Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1016 Great for the people, be Mr. Great

Xin Jiazi's pace quickened slightly.

However, Liu Zhengdao's speed remained steady, and He Zhi, Dun Kong and I could only synchronize his pace.

Soon, Xin Jiazi arrived outside the door of the main room. His body was slightly arched, his hands were folded in front of his chest, obviously he was waiting for an order.

After that, we walked to the front of the hall.

Liu Zhengdao stopped outside the threshold.

He glanced calmly across the room.

I, He Zhi, and Dun Kong were about to hug our fists to say hello, but I couldn't help but stop it

Liu Zhengdao's behavior was probably because he had to bend over a little bit because he entered the Yin Yang House just now, because of the height?

The Taoists of the Liu family would rather bend than bend, but faced with this situation of insufficient height.

I'm afraid this is also the first time Liu Zhengdao has met

In addition, if he doesn't have a high crown on his head, he doesn't need to bow his head if he thinks about it

"Mr. Kaiyang." Liu Zhengdao opened his mouth more calmly, and said, "It is rumored that you are retreating, but in fact, you are cooking wine in the courtyard. Pindao never expected it." My eyelids twitched slightly, and I raised my hand slightly , pulled Liu Zhengdao's wrist.

Liu Zhengdao looked at me from the corner of his eye, and his brows frowned slightly.

The next moment, he closed his eyes a little, and when he opened them again, the almost indifferent look in his eyes receded a little.

The breeze blows into the house, and we can clearly see the figure of the person pouring the wine.

My face suddenly changed.

The man was about 40 to [-] years old, and his back was extremely straight.

He was dressed in a pale yellow robe, and under the reflection of the candlelight, there was a faint sense of translucence.

The neat bun stood on top of his head, and his face was perfect!

This person is astonishingly the gentleman we saw at the gate of Yuan's Yin and Yang House that day!

"It's you?!" He Zhi exclaimed, her voice lowered instantly.

Dun Kong also showed a look of astonishment.

Liu Zhengdao's eyes were full of doubts.

"You know each other?" he asked.

The man put down the copper-yellow wine cup in his hand.

He smiled and looked at us.

"The geography is good, and the reputation is well-deserved. The water ghouls that plague Kaiyang City are a serious problem. Mr. Da took action to eliminate them." He looked at me more often, his eyes were deep and admiring!

Then, he clasped his fists in both hands and bowed slightly to me.

I also clasped my fists and saluted back.

However, the shock in my heart did not diminish in the slightest.

Yuan Huashao should be 63 years old, not old, but he is definitely an old man.

he is so young

Also, he really borrowed my hand to deal with the arrangement of the water ghoul, that Mr. Broken Arm who targeted him!

"Li Yinyang doesn't dare to take the name of Mr. Da, but Mr. Kaiyang Yuan can only be called this name for the benefit of one party." I replied in a deep voice.

At this moment, He Zhi and Dunkong didn't dare to speak anymore.

Yuan Huashao shook his head, he said with a smile: "Mr. Li is so self-effacing, I have heard a lot of your deeds over the years, the name of Mr. Da has long been well deserved, besides, Mr. Geographical Geography, Mr. It's Mr. Big."

Yuan Huashao turned around, and he put his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be sorrow in his eyes.

"Many years ago, there was a fire and gangsters at the foot of Tianxin Shidao Mountain, and the Tianyuan Daoist Temple was completely burned down. The previous Tianyuan Mr. Guo Tianyu, as well as his disciples, all died tragically in the Daoist Daoist."

"In the same year, life-stealing gangsters appeared in various places in the southwestern part of Guizhou, and they specialized in mutilating and killing Mister."

"For many years, those villains have intensified. I heard that it was Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang Panjiang, the only surviving Tianyuan physiognomy, and Taoist priests from the Liu family who eliminated the villains who stole life."

"This is the work of the common people in the world."

After a short pause, Yuan Huashao said again: "This matter is only one of them. Mr. Li broke through seventy black hills in the Yin Mountains, broke through the tomb of Xiantao, and uncovered a lie that has been lying for hundreds of years. In the past few years, I don't know the number of Mr. Zongsheng in that tomb."

"This skill allows people in the yin and yang world to be spared from its harm."

"I'm ashamed to say that if Mr. Li doesn't open that hole, I may enter the Yin Mountain in a few years, and I'm afraid my bones will be buried in the mountain."

My eyelids twitched slightly, but I wasn't shocked at all.

Because the life-stealing of Jia Sheng and Jia Gongming back then was too blatant, at least the people in the Yin-Yang world in that area were all at risk.

As for the tomb of Guan Xiantao, we took away too many people and made too much noise, so it is more normal for it to spread.

What's more, Jiang Pan deliberately named Tian Yuan and Di Xiang to join forces at that time.

Yuan Huashao did not stop, and he continued: "A few days ago, I heard that Guizhou Southwest wiped out a large number of bandits. Among them was a key gentleman, Miao Guangyang. He provided key information for the bandit suppression team, and he was alone. Going deep into the enemy camp, it is a pity that he has disappeared so far.”

"I've seen the notice they sent out. The person on it looks at least [-]% similar to Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li is not only concerned with the world of yin and yang, but also with the people. He can do a little for himself, but can do a lot for the country, not to mention his daily actions. Does the name of this great gentleman really deserve it?" Yuan Huashao In addition to sighing, there are even more smiles on his face.

I frowned a little, because I didn't expect that Guo Zhenmin and Lin Zhen would find someone to paint my portrait that day

But after thinking about it, they are all people with righteousness in their hearts.

I am afraid that in their hearts, Miao Guangyang is even more righteous and sacrificed than them.

Only with "luck" in mind, look for it with notices.

I sighed softly in my heart, clasped my fists again, and said: "Mr. Yuan, Mr. Miao Guangyang, Mr. Miao, is an important friend of Li. He died because of me. I am ashamed of him. By accident, this name , can be regarded as compensation for my guilt, please don’t mention it, sir.”

"So that's how it is." Yuan Huashao was thoughtful.

He immediately made another gesture of invitation, motioning for me to enter the room and sit down.

I nodded slightly with Liu Zhengdao first, and then watched He Zhi Dunkong nod.

A group of four entered the house.

He Zhi was on Dunkong's side, Liu Zhengdao and I were on each side, and Yuan Huashao took the first seat.

There is a glass of wine in front of each table.

He picked up the wine cup and said with a smile: "It's a blessing for Yuan to drink with Mr. Li, please!"

He covered his face with his sleeves and drank it all in one gulp.

All four of us drank the wine separately.

I just felt that a wave of heat poured from my chest into my limbs, and I felt an indescribable sense of comfort, as if all the fatigue in recent days had been swept away!

With a look of surprise on He Zhi's face, Dunkong lowered his head and stared blankly at the wine glass.

Liu Zhengdao held the wine glass in his hand and did not put it down, as if savoring it carefully.

Yuan Huashao smiled, and said again: "This wine is made from the dross of five grains, but it has added a lot of rare medicinal materials. Apart from Yin and Yang, Yuan usually has some experience in medical skills. Mr. Li, you guys Running around all day, you will inevitably feel a lot of fatigue, drinking a few more glasses can get rid of a lot of fatigue."

Dun Kong carefully pushed out the wine glass.

He Zhi said softly: "Dun Kong, you are still a child, don't be greedy."

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