr. Li has already destroyed them." Of."

"Similar to Yangjiang, Honghe, Panjiang, also has a similar arrangement, targeting Jiang Pan, Mr. Tianyuan."

"Mr. Li also met someone who even turned Mr. Li back."

"The reason why Mr. Li can judge that there is a problem with Yangjiang is because of the association of Panjiang and Honghe. Sure enough, he led that person out!"

Liu Zhengdao fell silent.

On Yuan Huashao's forehead, there was some cold sweat faintly.

He murmured again: "Two people, it was Mr. Li who really helped Yuan Mou a lot. These two people are so insidious. If they are really given a chance, Yuan Mou will probably lose money at the beginning." It's sunny."

After a slight pause, Yuan Huashao looked outside the main room, and said in a deep voice: "Xin Jiazi, go and inform the back kitchen to hold a banquet. Mr. Li and I will have a drink and talk, and discuss the plan to eradicate evil together!"

Then, Yuan Huashao looked at me more seriously, and said: "Mr. Li, Yuan will prepare some medicines, temporarily let Mrs. Ling and Dunkong's nephew take care of themselves, and you and I will destroy this treacherous evil together, how about it?!"

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