Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 714 Divide

"Huh? I didn't tell you, Qiu Nan." Lou Xiao'e remembered that she had said it before.

"No, I don't know anything about it." Ding Qiunan shook his head blankly.

"Hey, Qin Huairu has rented out all the shops now, and seems to be painting the walls these two days."

"Where did it open?"

"It's not far from their home, over Jingshan."

"So Chunmei doesn't care if He Yuzhu lends her money?"

"We don't know whether to borrow it or not. It must be no problem to find the money, but his apprentice has passed."

"Hey, if Qin Huai can do it, he said that he wanted to open a restaurant and it's done." Ding Qiunan said with emotion.

"By the way, what about her two daughters? They left your store?"

"Xiao Dang left, Huaihua didn't want to leave no matter what, because she had a falling out with her mother and her sister, and moved out of the house. Now I let her live behind the shop."

This was beyond the expectations of Li Chu and Ding Qiunan, they all thought that the two children would definitely go back to help her mother.

"Why is Sophora japonica unwilling to leave?"

"I also asked about this later. The reason why she didn't want to go there was because she heard what her mother and grandma said that day."

Lou Xiao'e took a sip of water from the cup on the coffee table, and then continued: "She said that she heard clearly that day, her mother and her grandma said that the restaurant was opened for her brother, and all the money she earned was left to her brother. with.

As for the wages for the two of them, her mother said that anyway, they both have to pay home every month. Our store has just opened and has not yet made any money. In the future, they will be given ten yuan of pocket money every month. That's fine, the rest will be handed over to the family, and we will take care of food and shelter for the two of them.Besides, the two of them will get married sooner or later, why do they need so much money, they will all belong to their mother-in-law's family in the future.

Because of this, Huaihua told me that her heart suddenly became cold. She also told her sister, and advised her to think carefully, but Xiao Dang just refused to listen, saying that her mother would not do that, and told her There was also a big fight.

Because she didn't want to go back, Qin Huairu led her mother-in-law to our store to make trouble. Later, a waiter ran to call the police station, and they left. "

Boy, how long has it been, one thing after another.

"Little girl Huaihua is fine, she is a strong-willed girl."

"How should I put it, this girl is indeed a little brighter than her sister's head. She has been staying with me for the past two years and has seen a lot. She knows what is good for her."

"Xiao Dang will be pitiful in the future, but she chose this path herself."

"Da Mao and I plan to wait for the opening of Qinhuai Rujia's restaurant, Huaihua will not leave, and then hand over all the management over there, except for purchasing."

Ding Qiunan just nodded after hearing this. She never intervenes in the management of other people's restaurants.

"Brother Chu, let me rent the courtyard in the east as well." After his wife stopped talking, Xu Damao said.

"Don't worry, it will take at least a year to tidy up over there, maybe it will be the next year, you can look for it first and see if there is any suitable one."

"There are a few that sell houses." Xu Damao said with a wry smile: "There is a house that is similar to your yard, with two entrances, but there is no back garden, but the property rights of his backyard are in the hands of the street office.

It is impossible to sell. "

"Then you can buy the front one, and rent the latter one for a few more years."

"I think so too, but they don't let me start work."

Well, then there is no way to recruit, and if they are not allowed to clean up, there is no way to open a private restaurant.

"I found out that there are a few others for sale, but they are all detached houses, and the prices are quite outrageous."

Once the wages were adjusted this time, the prices of many things increased accordingly.

Although even if its price increases, you will not lose money if you buy it now, but judging from the current consumption level, it is indeed expensive.

Then these houses could not be sold at all in the past six months. After the next year or the year after, those homeowners saw that they were not good enough and lowered their prices, and then they began to circulate slowly.

Li Chu does not plan to buy any more at all now, because there are many yards for sale now, but they were all demolished in the early 90s. It is conceivable how much compensation will be given for the demolition.

"I remember that it's not far from your home. Is there a yard with two entrances that also has independent property rights? Haven't you asked?"

"I know that the one you mentioned is not an independent property. It belongs to two companies, and they don't plan to sell it."

What can I do if I don't sell you.

"Then what about the courtyard of the two rooms where your father-in-law lived?"

"That's even more messy. Several houses are public rental housing."

There are quite a lot of courtyard houses in the east and west districts of the city, but there are actually not many houses with clear property rights, and most of the rest are public rental housing. In order to live in the courtyard.

"You can look for it again. If it doesn't work, it's not impossible for me to pack it up and rent it to you."

"Yes, with your words, I feel relieved, at least I have a way out."

Xu Damao glanced at the watch on the wall, patted his thigh and stood up: "Okay, brother Chu, sister-in-law, I really bothered you because of my affairs today, it's already eleven o'clock, we two go back, you should go early have a rest."

"Okay, the bicycle probably has a chain stuck or something else. The rear wheel doesn't spin at all. I'll send it to the bicycle repairer at the intersection tomorrow morning. You will remember to pick it up when you come back."

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

"Don't be too polite, Xiao'e, the place where you applied the medicine should not see water today or tomorrow, it will be fine the day after tomorrow."


"Let's go, let's take you two out." Li Chu stood up and patted Xu Damao's shoulder: "Don't do things that are not black and white in the future. This time is luck, but it may not be the case next time. If you really want to investigate, even if you have a ticket, you can check it.

First throw you in and close it for ten days and a half months to check slowly, not to mention whether the business will be affected, and people will suffer a lot if they are inside. "

"Understood, I will definitely not dare to do this again in the future."

"Okay, just know what's in your heart."

"Hey Brother Chu, the paging station will be ready soon, I'll get you that pager then."

"Don't, I don't want that thing."

During this period of time, the paging station and the pager were the most talked about by the common people, and they all said that it would be easier to find someone with this thing.

But Li Chu is really not interested in this thing at all. It’s expensive. It’s said that there are thousands of sets. That’s not counting the paging fee. Why do you want this stuff.



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