Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 729 Major Events

"Well, what then?" Li Chu nodded.

There must be something wrong here, otherwise Xu Damao wouldn't say that he was almost cheated.

"After I read the property right certificate, I agreed to give him the money first, but because the bank was off work late that day, the money was not withdrawn, so we changed it to the next morning when the bank went to work and we went there. Fortunately, I didn’t have enough cash on hand at the time.”

Speaking of this, Xu Damao still has lingering fears.

"That night there was a table of guests in the restaurant, two of whom I knew, so I ran over to offer a toast to them. At that time, a person I didn't know on the table was saying that there was a yard over the Huguo Temple that was sold for two days. Well, I heard that a fool fell in love with it, and whoever bought that house would be cheated.

As soon as I heard it, I hurriedly asked a question. For the sake of my two friends, they told me that the property right certificate held by the person who sold my house was all fake, and he was not the owner of the house at all. , just to take care of the house temporarily for others, the real owner of the house is in the south, and he will come back in half a year.He just wanted to cheat a sum of money, so he ran away and went out to be cool.

Brother Chu, you don’t know, I was scared to death at the time, it was only a little bit short, if we went to the bank 5 minutes earlier in the afternoon, my money would probably be gone. "

"And then, what did you do?"

"Then I can make him comfortable. The next morning, I took two police officers there, and the boy was arrested on the spot. With the contact of the police, the real owner of the house the day before yesterday had returned. The boy this time Don’t think about it if you don’t sit for ten years.”

"Since you met the owner, you didn't ask him if the house is for sale?"

"I asked, how can I not ask, the price is [-] yuan." Xu Damao said a little depressed, it was not easy to come across a yard that he happened to like with clear property rights, but the price turned out to be a bit expensive.

This Li Chu can't help it. Whether the price is expensive or not, from the perspective of future generations, this is the price of cabbage, and you can buy as much as you have.

But judging from the current market price, it is quite expensive.

After hesitating for a while, he still said: "Da Mao, if you really like this yard, you can actually buy it. After all, you bought it not for living, but for doing business. The restaurant has been open for so long, you It should also be able to see that the economy of our country is constantly going up, and people will gradually have more and more money in their hands in the future.

And what will you do when you have money?It must be consumption, and the house is just needed. No matter what, you have to have a place to live. If you get married and have a wife, there must be a difference between those who have a house and those who don’t, right?


"So Brother Chu, do you still think that housing prices will continue to rise in the future?" Xu Damao interjected and asked.

"The rise will definitely rise, but this process may be relatively slow, so you have to consider whether it is worthwhile."

The real first wave of housing price increases should have started in the year when the housing reform policy was implemented. Li Chu couldn't remember the exact year, but it must have been 2000 years ago.

Now a house of [-] square meters only costs about [-] yuan, but by then it seems that it will directly rise to [-] per square meter.

Anyway, now you can buy whatever you want with your eyes closed, as long as you can transfer the ownership, you will not suffer losses, it is nothing more than holding it in your hand for a few more years.

His words also made Xu Damao silent, he picked up the cup and kept drinking water, Li Chu picked up the kettle and added some water for him.

Can he take out [-] yuan?

Certainly, but the question is whether it is worth it, and the other is whether to buy it in the name of a restaurant or in the name of an individual, he needs to think carefully about these.

"Brother Chu, I'll go back and discuss it with Xiao'e. After all, this is a big deal, and we have to think it through."

"That's necessary. You should also ask your father-in-law's opinion. He has been in business for decades, and he was able to succeed in that era of chaos. His vision and methods must be much better than ours."

Xu Damao nodded silently: "Okay, I know Brother Chu, I don't want to disturb you anymore, I'll go back first. Remember to save some more for me when the medicine is ready."

"Don't worry you."

After seeing him off, Li Chu returned to the office, picked up Xu Damao's recorded reaction after taking the medicine, and looked at it.

Counting him here, a total of ten people took that medicine. Compared with the reactions of other people after taking the medicine before, they were basically the same.

Not much different from what he expected.

In the next wave, I have to find these people to try, to see the problem of drug resistance, don't let him eat five or six or ten pills and then have no reaction, then it will be a big trouble.

Personally, it is really a headache to do such a large-scale drug test.

Take your time, step by step steadily when walking, so as not to fall.

Thinking of this, he glanced at his watch, it was almost time for dinner, and just when he was about to go to the cafeteria with his wife, he remembered that he went to the headquarters for a meeting today.

As soon as he went to work in the afternoon, Wang Jiayuan ran over to find him.

As soon as he entered the office, he threw a bunch of keys on his desk.

"Uncle, what do you mean? Compensate me?"

"That's right, it's to compensate you."

He recognized it so directly, and even made Jiayuan confused.

"It was agreed to give you the house left by your grandma and grandpa, but now because of special reasons, I want that house back again, and I will definitely compensate you."

"Uncle, I'm your niece, should I use this?"

"It's not a question of whether to use it or not, it's necessary. You can't make me a person who doesn't keep my word, can you?"

"But we have a house."

"Then leave this house to your two sons."

"The child's surname is Uncle Lin. Besides, they are only young. It's too early to prepare a house now."

"Which one's surname is Lin or not? It's as if he's not your child. That's fine, don't mess with me here. If you give it to you, you can take it. These two houses are only semi-property right now, and there is no property right certificate, so You take care of the house purchase procedures."

Since getting the two rooms in the courtyard house last year, he has been trying to build a new house for his niece. After a lot of entrusting people, he finally got two half-property houses in Haidian, which were newly built. , because of some irregularities, the formalities were just completed, and his friend just sent the key over this morning.

Wang Jiayuan looked at the procedures and keys of the house in the morning, and she was stunned. She forgot about it, but she didn't expect her uncle to still think about it all the time, and even bought two sets for her directly, which made her A little overwhelmed, not knowing whether to accept it or not.



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