Luo Zhongliang fell to his knees again, and he raised the wine bowl above his head.

His Qingzhi's voice became hoarse and solemn: "Master's instruction, Zhongliang will take it to heart, you should abide by the school rules, if you violate it, you will be hit like a thunderbolt! You will die without a whole body."

I took the wine bowl and drank the wine in one gulp.

Lowering my head, I looked at Luo Zhongliang again, and said in a deep voice, "The oath is vicious, so you must remember it in your heart."

Luo Zhongliang raised his head, his eyes were exceptionally tough.

"The disciple knows, it must be deeply rooted!" He said again.

During this time, the refugees and beggars around looked at Luo Zhongliang enviously.

I signaled Luo Zhongliang to get up, and after he stood up, he bowed his head and stood in front of me more respectfully.

I glanced around and noticed a more eager look.

This look comes from Zhang Jiugua.

He pursed his lips, clenched his five fingers, and his body trembled slightly.

I didn't look at him any more, and after scanning the crowd, I said to Luo Zhongliang, "Come with me."

Stepping forward, I headed down the mountain.

Luo Zhongliang followed me closely, and after a while, I took him to the foot of the back mountain.

A stream flows along the side of the mountain, converges into a larger pool from the front of the mountain, and forms a ditch in the distance, flowing in a further direction.

"I said before that this temple was not moved by me."

"This matter is your business, it is your cause and effect, so you should do it yourself." I looked into the distance and said softly.

Luo Zhongliang was extremely serious and listened attentively.

His attitude made me even more satisfied. With my hands behind my back, I said: "I want to teach you the yin technique, which is feng shui for the yin house. Although this technique is only half of the yin and yang technique, its content is extremely complicated. It is also based on feng shui in the yin house."

"There are some taboos in the art of geography, and now I can only teach you Yin art."

Luo Zhongliang was more serious, he didn't show any other emotions: "Master, please tell me."

I nodded, raised my finger and pointed to the mountain behind, and said: "The feng shui of the Yin House takes the dragon veins as the core, and is named after the image."

"The winding and undulating mountain has a torrential momentum, just like a winding and galloping dragon."

"Water meanders and rushes, and it is also a dragon."

"Dragon has yin and yang, and feng shui requires yin and yang to reconcile and complement each other. If there is sand but no water, don't look at the mountains. Sand and water depend on each other, which is a good place for feng shui."

"Three years of searching for dragons, ten years of acupoint acupuncture, the profoundness of Yin and Feng Shui requires you to study for decades before you can go deep into the door."

I only stopped talking to Luo Zhongliang for an hour.

I mainly told him the part of getting started with the house classics, but he couldn't remember too much.

If you can't chew too much, and start slowly to lay a solid foundation, he will definitely be able to learn Yin-Yang Art steadily and steadily.

Let Luo Zhongliang go up the mountain to go back to the temple, so I didn't stay any longer and went back to Feng Village.

At about midnight, in the main room, He Zhi was still waiting for me, and there was still food on the table.

"How about that child?" He Zhi asked me softly.

I nodded and said, "Very good."

He Zhi was relieved a lot, she smiled, and told me that she also thought Luo Zhongliang was good.

Afterwards, after I had eaten, I was going to rest with He Zhi.

As soon as the door was pushed open, hurried footsteps came from outside the courtyard again.

Turning around to look, isn't it He Qiyue who came running?

She was alone and very pale.

"Something went wrong!" He Qiyue shouted to me in a panic while entering the hospital.

"What happened?" I frowned.

He Qiyue's chest heaved up and down, and she said out of breath: "While fishing for the corpse of the water ghoul, a witch found a corpse and salvaged it ashore. It was a murderous corpse that had turned green. "

"We were planning to suppress its corpse and distribute it to the wolf mastiffs for nourishment at that time, but the corpse has not fallen down. It has deep resentment, and the ghost woman intends to directly divide it. Let's go to the town together. After beheading, the corpse broke the talisman and hit the ghost woman."

"He hurt a lot of people and is now barely under control."

My face changed suddenly, and I said in a low voice: "The green corpse, do you dare to divide the corpse directly?"

He Qiyue's face was flushed, and there was anxiety in his eyes.

"I" came to her lips, but couldn't come out.

He Zhi frowned slightly, and she said softly: "It's about the red mastiff, which made them so eager to get it done that they saw the green corpse, so they wanted to join hands. Let's go and see."

There was only one horse left in the courtyard, so I didn't let He Qiyue follow. After getting on the horse with He Zhi, we rushed towards Yangjiang.

When we got to the bank of the river, there were a lot of corpses of water ghouls piled up on the bank, as well as many witches.

About twenty ghost women formed a circle, and there was a corpse standing upright in the center.

The corpse showed bluish skin under the moonlight, its eyes were closed, and the corners of its mouth were drawn into a line.

There is a deep scar on its neck where the bones can be seen. If the wound is deeper, the bones may be broken and the head will be decapitated.

Next to the corpse, there was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Obviously, this is the ghost woman who was recruited.

He Zhi and I got off the horse and walked to the front of the crowd.

He Zhi whispered: "Soul-locking sand, soul-suppressing bell, crushing corpses."

I took a closer look, and sure enough, the surrounding witches were holding a slender cinnabar red rope, and there was a copper bell hanging on the position facing each ghost woman.

My eyes fell on the corpse in the center again, I squinted my eyes slightly, and took out the golden ruler directly.

"Get out of the way." I said in a low voice.

Those ghost women looked suspicious, and someone whispered: "Mr. Li is very fierce, so many people have directly bumped into He Youqiong."

The ghost who spoke was obviously pointing at the ghost who was bumped into.

"It's okay, you don't get out of the way, I can't break his bump."

After I said this, those ghost women carefully loosened the cinnabar red thread.

The corpse in the center suddenly felt damp.

The cyan fuzz clings to the skin, making it almost impossible to see.

The ghost woman next to it, He Youqiong, suddenly trembled twice.

I frowned and looked at He Youqiong's face.

A look of sudden death appeared on his face in an instant, and black air poured into his mouth!

My expression changed suddenly, and I pressed the golden ruler directly towards the center of his brow with the sunny side!

When I dropped the ruler, his face returned to normal a little bit.

But the next moment, he fell to the ground.

The eyes that were opened were slack, without the slightest expression.

"Lost soul? My pupils constricted and I was uncertain.

"Yin Yang, look at the hands of this green corpse." He Zhi pointed at the corpse and said in a little surprise.

I looked up and looked at the green corpse next to me.

His hand did not know when it was lifted up, pointing in the direction of the south.

And he opened his eyes, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Facing south" I quickly deduced in my mind.

After a while, my thoughts settled down, and I murmured: "Come on, soon."

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