Originally, I asked He Qiyue and the others to leave too, but they refused and insisted on following me.

I let them be equal next to each other.

As time passed, the fishing boats on the river kept coming and going, and the fishermen and boatmen were all working hard to survive.

I'm waiting here for another reason.

After all, so many poisonous corpses were cast, although it is almost impossible for Huasha's corpse to be salvaged, but it still needs attention.

If it hurts the lives of ordinary people, not only will it bear the cause and effect, but it will not be worth the loss.

The sky gradually darkened, and when it was getting dark, He Qiyue went to get some food.

We just ate and continued to wait by the river.

It was completely dark that day, and there were not many fishing boats on the river, only a few left.

A fishing boat was a little closer to us.

They are raising the net.

The heavy fishing net was dragged by five or six people along the side of the boat.

Not long after, someone suddenly yelled in horror: "Fuck! Water ghoul!"

Those few people were so frightened that their souls disappeared, they threw their fishing nets, and the fishing boat sailed away at high speed.

The net was pulled up to the surface of the water, and when it was released, several corpses floated out of the water.

Dark hair, round head, half face floating above the water, wide-open eyes, revealing hatred and ferocity

These are indeed the corpses of water ghouls.

He Qiyue showed excitement, and she murmured: "It works!"

The rest of the witches were extremely excited!He kept staring at the water, almost without taking his eyes off it.

At the same time, the few remaining boats on the water also pulled their nets.

Then, like the first fishing boat, they fled at high speed

The corpses of water ghouls kept floating on the water surface. The densely packed corpses gradually gave people a feeling of scalp numbness.

Even among the pitch-black bodies of water ghouls, occasionally there are one or two pale figures

The night passed quickly.

At least a hundred of the water ghouls on the surface of the Yangjiang River have surfaced, and they are still emerging

I took out the town object compass I picked up earlier, took out the Yin dagger, and carved a few words on it.

"Li Yinyang, who is the geographer, wiped out the water ghouls in the Yangjiang River. If there are treacherous people, I will kill them."

Then, I directly buried the town object compass in a place under my feet.

The reason for doing this is also that I am afraid that the person will not know that I did it.

In this way, he will definitely find me!

"In July, arrange for a few ghost women to watch here, and then find a fishing boat to collect the corpses of the water ghouls and burn them all to prevent the yin corpse poison from affecting the people."

He Qiyue hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Wolf mastiffs are not afraid of the poison of ghosts. My mother-in-law didn't raise wolf mastiffs, but all ghost mothers did. It's just that those wolf mastiffs are still very weak, most of them are equivalent to black mastiffs." They didn't bring the power of Sha this time, so I think there will be a lot of benefits if we can divide the body of the water ghoul and bring it home."

After He Qiyue finished speaking, the witches around her nodded and said yes, and they even longed to look at the white water ghoul corpse in the water.

Obviously, the white water ghouls are more fierce, and they desire their corpses more.

I thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Be careful."

He Qiyue nodded heavily.

I let Dun Kong stay here to help, and returned to the village with He Zhi.

The two of us took a short rest for a long time, He Zhi woke up, continued to comprehend the Zhaijing, and deepened Tianyuan Xiangshu.

As the sky was approaching evening, I walked towards the back mountain.

I told Luo Zhongliang before and told him to prepare.

It's almost time for me to meet him.

Half of the setting sun was hidden in the clouds on the horizon, and the burning clouds were red and dazzling, and even formed the appearance of a unicorn, which seemed to be an auspicious omen.

When I arrived at the back mountain, the setting sun had just faded, and night was coming.

I stood under an old tree, stopped for a while, and looked at the temple with a faint smile.

The temple is very lively.

Many refugees and beggars are taking out the items they begged that day.

Luo Zhongliang gathered them in public and arranged for their use.

Zhang Jiugua and Zhang Er are on the edge of the temple gate.

Zhang Er looked at the temple helplessly, his mouth squirmed, as if he was talking about something.

As a result, Zhang Jiugua raised his hand and slapped him directly on the head.

I heard Zhang Jiugua say: "Don't be so narrow-minded, how can I have such a stupid brother like you, who is nothing."

Zhang Er rubbed his head with a look of frustration.

I shook my head, walked out from under the tree, and headed straight for the door.

When I got closer, Luo Zhongliang and the others also found me.

The eyes of many refugees and beggars are full of respect.

Luo Zhongliang was even more respectful, and he immediately walked towards me.

I stopped in front of the door, Luo Zhongliang stood straight, and bowed to me again.

"Ready?" I asked.

Luo Zhongliang nodded immediately, and he gestured for me to look at the right side of the temple.

There is a big long table over there, on which there are three offerings, a wine jar, and a book of documents.

"Bring it out," I said.

Luo Zhongliang immediately turned his head and said in a low voice, "Follow me."

Several refugees and beggars stepped forward and followed Luo Zhongliang to carry the table.

After a while, the long table was carried to the open space in front of the temple.

In addition to the things on the table, Luo Zhongliang took out incense candles and copper tripods from the temple.

They arranged the tribute, and Luo Zhongliang stood beside him, sweating slightly on his forehead, looking at me nervously.

I walked to the table, took out the earth branch pen and Tiangan inkstone, and after grinding the ink, I took the document in front of me.

I picked up the pen and dipped it in the ink, and the ink-soaked tip fell onto the paper, and I wrote in a rustle.

After a while, the paperwork was filled.

Picking up the document, I looked back at Luo Zhongliang.

Luo Zhongliang looked even more nervous.

I smiled kindly and said, "Don't be afraid, this is your chance."

With Luo Zhongliang's thin body, he stood up a little bit.

Before I could speak again, he knelt down straight on the ground, and his body tilted again.

I nodded in satisfaction, held the document in my hand, and said in a deep voice, "Luo Shi has a son named Zhongliang, who is kind-hearted and loyal."

"It was the year of Gengzi, the month of Yiyou, the day of [-], and the time of Bailu. I accepted him as a disciple of Yinshu."

After speaking, I looked down at Luo Zhongliang.

Luo Zhongliang's shoulders were trembling all the time, he raised his head, his eyes were slightly red.

He kowtowed and began to salute me!

After kneeling three times and knocking nine times, he picked up the wine jar, poured a bowl of wine, and handed it to me respectfully.

He obviously suppressed the trembling in his tone, and said, "Master, please."

After taking the wine bowl, I looked deeply at Luo Zhongliang, and said, "When you enter the gate of geology and public opinion, you need to keep a few rules in mind."

"One, you need to treat people with kindness."

"Secondly, it is absolutely not allowed to use Yin Art to do evil things, and Yin Art cannot be passed on to others."

"Third, uphold the behest of the ancestors, and be careful of the common people in the world."

"Did you know?" I said harshly.

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