Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 1004 There are 5 people, which can be crowned with 8 hexagrams and 5 lines

The pace under my feet became more and more steady, but also more and more slow.

He Zhi slowed down along with my movements.

Her broad ax was hanging by her side, part of it touched the ground, and it made a slight sound when pulled.

There was a little more noise on this quiet village road, and the creepiness was slightly destroyed.

Going down this road, we will soon pass through most of the village, and then go a little further, and we will be at the end of the village.

I saw an extremely dark shadow, which should be the mountain behind the village.

"Yin Yang, why didn't the other corpses come out?" He Zhi squinted her eyes slightly, and after sweeping around, she asked me again.

I frowned slightly and told He Zhi not to be impatient.

He Zhi nodded, she didn't say much.

The two of us continued to walk forward.

After a while, the two of us arrived at the end of the village.

Still no one showed up and we didn't see the murderous corpse.

"What's going on?" He Zhi had more doubts in his eyes.

There was a slight sound of running, and there was a river outside the end of the village, blocking the way.

I squinted slightly and looked at the river.

The moonlight became weaker, and the surface of the river gave me a feeling that there were a pair of dark eyes staring at me below it.

Inexplicably, I felt a strong palpitation.

I held He Zhi slightly behind me with my hand, and said in a low voice, "Be careful." Although I didn't answer He Zhi's question, my eyes and movements made her look at the river as well.

"In the water?" He Zhi slightly raised his hand, and the broad ax came in front of him.

I feel depressed.

There is indeed something in the water.

But the feeling of heart palpitations was not brought to me by the things in the water.

And why hasn't that person shown up yet? !

He really wants me to deal with the three murderous corpses he prepared? !

If I wipe them all out, isn't he afraid that he will lose his hole cards and tricks? !

"There are two left. It's not convenient for me to be in the water. Can you force it out?" He Zhi's expression became more serious.

I took a deep breath, but shook my head.

Holding He Zhi's hand tightly, I turned around and walked back to the village!

After a few steps, we returned to the village!

There was a slight clattering sound behind me, I stopped for a while and looked back.

By the river outside the end of the village, a man climbed up.

The whole body of this person is blue, especially his head and face, and those blue eyes, which give people a breathtaking feeling.

He raised his hand, as if he was waving at me, but also seemed to be smiling.

"Living corpse?" He Zhi's pupils constricted, she was extremely vigilant.

Looking at me again, He Zhi's eyes were dazed and uneasy: "Don't deal with it anymore?" At this moment, I felt a palpitation in my heart again.

This palpitation was also accompanied by a loss, as if the heart had suddenly dropped.

Not only that, the long wooden box hanging on my shoulder also kept crackling inside.

But my body was not shaking so quickly, and the sound was even weirder!Just like reminding me!

"There's something wrong with not dealing with it."

"Shouldn't he not show up, let us kill all three murderous corpses, isn't he afraid of loss?" My voice was hoarse and vigilant.

"The corpses in the water seem to be blocking the village road and preventing us from leaving."

"The living corpse of the God of Plague is indeed strong. If there is no talisman to temporarily suppress it, and you and I join forces to suppress its soul with a ruler, even if we win, we will only have a miserable victory."

"I don't know where the third corpse is yet, but he's not afraid of loss, that's a problem."

"I'm afraid he is delaying our time!" I spoke faster, and the speed of deduction in my mind was also faster!

Fighting against each other is not just about Feng Shui.

More scheming!

This person is not dewy, he is best at doing dark things in the dark!

He Zhi's face changed suddenly, she said: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain?!"

I nodded, looking even more gloomy.

I wanted to force him out, so I had to fight with me.

Unexpectedly, his calculations were equally profound.

Of course, adjusting the tiger away from the mountain is my inference, and it is also a deep induction.

He may not really do this level.

Also, even if he is to divert the tiger away from the mountain, the target of his attack must be Dunkong!

Although Dukong is a child, his skills are not weak.

In Feng Village, he didn't calculate in advance, the probability of injuring Dun Kong is very low.

But we still can't delay the time, we have to go back immediately!

In our thoughts, He Zhi and I had already reached the entrance of the village.

