Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 640 Import

"You said that the person was taken away on the spot?" Aunt Wang asked in disbelief.

"Well, if you don't take it away, you can't do it. If you don't take it away, something will happen outside." Ding Qiunan took a sip from the water glass handed over by her husband.

"The comrades at the police station took people away because they wanted to disperse the people outside. At that time, there were so many people that they started to squeeze. Fortunately, Li Chu pulled me out in advance."

"Then take him away like this, what will happen to his parents' funeral?"

"Auntie, if you really want to investigate, that guy has committed a crime. It's a normal procedure for the comrades at the police station to take him away." After changing his wife's slippers, Li Chu said casually when he stood up.

"Oh, what a crime!"

"Xiao Chu is right. He should be held accountable for committing a crime. He is a good young man who talks about someone dishonestly, messes around outside, and even makes his parents mad. This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy. " Uncle Wang couldn't hold back his words at this moment.

"Play your chess, it's up to you." Aunt Wang just rolled her eyes.

"Hey, you old woman, I'll just express my opinion..."

As soon as he said this, Uncle Wang saw Aunt Wang turning her head to stare at him, so he immediately changed his words and said, "Come on, old man, let's continue."

"Qiu Nan, is this uncle you're talking about the eighth-level worker in the former steel factory?"

"Yes, sister, it's him. You know him too?"

"I've seen people, it was just after the liberation, when we gave them a house. I remember his son, it seems that Xiao Chu only had it after he recuperated his lover's health, right?"

"Yes, that's right. Who would have known that the lives of the old couple would be taken now because of this son. Every drink and peck is determined by God."

"Okay, let's not talk about this bad thing, Aunt Wang, Aunt Ding, let's continue."

"That's right, his aunt, come on, let's start over." Mama Ding put the cards on the table together and began to shuffle them.

The card game started again, and the chess game over there had already started. Li Chu stood at the door and looked around, only then did he realize that there was someone missing in the room.

When I came back just now, I heard movement in the front yard. Wenxuan, Yueyue and his mother-in-law should all be in the front yard room. Where is Wen Hui?Why don't you see your daughter?

Opening the curtain, she walked out of the living room, and knocked on the door of the east wing where Wen Hui lived. There was no one in the room, and she seemed to be out to play, and this girl was not too cold.

He turned around and walked to the boiler again, pressed some more coal into it, stared at the boiler in front of him, why would coal be not allowed to burn in the city from now on?

I don't know when the gas pipeline that is being laid will come here. After the pipeline gas is used, the coal-fired boiler can be retired.

Suddenly he thought of natural gas, which is much cleaner than gas, but currently only two or three industrial users can use it, and residents are far from using it.

Moreover, Sijiucheng has been in a state of lack of natural gas for a long time. This state will not solve the problem of gas shortage here until the end of the 90s, when Shaanxi Gas entered Beijing.

Li Chu felt that the only thing he could hope for now was piped gas.

Just thinking about what to do, he raised his hand and patted his forehead. He forgot to call Brother Meng and told him to come to eat at home today and not to go to the restaurant.

I have decided to have instant-boiled mutton at home this afternoon, and I casually order some dried noodles for lunch.

Wang Ziwen didn't know what was going on at noon, so he ran out mysteriously without eating, and came back two hours later, and dragged Li Chu into the study as soon as he came back.

"What's wrong, brother-in-law? Where did you go drinking at noon?" Li Chu could smell the smell of alcohol on his brother-in-law from far away.

"Hey, someone treats you, and it's at Xu Damao's restaurant."

"Hey, yes, brother-in-law, there are still people treating guests to restaurants."

"You also know this person."

"Ah? I know it too? Who is it?"

"Li Baonian"

"Who? Director Li?"

"That's right, it's him." Wang Ziwen picked up the freshly made tea on the table and took a sip.

"I remember that he resigned the factory director on his own initiative in seven or eight years?" Li Chu thought for a while and said uncertainly.

"If you don't say goodbye, you can't do it, someone will settle his account."

What back account?What else could it be? The person who was punished by him in those years came back, and of course he was going to make trouble for him.

"Where has he been all these years?"

"According to what he said, he went to the south. Anyway, he looks like a successful boss, and he even brought a female secretary with him."

"Brother-in-law, he won't come to you for no reason, will he?"

"Well, it is true that he has something to do with me. According to what he said, he brought back a batch of goods from overseas, but now the money is not enough, so he wants me to partner with him.

He said that this batch of goods is almost here now, and they are all in short supply such as TV recorders. How much I pay, he will count for me.

The most important thing is that the goods have already been ordered. As long as I get the goods here, I can sell them if I change hands. Just like this, I can make at least 1 yuan for [-] yuan. "

Hearing this, Li Chu understood that this Li Baonian wanted to drag his brother-in-law into the water.

"You didn't agree, did you?"

"No, no one is stupid. I don't believe in pies falling from the sky."

"It's fine if you don't agree. I suspect that his batch of goods may have come over the wall. If this is found out, it will be over. Not to mention all the money, people may still go in. At least fined."

"Xiao Chu, are you saying that his goods are parallel imports?"

"That's for sure. Otherwise, why are they so cheap? Don't forget, there are also imported goods in department stores, and those things are much more expensive than domestic ones."

Wang Ziwen nodded slowly, and he also remembered that that day, he wanted to replace the [-]-inch TV at home, but it was really hard to watch, so he went to the department store and saw a small TV. What Ni's TV, there are thousands of good guys.

"This guy is trying to trick me! Fortunately, I didn't promise him."

"This time he really doesn't necessarily want to cheat you. It's possible that if you follow this time, you will be able to make money. Are you going to put a long line to catch big fish?"

"Come on, I don't care how much money he can make, and I don't want to, whether or not that thing is brought in life or death, as long as it is enough to spend.

If you put it in the past, you said that it would be possible for me to save some money for the children, but now Jiayuan and Jiadong are well arranged by you, and you can get a lot of dividends every month just by relying on Xu Damao's restaurant , I don’t have to worry about them, we can spend as much as we have with your sister, so why should I bother. "

"That's right, money is something that serves people. No one in our family is short of money, so we don't need to do things that are not seen well."

"In this regard, your sister and I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, life at home would not be so comfortable."

"Come on, brother-in-law, let's not be sour, it's a family that doesn't talk about it. Come, drink tea."

(Prediction: Dear book lovers, three chapters will be updated tomorrow, August 8th, at 9:6 am, 11:17 noon, and [-]:[-] pm. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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