Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 693 Stagnation

Yes, this time is too long, it will take half a year in total, and she still has children.

"Doctor Li, will it have any effect on my condition if I keep taking this medicine?"

"Under normal circumstances, there should be no effect, but I dare not guarantee it, so I said that you have to go for an inspection in the month when you don't take medicine. If there is any bad change, you need to rush over immediately .”

"I know Doctor Li." Angel seemed to have made a decision, she nodded: "I think I'd better go back, my children also need me. But I will take the medicine on time, and I will also do the examination .”

"Of course, this is your freedom. But you will definitely need to come here in half a year."

Angel stood up and said something in Chinese suddenly: "Thank you, Dr. Li."

Although Li Chu was stunned for a moment by the erratic tone of what he said, he still accepted it with a smile.

"It's great Angel, I can see that you've put your heart into it."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from the book on the table, opened it and put it on the table.

"Angel, this is a small gift from me to your son Hans, please pass it on to him."

It is also a picture on paper, drawn with pencils and colored with watercolor pens.In the middle is the Tiananmen Gate Tower, and above it is the Beacon Tower of the Great Wall.

Then there is also written to Hans at the bottom, and then his own signature, both in Chinese and English.

The translator from the Outreach Office of the headquarters just glanced at it. Li Chu had reported the matter of sending the painting, and the higher-ups had approved it.

"Oh my god, I've been here before, Dr. Li, did you draw this? It's so similar."

Angel picked up the painting with some excitement, and did not forget to show it to Sarah proudly.

Sarah rolled her eyes, thinking to herself: The one for your son is not for you, why are you so excited.

"Doctor Li, I thank you for Hans."

"You're welcome, it's reciprocal. This is your prescription. You can find a place to get the medicine when you go back." He handed the prescription he had just prescribed to the staff on the side, and asked him to hand it to Angel after recording it.

"Doctor Li" Angel seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile on his face, "We won't see each other until half a year after I leave this time, so can we hug each other as a farewell?"

Li Chu was taken aback by her sudden request, and sat back on the chair subconsciously.

"No, no, I'm not used to this, you should know that we don't have this etiquette here." He hurriedly shook his hand and refused.

"Well, it's such a pity." Angel's face was full of pity.

Only then did Sarah feel a little more at peace in her heart. If Li Chu had agreed to hug and bid farewell to Angel just now, then she would have embraced him fiercely no matter what she said.


Angel's treatment is half over here, and Sarah hasn't finished the medicine for this course of treatment, so now he only has the foreigner president as a patient.

As for those old comrades, except for Mu Lao and Dong Lao who need him to go to follow-up consultations from time to time due to physical reasons,

He has officially entered the leisure time.

Basically, I just sit in the consultation room to see the patients, and then teach them three, and my life is quite easy.

Time entered the end of July, George sat in the guest room of the Capital Hotel, watching

The report card in his hand fell into contemplation.

"Sir" sat across from George, and his personal doctor said cautiously: "If I am not wrong, that Dr. Li should be controlling the progress of your condition. I have also seen Angel's laboratory report at that time. Her recovery speed Much faster than yours."

George threw the report card in his hand onto the coffee table in front of him.

"You're right. I think so too. What he's doing is telling me that he knows my physical condition well and can control it at will. I don't like that."

After a pause, he continued: "Do you think my current condition can be treated with surgery?"

The private doctor didn't seem to expect him to ask such a question. He was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook his head after a while and said, "Unfortunately, sir, your operation now is actually the same as before you came here. any sense.

In the past month, Dr. Li has actually controlled the cancer cells in your body in a balanced state so that it does not continue to develop. However, I suggest you go back to Mayo for a checkup and listen to it. The doctor's suggestion, maybe they will have a good solution. "

After listening to his suggestion, George stood up and walked around the room a few times, then turned his head and said to the secretary sitting aside: "Contact them and suspend the negotiation first, just say that we have no way to make decisions on some matters, and we need to go back to China and ask the board of directors for instructions." After a while, make arrangements for us to return home as soon as possible."

"Ok sir."

When Li Chu learned that the negotiations had stalled and that George had returned to China, it was already two days after he left.

He doesn't care at all, he doesn't care about the life or death of a foreigner. As for this investment negotiation, it is the best, and there is no loss if it fails.

As for Sarah, she had already dumped George in Java.

She is currently busy with another negotiation with the business department, and she wants to represent the freckle cream.

She is the sole agent, including her help to apply for a series of approvals.

If this business can be negotiated, then she will not pay attention to the tens of thousands of dollars that George gave.

But although Li Chu and Sarah didn't care about George's life or death, some people cared, and they went to the hospital specially for this reason.

"Director Li, according to your estimation, will President John go back for surgery? Or is it possible for someone else to take over and treat him well?"

Li Chu shook his head with a wry smile and said: "I really have no way to estimate this, I can only say this, according to our domestic medical level, if it is improved by ten times, it is impossible for him to perform this operation successfully.

As for whether there is a Chinese medicine doctor who is better than me in the beautiful country, I don’t know, but if someone continues to treat according to my method, then I can tell you with certainty that this George can live until the end of the year. It's his fate. "

What he said made the eyes of the leader of the business department widen, and he said quickly: "Director Li, we can't let him die. At least he wants to invest in and build a factory in China, but the conditions are relatively harsh, but if we start again For another, who knows what he thinks."

"I can't control this." Li Chu spread his hands and said, "He didn't tell me when he left. I don't know whether he will continue to take the medicine prescribed for him. Now I can only resign myself to fate. Maybe there is a doctor with a particularly high level over there, and he can be cured by surgery directly. These are all uncertain things, and what I just said is just a possibility."

(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the second update today, and the time for the next chapter is 17:[-]. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)



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