When the leader left, he didn't look relaxed, on the contrary, he was even more worried than when he came.

Li Chu had no choice but to tell the truth.

You can't just talk nonsense just to make him feel at ease.

After watching the car go away, he turned around and was about to go to the office building, when he saw Zhao Zhijun just ran out, and while running, he gestured to him, indicating that there was a call to answer, and pointed to the sky with his finger.

Seeing his gestures, Li Chu, who was still moving slowly, immediately started to run.

In the office, he let out a long breath after putting down the phone.

On the phone just now, that person praised him very much, and said that regardless of whether the investment will land in the end, he will be credited with credit. After all, this is an extra possibility based on his medical skills.

At the same time, he comforted him on the phone, telling him not to think too much, it has nothing to do with him leaving.

In fact, Li Chu didn't take this matter to heart at all, but he still tried his best to look depressed, so that the person on the other end of the phone could hear that he was in a very bad mood.

Sitting on the chair, he first picked up the mug and gulped a few sips of water, then leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes without knowing what he was thinking.

When he heard footsteps outside and opened his eyes, Zhao Zhijun had already reached the door and was about to knock on it.

"Director, a man named Sun Jianjun is looking for you downstairs."

"Jianjun? Oh, let him come up."

Within a few minutes, Zhao Zhijun came up with someone. To Li Chu's surprise, there was another man who looked to be in his fifties.

"Brother Chu, let me introduce you. This is Deputy Director Zeng who is in charge of our investigation department. Deputy Director Zeng, this is Director Li."

"Crack!" The former deputy director stood at attention and saluted very formally.

"Hello, Director Li."

"Director Zeng, you're welcome, please sit down! Zhijun, make two cups of tea."

"Brother Chu, your office is worthy of your rank. Look at your previous office, it's too small. It's not as big as my little director's office."

"You mean that I should respond to the supervisory committee and say that your office configuration does not meet the regulations."

"It's meaningless for you to do this, brother Chu."

Li Chu understood the meaning of Sun Jianjun's joke, and it was nothing more than telling him that Deputy Director Zeng was one of his own, so there was no need to be too formal.

After Zhao Zhijun made tea, exited the office and closed the door, Sun Jianjun directly turned to the topic.

"Brother Chu, I came here with our leader today, which is what I said last time."

"Well, keep talking, what can I do for you?" Li Chu nodded and looked at the two of them.

"It's like this, Director Li. You told me your guess on the day the army was founded. We have re-investigated in the past few days. It is true that there is no good progress, so we want to use the method you mentioned to see. Are they related by blood, and if not, then it is really possible that this person is an imposter."

"This person has lived on the farm for so many years, haven't you asked the farmer to identify him?"

"I've looked for it, how could I not have looked for it, but the suspect's current situation is very different from the situation when he just came back from the farm. Those people only said that the eyebrows and eyes are similar, but there is no way to say for sure that they are the same person."

"How did it change so much?"

"It's like this. According to the people on the farm, he was dark and thin when he left there. He was about 1.7 meters tall and weighed less than 180 catties. Although this person is not as tall now What a change, but the weight is already more than [-] catties."

"Having gained so much weight? That's a big change. Hey~ Didn't you let the people from the farm go up and try it?"

"We didn't dare, because they were the only ones who passed the farm in Sijiucheng at that time. I was worried that this attempt would startle people, and it would be troublesome if we continued to lurk completely."

"Then you mean to do a blood test for him and his uncle now?"

"Brother Chu, it's not just his uncle, we also found his sister-in-law."

"There's another sister-in-law? Why wasn't there in his file at that time?"

"Hey, we only found out after we sent people to Jin Province to find his uncle. His sister-in-law was adopted when she was born, so there is no such person in the file."

"Have you taken his uncle to Forty-Nine City?"

"Yes, both his uncle and the sister-in-law are here."

"It's okay to do a family test, but can you get the suspect's blood?"

"That's why we rushed to find you today."

Sun Jianjun took out a file bag from his backpack, opened it and showed it to Li Chu.

There was a ball of gauze in the file bag, and there was blood on it, and it didn't look very dry.

"The suspect accidentally scratched his arm when he was working in the factory yesterday, and wrapped it in the factory's clinic. This is the gauze he took off when he went to the hospital to change his dressing after get off work this morning."

Li Chu was really dumbfounded seeing this, and he didn't know if this thing could be used.

He had only seen ones made of freshly drawn blood and hair before.

"Wait, let me call and ask. I don't know if the blood on this gauze can be used. You also drew the blood of the other two people?"

"It's all here." Sun Jianjun patted his bag.

"Okay, you guys sit down first, I'll make a phone call."

Li Chu got up, went to the desk, picked up the phone and dialed out.

"Hey~ Wenhui? Why are you answering the phone, where is your director?"


"Oh, then I ask you the same, do you know if the blood on the gauze can be used for DNA testing?"


"Alright then, tell your director to wait for me outside the laboratory building, and I'll send him something there."


"alright, bye."

As soon as he put down the phone here, Sun Jianjun let out a strange cry.

"Brother Chu, who did you call just now? Wenhui? Where is she?"

"She is also in our hospital, what's the matter?"

"No, I remember she didn't graduate, right?"

"It's true that I didn't graduate. This is not going to be the same as Wenxuan."

"You can, the whole family joins the army."

"Who says a family, my daughter-in-law is not in the army, and neither is my son-in-law."

"Yes, you are right."

"Okay, don't be poor, let's go over and do the business for you first. I forgot to say, it costs money to do this appraisal, but you go back and get a letter of introduction. Your current establishment

Isn't he also in the army? "

"Director Li, it's no problem to get a letter of introduction. I'll make up for it when I get back, but we're about to be separated."

"Let's talk as we go. I've heard that, isn't this what the situation requires? There are layoffs everywhere. You don't really care, it's under direct control anyway."

(Prediction: Dear book lovers, three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 8th, at 27:6 am, 11:17 noon, and [-]:[-] pm. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)



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