"Dong dong dong" there was a knock on the study door, and the door was pushed open immediately after.

"Li Chu, Brother Meng is here."

"Brother Meng is here, hello sister-in-law! It's a rare time for you to come."

"Who said, didn't I also come when Wenxuan got married?"

"Sister-in-law, if you have nothing to do, you should come around more often. We are so lively here."

"Okay, I'll come more later if I have nothing to do."

"Qiu Nan, greet your sister-in-law, brother Meng, sit in my study first, don't be in a hurry to eat now?"

"Just put the lunch bowl, don't worry, I just brought your sister-in-law here because I have nothing to do at home. Where are Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang? Are you resting?"

"Well, I went to the house to rest after dinner. Come, drink tea."

"I heard that Wang Bing and his troops changed defenses that day. Didn't you go to the Northwest once last year, didn't you?"

"That's right, and Wang Bing has been transferred back to their army headquarters this time."

"Yo, that's not going back to Forty-Nine City."

"Yeah, he even sent a letter a few days ago, and it is estimated that he will come back after the Spring Festival, when his wife and children will come together."

"It's rare that Uncle Wang can think about getting the second child back."

"Then you are really wrong. Wang Laoer's return this time has nothing to do with Uncle Wang. It is a normal transfer within his army."

"Hey, what level is the second child now?"

"I don't know. They have a different organization from other troops. He seems to be some kind of captain. I can't understand it. After this restructuring, it should be normal."

"Let's see when the third child can come back. If he can come back, Uncle Wang and his family will be reunited."

"Who knows, but I guess it's difficult."

"Brother Ziwen, how do you feel about your retirement life?" Zhang Meng turned to chat with Wang Ziwen again.

"I will come to be your companion in a few years."

"I wasn't used to it at first, but now I wander around every day and find someone to play chess with. It's pretty good."


Including the guards, there were a total of more than 20 people. There were two separate tables for the hot-boiled mutton at night.

I didn't drink less wine, even Uncle Wang was allowed to take a drink or two today.

"Sister, wait a minute, let me tell you something."

After helping to clean up, Li Qin was about to go home from the small gate when Li Chu stopped her.

"what happened?"

"Sister, sit down in the living room first, and I'll put the coal on the boiler."

In the living room, Li Qin saw the younger siblings coming in, and asked, "Qiu Nan, Xiao Chu asked me to talk about something, do you know what it is?"

Ding Qiunan was about to close the window of the living room. Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he said with some uncertainty: "I guess I should tell you that he is going to buy a house again."

"Still buying a house? Is he crazy?" Li Qin was stunned when he heard this. What was going on in his brother's mind, and why he was so obsessed with buying a house.

"Sister, it's the courtyard house over there, the courtyard where our parents left the house."

"Ah? There are about a dozen households living there, so how do you buy it? Besides, the yard is too big, why buy it?"

"I don't know why he wants to buy it, but he said that there will be fewer and fewer large courtyards with three entrances in the future. If you don't want to find a way to get them now, it will be even more impossible in two years."

Li Qin nodded: "That's not wrong. In my impression, the property rights of that set of yards are all in private hands. The property rights of the remaining few large yards are very messy, and they are basically managed in the street. In my hands, it seems that they are no longer allowed to private individuals.”

"That's right, sister, that's why I want to buy it." At this time, Li Chu opened the curtain and walked in.

"No, why did you buy it? It's too big, and if that kind of house can't be kept there, it will fall apart faster.

What's more, if you want to convince those people to sell them to you, I don't think it will be easy. "

"Of course I know it's not easy, so now I just want to try."

Just as Li Qin was about to continue talking, she suddenly thought of something again, stopped and thought for a while before saying: "But it seems that you may really succeed this time."

"How do you say it?" Li Chu became energetic when he heard it.

Ding Qiunan, who was about to go to the bedroom to change into pajamas, also stopped.

"I remember that their newly built family home seems to be ready soon. This time they are allocating houses to current employees, but they also allow retired old employees who have no houses to buy."

Li Chu's eyes lit up when he heard this. Judging by the urgency of everyone wanting to live in an apartment building now, it should be very easy to do work for those people!

"Sister, according to this, my idea this time is likely to come true!"

"It's possible. I won't make the decision for you. You should decide whether to buy it yourself. The two of you can discuss it yourself. If you can't get the money together, you can find me."

"It's okay, sister, Qian's family has it. As for whether to buy it or not, let him decide for himself. I will listen to him." Ding Qiunan walked back to the sofa and sat down.

"Qiu Nan, you can't just listen to him, look at how many houses he has bought over the years, and he has to buy endlessly, you have to remember that you are the shopkeeper, and you can't let his temper mess around. "

What my sister said made Li Chu's heart tremble violently.

Yes, I have indeed bought a lot of houses over the years, why am I still so persistent in buying a house.

His own house is obviously enough now, and he feels a little dazed because of these houses.

"Huh~" He let out a soft breath.

What my sister said just now is right, why did you buy the house, they moved there?That obviously won't work.

Living here is convenient for them to take care of their aging parents. In two years, their sister and brother-in-law will be seventy, and they also need to take care of them.

It's a bit outrageous for them to move out to get both families to live here.

Thinking of this, Li Chu said, "I won't buy the house."

"Uh...Xiao Chu, I didn't mean to stop you." Li Qin thought that what she said just now made her younger brother make this decision again.

"No, sister, it has nothing to do with you. It's my own decision. There is really no need to buy it." Li Chu waved his hand and said.

"What about the third master? What you said to others is no different from what you said directly.

And with the urgency of the third master, maybe I will contact several companies for you. If you suddenly reject someone, those people will scold you to death. "

It was only when Ding Qiunan said this that Li Chu realized that this day has passed, and maybe several families really agreed.

"Xiao Chu, since you have agreed to others, you should buy what you want. If you can buy it, you can buy it all. If the yard can be tidied up, it will be much more beautiful than your yard!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Qin directly helped him make the decision.

(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the first update today, and the next chapter will be at 11 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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