Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 700 Weird

Chen He is still fainting right now.

What do you mean, just treat him as a police officer?So what the hell is he doing?

He glanced at Li Chu and then at Sun Jianjun in surprise. After thinking about it, he still didn't ask, but said, "Brother Chu, just ask if you want to know anything. As long as I know, I will tell you."

"It's about sending people to farms in those years."

This time Chen He was even more surprised. He looked Sun Jianjun up and down carefully, and thought to himself: What's the matter, is this master here to settle old scores?

Li Chu seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "Don't think about it, it's about their case. He wants to ask you about his family to see if you understand the situation."

Chen He felt relieved now, as long as he didn't turn over old scores.

Seeing his eyes looking over, Sun Jianjun cleared his throat and spoke.

"Brother, here's the thing. The people I want to inquire about used to be a couple who worked in the laboratory of a chemical factory. They..."

"Wait a minute" as soon as he heard this, Chen He interrupted Sun Jianjun.

"Are the two couples you're talking about male surnamed Chang? He and his wife both came back from studying in... England?"

"That's right, that's right, Brother Chen knows about the couple?"

At this time, Chen He looked at Sun Jianjun with a little bit of weirdness in his eyes, and now he understood why Li Chu said just now that you just regarded him as a policeman.

"Brother, you are from the security department, right?"

" did you guess that?"

"Hey, those couples really have a problem!"

"Brother Chen, what did you say?" Sun Jianjun stood up abruptly.

Li Chu was also surprised, it seemed that he had found the right person.

"You sit down first, brother... I might as well tell you to build an army. I won't play tricks anymore, just listen to me slowly."

Chen He took a sip of the water that Zhao Zhijun poured just now, and then said: "Actually, I was the one who asked about this matter. If you ask others, no one will know. The one who sent the Chang family to the farm Not my team, we are the third team, and the fourth team sent them there.

The reason why I know about his family is because the vice-captain of the fourth team is ferromagnetic with me. He asked me to drink and told me about it after he came back.

When the fourth team went to his house surnamed Chang, they felt something was wrong. They found a few letters, all of which were written in English. There happened to be one member of their team who had studied English for a while, so he could read it He understood a little bit, but he found that those letters were not academic exchanges, nor were they greetings between friends, but that they could not be read at all, and the preface did not match the postscript.

This person reported this discovery to the team leader, but their team leader didn't take it seriously because he was worried that it would cause trouble. Anyway, these few letters are enough, and he doesn't care what the content is.

And when they sent people there, there were people going to other places in the first half of the journey, and there were a lot of them, so everything was fine, but when only their family was left behind, strange things continued, or Either his daughter-in-law surnamed Chang disappeared, or his son disappeared.

Especially that time with his son, they all searched for the rear of the train from the locomotive but failed to find it. After a while, the child reappeared by himself and asked him where he had gone without saying anything. It's okay, I didn't say anything, and now it's going smoothly

to send people to their destination in Black Province. "

As soon as Chen He finished speaking, Sun Jianjun immediately asked, "Brother, do you know where those letters are?"

"I really don't know about this. Our two teams were not led by the same supervisor back then. I haven't really asked where their things are delivered."

"Then where were the people from the fourth team back then?"

Chen He frowned at this moment, and he said hesitantly: "This is what makes me feel strange, as far as I know, people who visited his house back then died one after another in the past few years. "

"Ahem..." Hearing this, Li Chu couldn't help it anymore. He coughed dryly and said, "Chen He, don't pretend to be a ghost, you boy, just talk about it. What do you mean they all died one after another?"

"I didn't make it clear. According to what the deputy captain of the fourth team said when I chatted with me, I don't know if it's true or not. There were five people who entered Chang's house back then, the captain and the deputy captain. I understand what I just said The guy with a little English, and two other team members, from 1970 to [-], one of these five people died every year due to an accident."

"real or fake?"

"Brother Chu, can I talk nonsense about this?"

"No, you boy, why do you pay attention to the affairs of the fourth team?"

"Hey, didn't the vice-captain come over and tell me? He told me that he suspected that the couple surnamed Chang were not good people, and they might be enemy agents. Otherwise, the few people they were together were so coincidental There was an accident.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the vice-captain was the last one to die. A few days after I finished talking to me, he was hit by a ceiling fan in his office and cut off half of his head.

Two brothers, to be honest, when I heard the news about the vice-captain, I was really terrified, because I didn't know if this kind of thing would come to me, and after two or three years of trembling, I just came back to my senses. "

His words made Li Chu and Sun Jianjun unconsciously look up at the ceiling fan that was turning on the roof, and then looked down at each other.

"Jianjun, congratulations, now you are busy."

Sun Jianjun smiled wryly, then looked at Chen He and asked, "Brother Chen, can you tell me the names of the four teams you mentioned?"

"That's no problem, but there are two people whose names I don't know but their surnames, but their files should be available in the archives."

Immediately he gave the names of the three people he knew, and the surnames of the other two.

After Sun Jianjun wrote all these down in his notebook, he let out a long sigh looking at the notebook.

The situation is getting more and more complicated now. Except for the suspect, they have no clues at all.

As for what he said at the beginning about blood relationship and not blood relationship, it doesn't make any sense to dwell on that now.

"Brother Chen, I ask a question, don't take offense."

"Jianjun, you said, we are all Brother Chu's brothers, so we are our own people, you can ask whatever you want."

"You knew about this back then, why didn't you report it?"

"This..." Chen He really didn't know how to return to this question for a while.

"Your question is all nonsense, kid." At this moment Li Chu spoke.

"Why didn't you report the case? Think carefully about when it was and who did he report the case to?"

(Preview: Dear book lovers, a total of three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 8, and the time will be early

6:11 a.m., 17:[-] noon, [-]:[-] p.m.Thank you for your support and encouragement. )



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