Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 715 Investigation

Xu Damao is no longer the jerk he was 20 years ago. In the past few years, he has really devoted himself to the restaurant, so he shouldn't be messing around with other moths.

However, Li Chu was not sure about this point, after all, people were separated from each other.

Just like his little brother-in-law, didn't he play tricks when he had some money?

Maybe it was because she had finished crying when she first met Ding Qiunan. Since she saw Li Chu, Lou Xiaoe didn't shed a single tear, but the anxious expression on her face was very obvious.

Twenty minutes later, the phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Li Chu."


"Jiadong, tell me."


"Taifeng? Are you sure?" Li Chu raised his head and glanced at Lou Xiaoe.


"Okay, then we won't go there, you pick up the person and send it to me directly. Jiadong, don't come here hard, if it doesn't work, let me know in time, I'll think of another way."


"Okay, stay safe."

"It's not a big problem, Xiao'e. It's true that she's not from the east of the city, but from Taifeng. Jiadong is going to pick up Damao now. If there's no accident, I'll be here later."

"Huh~" Lou Xiao'e seemed to relax after hearing Li Chu's words, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God" She folded her hands and bowed to the sky.

"Brother Chu, when I came here, I was afraid that they were fake."

Let alone her, after hearing what Lou Xiao'e said just now, Li Chu wondered if it was the kidnapper.

Now as long as it is confirmed that the police took it away, at least life safety is no problem.

If Xu Damao really did something illegal, he would just cooperate with the investigation.

Here the three of them are waiting anxiously, while Wang Jiadong has already driven to the Taifeng branch.

After he arrived, he went over to sign for others and brought Xu Damao out.

It wasn't much of a problem at all.

How should I put it, Xu Damao has caught up.

Sijiucheng just investigated a batch of parallel imports some time ago, the owner of the goods ran away, and some of the goods were sold. The police really don't know what was sold, so they are investigating the whole situation.

And just at this time, someone reported that there were a lot of air conditioners of unknown origin in his place. They first checked in private and found that the origin was really unknown. At least the commercial department of Sijiu City had never had this batch of goods.

So if people don't take him away, who will they take?

As for why it was reported to Taifeng, ha ha!

After walking to the side of the car, Wang Jiadong handed Xu Damao a cigarette, lit it for him and asked, "Boss Xu, do you know who reported you?"

"I'm still confused. The air conditioner in our hotel has been installed for two months. Why did he report it at this time, and he still came to this district."

"Oh, yes, the ticket you mentioned really exists, right?"

"This is definitely there. I was just worried that it would come out, so when I asked someone to buy it, I specifically asked for it. It must be able to issue a ticket from the local business department."

"Well, that's fine, you give me the ticket tomorrow, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"to make"

"As for who reported you, don't worry about it. Just think about it and give me a list of possible candidates. I will tell you when I find out. You should keep a low profile during this time."

. "

"I see. Listen to you. After I go back, I won't even go to restaurants except for necessary purchases in the past few days."

"Well, let's talk about it after you've dealt with it thoroughly. Let's go and get in the car, and I'll take you to my uncle."

"It must have been my daughter-in-law who ran over to tell your uncle."

"Taifeng's matter is easy to solve. I just want to find out who reported you. I think it may be a little difficult. Don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry, I've always thought of revenge for a gentleman, ten years is not too late."

"Don't think too much, it's not a big deal, just contact me as soon as you think of something."

"no problem."

Xu Damao's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

He has always played tricks, but he didn't expect to be tricked by others this time. Although there is no loss, the main thing is disgusting people.

It's also fortunate that none of the old people in the family live with them now, otherwise the old man and the old lady might be surprised by the posture at that moment.

There were no cars or people on the road at night, so Wang Jiadong stepped on the gas pedal and rushed towards home.

"I won't go in after I leave you at the intersection. I'm still on duty at the bureau, so I can't leave for too long. Tell my uncle."


The three people in the living room were chatting one after another, and the dogs lying in the middle of the living room all stood up and moved their ears.

"They must be here, I'll open the door, you two sit first."

Li Chu stood up and walked outside.

Seeing him go out, Lou Xiaoe said with some embarrassment: "Qiu Nan, go to the bathroom and help me look at the hip bone. It seems that I fell too, and it still hurts after such a long time."

"Why didn't you just say that, let's go."

"Brother Chu is here, I'm embarrassed to say."

"One day, even if he knows that he is a doctor, what's the matter? You go to the hospital and meet a male doctor and don't look at it."

Ding Qiunan picked up the medicine on the table, supported Lou Xiaoe's arm, and walked to the bathroom.

"Qiu Nan, there are only four dogs left in your family. How many other dogs are there?"

"Hey, you still don't feel pain, and you still have other thoughts. Those four are helping to look after the children in Wenxuan's room."

"Can they still help with babysitting?"

"Why not, the dogs in front of Wenxuan and Wenhui helped take care of them when they were young, and they didn't fall and cry when they were toddlers, it's all thanks to them."

"Then when your dog gives birth to puppies, give me two."

"You don't want it all the time."

"Now I want to raise it."

"No problem, I'll give you two hugs when I regenerate."


As soon as Li Chu opened the door and went out, he saw Xu Damao turning around.

"Brother Chu, I've caused you trouble."

"I just made a phone call and went in to see your daughter-in-law. I came here in a hurry just now, and I fell down while riding a bicycle, and my hands were scratched."

"Huh? It's in the living room, right?"

He asked like this, and his feet were already running, and he didn't care about being afraid of dogs now.

When Li Chu closed the door and returned to the living room, he saw Xu Damao walking around in circles.

"What's the matter? Where's the person?"

"In the bathroom, it's said that it was also injured here, and my sister-in-law is helping to apply medicine."

Xu Damao pointed to the hip bone.

"It's nothing serious. I can still walk. My bones are fine. Let's sit down first." Li Chu poured him a glass of water and put it on the coffee table.

The door of the bathroom over there has been opened, and as soon as Lou Xiaoe came out, she saw her man. She couldn't hold back the tears she had been holding back for a long time, and didn't care about being shy or not, so she threw herself into his arms and cried .



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