There are only two talismans hanging on the archway.

But under the archway, there is a table case.

On the table, there was a tray with a human head in it.

The man's head was tied in a bun, and on the bun, there was actually a hairpin that looked like a bronze sword!

It's a man's head!

The reason why the hair is tied in a bun is because this corpse should have been a Taoist priest!

The skin of the skull was dark blue, and there were even hints of black down in a few places.

A green corpse with black feathers, is this corpse changing in the direction of a feathered corpse? !

Of course, I was terrified, but I didn't evade it.

This corpse blocked the way, which made my guess even more certain.

At the end of the village, there are corpses blocking the road, and at the entrance of the village, the head of the line is broken.

That person hasn't appeared so far, or he thinks that the remaining two murderous corpses will surely kill me.

Or, it must be delaying time!

"Yuhua?" He Zhi was equally astonished, and she murmured vigilantly: "No, just a little bit, the place required for Yuhua is too harsh, and he was beheaded and taken out, so it should stop there." The broad ax was held horizontally in front of him by He Zhi.

She stepped forward, three or two steps, and she reached the bottom of the archway!

The broad ax raised violently, and slashed at the head fiercely!

I didn't stop He Zhi, my expression was extremely vigilant.

At this moment, a sudden whoosh sound came from the right!

On the right is a mud house, and the window is directly cracked with a hole!

What flew out of the window was a pitch-black wooden sword!

I directly pulled out the divination knife, stepped forward suddenly, and slashed at the wooden sword in mid-air.

But from another direction, there was also the sound of breaking through the air!

He Zhi suddenly stopped, she chopped the ax with her backhand, and the wooden sword shot from the opposite direction was cut into two pieces!

There were two loud bangs.

In the courtyards on both sides of the road, the doors and windows were broken almost at the same time!

Two figures on both sides, a total of four people rushed out of the house at the same time.

The four of them were all around us in an instant.

Their faces were expressionless, but their eyes were turning blue, and their skin was faintly blackened.

All four of them were wearing Taoist robes.

The Taoist robes are dark blue, and everyone holds a long sword in their hands!

He Zhi's complexion changed.

My pupils also shrunk into a small spot.

There is a Taoist head with a green corpse that has turned into a black ghost. I can already imagine that it will not be easy for us to go out.

But I didn't expect that the man was going to give the corpse four Taoist priests to make a fuss

The murderous corpse is a Taoist priest, and the medium of collision is also a Taoist priest.

This is probably able to display most of the strength in front of him, and moreover, the ferocity of the corpse itself is included!

The four Taoist priests began to move sideways.

He Zhi and I were blocked inside.

At this moment, one of the Taoist priests stepped out suddenly and stabbed us with a sword!

He was just the beginning, and the other three also stepped forward with their swords!

The shaking sword almost messed up his sight.

He Zhi yelled, and she swept across with her axe!

The four stalking Taoist priests were suddenly forced back!

However, there were still a few sword marks left on He Zhi's body. Although no flesh was injured, his clothes were torn a lot.

"The four things of yin and yang are not easy to deal with." He Zhi's voice was slightly hoarse, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

I also had sweat on my forehead.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I glanced at the four of them and said in a low voice, "There should only be four."

"I have a solution, but I need you to delay for a while." I said in a deep voice.

"How long?" He Zhi's eyes became sharp.

"I will as soon as possible." I frowned and told He Zhi in a low voice.

At the same time, I crossed my legs and sat directly on the ground.

I took out the carving knife in one hand, and in the other hand, I took out a willow heart!

He Zhi's expression became more severe, she stopped asking any more questions, and slammed the ax fiercely in front of her.

The slender body also seemed to be sharp.

The four bumping Taoist priests suddenly closed together.

Almost four Taoist priests trembled their mouths at the same time, humming a spell.

Four long swords flew out at the same time!Two swords attacked me, and both of them shot straight at He Zhi's face.

I didn't change my color at all, and I still sat where I was.

At the same time, my eyes locked on a Daoist priest.

The carving knife fell towards the top of Liu Muxin.

At the same time, I muttered: "People have five parts, which can be crowned with eight trigrams and five elements."

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