I hit this Plague God's living corpse with a foot, and two parts of the body were obviously collapsed!

His body suddenly supported himself, and almost his whole body climbed onto the edge of the cauldron.

This time, he directly pushed He Zhi staggered and stepped back a few steps.

I supported He Zhi with one hand, and retreated quickly.

He climbed outside the tripod, his whole body was exposed to the moonlight.

Black and red ferocious flesh and blood, profound and obscure runes.

There was only boundless silence in those gray-black eyes.

"Disfigurement, there is no use supporting him, but the endless grievances and the obsession for revenge. Even if his hands and feet are cut off, he will move his body to attack us." "Even if the head is cut off, the corpse will turn into a ghost " He Zhi gritted her teeth, her palms trembling slightly.

I took out another Wuyue Town Life Talisman.

He Zhi looked down, and her expression suddenly turned colder.

"Perhaps the escape talisman has a magical effect." I said in a deep voice.

After a while, He Zhi and I had adjusted our breathing.

I let go of the support, and her body arched slightly, obviously ready to go.

With a whoosh, He Zhi was like an arrow leaving the string, and rushed towards the living corpse of the plague god again!

I also strode quickly, rushing towards the living corpse of the plague god.

This time, he didn't sit still, instead he grabbed back, and he swung the big cauldron and slashed at He Zhi directly!

"Be careful!" I was shocked!

He Zhi's body cleverly flashed to the right, and with a loud bang, the big tripod hit the ground heavily, sinking halfway into the ground!

Her Guillotine Knife slashed towards the right arm of the living corpse of the God of Plague.

The living corpse of the God of Plague suddenly fell backwards, avoiding He Zhi's chop.

The Guillotine Knife cut into the lower half of the ground with a click, and He Zhi used her strength to do a backflip. Her body rose into the air, and then quickly fell down!He rode directly on the shoulder of the living corpse of the plague god!

During this period, I also escaped the aftermath of the cauldron and came to the door of the plague god's living corpse!

The Wuyue Town Fate Talisman was slapped directly on top of his head!

Only half of his gray-black eyes are exposed on the left and right sides.

However, his body stopped, as if stiff and motionless.

There was a lot of cold sweat on my forehead.

He Zhi crossed his legs and locked his throat without relaxing his movements.

But at this moment, his gray-black eyes were darker in color, but a lot of blood was oozing from the center of his forehead.

The Wuyue Town Life Talisman was almost completely soaked!

I look horrified!

His arms suddenly raised, grabbing He Zhi's legs directly.

Before I had time to think, I pulled out the golden ruler suddenly and pressed it on the top of his head!

Immediately afterwards, I bit the tip of my tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the golden ruler!

Tongqiao is divided into golden rulers, which is an extremely powerful township of Mr. Yin and Yang.

Coupled with my mouthful of blood, its own suppression effect is stronger.

The official ghost ghost craftsman is also a specially formed murderous corpse after the death of the corpse exorcist. In the eyes of the Great Ominous Cave, it can be suppressed by the golden ruler of Tongqiaofen.

The living corpse of the plague god froze again in an instant.

"Come down!" I gasped heavily.

He Zhi jumped down from behind, she pulled out her axe, her expression became more vigilant.

"What if I can't hold back the talisman of escape?!" He Zhi bit his lower lip tightly.

"It's fine to have a golden ruler, but I can't let go of my hand, and the ruler will bounce off." I breathed more heavily.

Because at this moment, the Wuyue town life talisman has been completely soaked, even eroded.

The gray-black eyes of the Plague God Living Corpse seemed to be permeated with a strange emotion, which even shook my mood a bit.

His body was also trembling, as if he wanted to raise his hand.

The uneasiness in He Zhi's eyes became stronger, and the sweat dripped down from his forehead.

She seemed to raise the hatchet, but then put it down again.

I quickly deduced in my mind.

Looking at the Tongqiao Fen Jinru again, I murmured: "There is a way."

I told He Zhi in a deep voice, I will pull out the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler later and ask her to hit the end of the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler with the axe.

He Zhi's pupils constricted, but she nodded quickly without hesitation.

I adjusted hard, calmed down and breathed, and my eyes began to become sharp.

In the next moment, I quickly raised my hand, straightened up the golden ruler, and placed it on the gap between the fontanelle on the head of the plague god's corpse and the intersection of heaven and spirit!

At this moment, the living corpse of the God of Plague also moved.

