Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 701 Rejection

Looking at Fatty's somewhat lost back, Master Cao shook his head.

It's also his fault that he was so mean just now, somehow he got involved in the bowl that Li Chu let him see.

Being pestered by this fat man for most of the day, he was almost bored to death.

He dared to bet that this guy would come to look for him within two days, thinking of this, Master Cao yelled.

"Ma boy, you come back."

The fat man who had almost reached the store's entrance was startled, and immediately turned around and ran back.

"Come on, sir."

"Boy, do you believe my vision?" Master Cao asked the fat man back into the hut after closing the door.

"Master, look at what you said, I don't believe anyone has to believe your vision."

"That's enough, boy, don't be poor. I know you will definitely come to torture me in two days if you don't give up. Let me put it this way, one hundred thousand, I gave up this old face, and I can get you that bowl."

"How much?" The fat man's eyes protruded as if he had hyperthyroidism.

Master Cao leaned back on the chair, and the old god picked up the tea mug on the table and took a sip of water.

"Master, are you kidding me?"

"Is it okay for me to joke with you, I'm so full and full?"

"Isn't this too outrageous?" Fatty still couldn't accept such an exaggerated price.

"Boy, is it really an exaggeration? You just became addicted to picking up mistakes in the past two years, not everyone has never seen the world."

"Even so, it's a bit too expensive."

"Hehe, you can do it yourself, no one is forcing you to buy it, but if you don't want it, don't mention that you want to see it when you come to me in the future."

"Master, is this price still suitable?"

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? I have to rub this old face for a hundred thousand dollars."

"Can I get something else instead?"

"Hey, you kid, I told you that people don't collect collections."

"Then if I can raise the money, can I really buy something?"

Hearing this, Master Cao was also taken aback for a moment, he said that in fact just to let the fat man get out of trouble.

"Boy, don't you really want to buy it?"

"Didn't you say you can buy it, sir?"

"One hundred thousand, but, where did you get so much money?"

"You don't have to worry about it, I have my own way. You just say that I can buy things if I bring the money?"

Now Master Cao was a little numb. He was really not sure if he could buy that bowl. Although Li Chu said that that day, who knows if he said it as a joke.

He thought for a while and said, "I won't talk nonsense to you. They did say that they could sell it to me for [-] yuan, but I'm not sure if what they said is true. If you really want it, you can also get the money." , I’ll go and ask tonight.”

This time the fat man sat there frowning and thinking for a long time before he nodded with his lips pursed: "Master, I will definitely get the money within two days."

"Boy, don't cause trouble for your father just because of something outside of you."

"Don't worry, you're old. You've known me since you were young. I'm that kind of person."

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, I'll give up my old face to ask you a question tonight."

That's all I've said, Master Cao doesn't plan to persuade me anymore

, just to ask, if the master refuses immediately, then this kid will not continue to pester him anymore.

After get off work in the afternoon, Liu Dazhuang drove his car into the alley and said, "Director, the last time Master Cao from the trust store was wandering around the intersection, he must have come to see you, right?"

Li Chu, who was sitting in the back row talking to his wife, raised his head and looked through the front window of the car.

"Who is this, which Master Cao?" Ding Qiunan asked curiously.

"Oh, I used to repair porcelain in the museum, but now I'm retired and I'm in charge of identifying things in the front trust store."

"Why is he looking for you?"

"I guess it's because of the bowl."


Before Ding Qiunan could continue to question, the car had already stopped, so she stopped asking. Anyway, if she should know, she would definitely tell her.

After the car stopped, Li Chula opened the door and walked down.

"Old Cao, are you waiting for me?"

"Doctor Li, the old man is indeed here to look for you."

"Then please."

"I won't go in, let's talk here, it's a matter of two sentences."

"That's fine, please tell me."

"Li Chu, you guys talk, I'll go back and cook first."

Ding Qiunan smiled and nodded to Master Cao before heading home.

After Liu Dazhuang parked the car, he stood beside the car.

"Doctor Li, I just came here to ask, do you intend to sell the blue and white unicorn bowl with entangled branches and lotus pattern last time?"

Sure enough, I came here for this bowl, but...

"Old Cao? Do you want it?"

"Hey, to be honest, I really can't afford the old man. I blamed me for talking too much this time. I mentioned this bowl when I was chatting with others, but I was entangled. I insisted on bringing him over to have a look. I was so entangled that I couldn’t do anything about it, so I told him that the master’s family had made a move of [-] yuan. The original intention was to send him away, but I didn’t realize that I really wanted it. Isn’t there nothing I can do? That’s why I came to ask you ask."

"Old Cao, I'm so sorry, I won't sell this bowl." Li Chu refused without even the slightest hesitation.

"Huh? Doctor Li, you really don't want to sell it? In fact, [-] is already a lot."

"It's not a question of more money and less money. It's useless for me to ask for money."


This immediately blocked Master Cao's mouth. People have said that it is useless to ask for money, and it will not work if you raise the price now.

Besides, even if you increase the price, how much can you increase.

"Doctor Lu, I'm rejecting him now."

"Old Cao, why don't you just have a light meal at my house?"

"No, no, I'm cooking at home, it's just a few steps away. I won't bother Dr. Li."

"Okay, Mr. Cao, go slowly."

"Hey, see you later."

After watching Master Cao leave, Li Chugang was about to turn around and go home when a car bell sounded behind "Dinglingling".

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

Looking at his daughter getting off the car, he smiled and said, "I can get off work on time today."

Wen Hui rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes: "That's not all you asked us to do. When did we work overtime before? It was a whole night."

"Isn't that helping your Uncle Jianjun?" Li Chu stretched out his hand to hold the handlebar of the bicycle: "Go, I'll push the bicycle in for you."

"Hmph~ I want to eat barbecue this weekend." Wen Hui took the opportunity to make a request.

"No problem, I will ask the purchaser to help buy some mutton and beef tomorrow, and we will have barbecue tomorrow night."

"Hey, thank you dad."

"Silly girl!"

(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the second update today, and the time for the next chapter is 17:[-]. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)



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