Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 728 Fairness

The first day of the new year this year is February [-]th, three days before the Spring Festival, Xu Damao and the others, one after another, reported back the effects of taking the medicine.

And the first thing they said when they saw Li Chu was...

"Brother Chu, do you still have this medicine?"

"No, the second batch of medicine is still a few days away."

"Ah, if I knew it earlier, I would have given less to others."

"I'm in a hurry to get the effect here, so tell me this."

"Hey, isn't this working well, I'm worried it won't last."

"I can't continue with anything. Exercising more is better than taking medicine."

"Brother Chu, please forgive me. I have to ride a bicycle to collect vegetables and meat every day. I don't have time to exercise."

"Okay, I'll give you more when the next batch of medicine comes out."

"Hey, thank you Brother Chu. By the way, do you know what happened to Qinhuai Runa Hotel?"

"I don't know. Why do I care about her when I have nothing to do all day?"

"Let me tell you, Brother Chu, her restaurant will soon be dying even if it's not yellow."

"Huh? How do you say it? Didn't He Yuzhu help her, how could it be yellow?"

"Heh, he, He Yuzhu, can help, but the problem is, there is no food or meat, even if he has great skills, he can't help."

"He Yuzhu has been a cook for so many years, is there any connection with him?"

"Brother Chu, you don't work in restaurants, so you don't know much about this business." Xu Damao picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of water.

"He Yuzhu does have this connection. He knows many chefs in restaurants in Forty-Nine City, but so what? Can he bring meat from other people's restaurants to their restaurants?

The relationship is good, maybe once or twice is fine, but who can give you a part every day, my restaurant is closed? "

"Isn't it possible to buy meat for free in the vegetable market now?"

"It's true that you can buy it, but every year until the fourth quarter, that is, at the end of the year, the meat in the vegetable market must be given priority to ensure residents, that is, those who have a ticket, and those who don't have a ticket, you should wait first.

Let’s be honest, Brother Chu, those who can go to a restaurant to eat these days don’t go there just to eat meat. When you go to your restaurant once, there’s no meat, and when you go twice, there’s no meat. As a chef, you can stir-fry vegetables. Flowers come, it’s useless without meat and vegetables, you can try to see if there are still people going. "

What Xu Damao said is true, now whether it is a gathering of friends at a restaurant or a meal at work, if you order ten dishes for a table, at least seven or eight meat dishes will be ordered.

Everyone lacks oil and water in their stomachs, and no one will dislike fatty meat slices.

He Yuzhu is now a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

"How do you know this?"

"I was a kitchen helper. I met a young man who followed He Yuzhu the other day. The two chatted and found out. The young man said that they are a little worried about whether they can still pay their salary in January."

Li Chu shook his head and said: "Who can blame this, the road is all walked out by oneself."

"Hasn't He Yuzhu looked for Cui Chunmei in this period of time?"

"Look, why didn't I look for it, but how could he find it so easily? Didn't Xiao'e help her find someone to transfer her account here? She changed the names of her three children, and her two daughters also transferred their accounts to this place. The school has reached the eighth primary school, and the youngest son is going to a nursery on the side of Qianmen Street."

"She's hitting

Make up your mind, never get back together with He Yuzhu again. "

"Well, Xiao'e also asked her specifically, and Chunmei said that He Yuzhu is a dog who can't change his shit. She will never get back together with him in her life, and she will never find another person. She will take care of him alone. The child passed."

"Alas~" Li Chu sighed and said, "Have Chunmei thought about it, she takes care of three children by herself, how will she live in the future?"

Xu Damao spread his hands helplessly: "Who can do anything about it, but she is with me now, I pay her 120 yuan a month, and then Xiao'e will secretly count the votes for her, which is enough for their mother Four live."

"It's not a long-term thing to live behind the hotel. Didn't she take away all the money from the family when she divorced? Tell Xiao'e to tell her that if she has the opportunity and ability, it's best to Buy a house to live in."

Cui Chunmei is also unlucky enough for a woman like He Yuzhu in her second marriage.

"Don't talk about it, Brother Chu, Chunmei has already thought of the person you are talking about, and she has already asked Xiao'e to help her pay attention. Is there any house at the Food Bureau?"

"You think too much, the house is all over."

"Didn't I help find a house all the time? Chunmei wants to buy a flat instead of living in a courtyard."

"Didn't your family have two apartments in the steel mill? Xiao'e's father lives in one, and there is another one that is vacant."

"I don't want it, because I think I live close to Qin Huairu."

"Then there is no way, you can ask someone to ask the woolen mill and the thermal power plant. Last year, these two units were arguing to build a house, or the high-rise building in the front three gates.

But if you are buying that high-rise, it is not a property right now, and you must change the user. When you can buy it in a few years, you will pay for it and buy it completely. "

Xu Damao felt a toothache when he heard this: "This is too troublesome."

"No way, it's the same no matter where you buy a house now, just like the house in your factory. At that time, it was a house with property rights, but one of you got the property right certificate."

"That's right, Brother Chu, what do you think is going on?"

"Policy issues will be resolved in a few years."

What Li Chu didn't say was that it's true that you will be able to get the property right certificate in a few years, but there is a prerequisite for getting it, that is, you have to pay a part of the money, otherwise you still don't even think about it.

Or because of the nature of the land, the property rights certificates issued in the future will not be the same color, but red and green. What is the difference between the two?

"Da Mao, have you been looking for the yard for several months and still can't find it?"

"Don't mention it." As soon as he mentioned this lawsuit, Xu Damao was in a hurry. "Almost cheated."

"What's the situation? You, a person who is more delicate than a monkey with stained hair, can still be deceived?"

"I was really almost cheated this time. Someone introduced me to a courtyard near the Huguo Temple in the west of the city. I went to see it and it was pretty good. The asking price was [-]. "

"That's okay, what's the matter?"

"Yeah, I also think it's suitable, but the seller has a condition, I have to give him the money first, he puts those procedures on me first, and he can't go to the house until he comes back from the south.

He said he was selling the house because he was in a hurry to go to the South to pay for it, otherwise he wouldn't have sold it so cheaply, and the person who finished it showed me all the property rights certificates. "



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