He had a hideous face and grabbed my shoulders with both hands!

Those pitch-black nails looked like sharp knives!

His strength might break my arm!

He Zhi's movements and reactions were almost in sync with mine!

She raised the broad ax in her hand, and the ax suddenly fell, hitting the other end of the golden ruler!

There was only a click, like the sound of bones breaking.

The Tongqiao sub-golden ruler was photographed completely into the head of the living corpse of the God of Plague.

His arms froze in mid-air, and then fell directly to his side.

The dead and resentful eyes suddenly lost their expression.

My hand also hangs down, and the palm trembles slightly.

Because just now the ax hit the Tongqiao to divide the golden ruler with too much force.

Even if I have withdrawn quickly.

But the vibration still made my hands uncomfortable.

"Yin Yang, are you okay?" He Zhi's eyes were extremely disturbed.

"No problem." I gasped again, and took out the divination knife from my waist.

The hand that was trembling at first was suppressed by me at the same time as the cold feeling came from the divination knife.

On the village road, the wind suddenly blew up!

The style is fierce, but from the direction of the entrance of the village, there is a piece of talisman paper blown by the wind and falling towards us!

I looked terrified, and shouted in a low voice: "Slash it!" He Zhi looked in the direction of my line of sight, she looked equally horrified, but she raised the ax without hesitation.

While the talisman paper fell down quickly, she slashed forward with all her strength!

The wind seems to be stronger.

The talisman seemed to be blown by the wind and dodged back for a bit.

But He Zhi's movements were too sharp and fierce, and the talisman paper was still split in two!

There was a snoring sound, and the talisman paper burned out of thin air in mid-air, turning into black ashes.

My eyelids keep twitching.

The talisman paper just now was a talisman!

That should be the talisman belonging to the living corpse of the plague god. After it is restrained by us, the talisman also has the ability to protect the Lord. If the talisman falls on him.

I'm afraid that if the golden ruler smashed into his head, he would have to be ejected.

Now I haven't suppressed him to death, but I just suppressed the scattered grievances after he became a broken corpse with a golden ruler.

Of course, his corpse breath had dissipated when his head was pierced.

The divination knife rested on the neck of the living corpse of the God of Plague, and without hesitation, I cut it down vigorously!

With a chirping sound, I cut off the head of the plague god's living corpse and rolled it to the side of the road.

I cut off a piece of the inner clothes and tied the head inside the clothes.

"After I go back, I will suppress the living corpse of the God of Plague, and let him fly away before I can pull out the golden ruler." I said to He Zhi while tying the chubby package around my waist.

He Zhi nodded. She stared at the corpses of the remaining plague god corpses, walked up to him, and pressed her hands on his chest.

After a while, He Zhi murmured: "The soul is trapped in the head?" I nodded and said: "The golden ruler for opening the orifice falls on the fontanel, and no soul will escape into the body."

He Zhi immediately felt relieved, and she kicked the plague god's living corpse in the leg.

The upright body of the God of Plague corpse fell to the ground with a bang.

"Don't waste this body later, let it be eaten by the red mastiff." He Zhi's eyes were still slightly annoyed.

I laughed dumbfounded, and said: "The other ghost wives, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, Zhier, you just returned to the He family, the He family has suffered a lot of damage over the years, and in recent days, the red mastiff is already fierce enough, too many Tonic is useless."

He Zhi pursed her lips, and she lowered her head and muttered: "Understood." Although He Zhi's voice was very low, joy and a smile were evident on her face.

I had already tied up the package, then squinted my eyes slightly, looked around vigilantly, and finally looked forward.

He Zhi immediately turned his attention away, and she moved closer to my side.

I tried my best to breathe steadily, and walked forward.

The living corpse of the God of Plague is by no means something that this person made on the spur of the moment.

Either he used it against Yuan Huashao, or he would use it against my elder brother.

I broke it, and he lost a lot!

If my guess is correct, he probably wouldn't let me deal with the last two talisman corpses!

While thinking, I took out the carving knife and hid it in my sleeve.

With the hand in the left sleeve, a willow heart came out.

Since the last time, I was backlashed by the carving knife and the wooden man, I have studied and comprehended more deeply the method of carving the knife to burial.

Moreover, I discovered a method that has never been used by geologists of all dynasties.

I'm not sure if it works at all, and haven't randomly asked others to try it.

Because this method will definitely hurt people's lives!

It just so happens that this person can be used as a test!

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