Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 556 Change

"Okay, just bring someone over here!"

"Really? Thank you!"

"What's there to thank, I'm a doctor." Li Chu waved his hand indifferently.

"Dean Li, I don't have any problems here. If you have something to do, do it first."

Director Yang is now able to face up to the gap between himself and Li Chu.

As a western doctor, he finally realized that he was a frog in a well after treating Mu Lao this time.

But this also makes Li Chu more puzzled.

With Director Yang's current status, even before he came to be the director, he should have been able to get in touch with many great Chinese medicine practitioners.

But why he doesn't like Chinese medicine, Li Chu can even feel that it's not just that he doesn't like Chinese medicine, but subconsciously dislikes Chinese medicine.

But now it's completely fine.

As a medical and health worker myself, I can take the initiative to find another doctor to treat my relatives, which can explain the current situation.

Leaving from the special needs building, Li Chu went back to the administration building to talk to Ding Qiunan, but was turned away.

I only found out after asking the sentinel outside the building that they borrowed someone's bicycle and went out just now.

Hey, I learned to skip work. This is it.

No need to ask, he must have gone to a department store.

When I got up early this morning, I was dragged by Wang Yueyue to discuss the wedding dress there.

This girl actually wanted to sew her own wedding dress herself and discuss it with her future mother-in-law.

Li Chu agrees with this point very much, not because of saving money or anything, but simply because he thinks it will be very commemorative.

After talking to Zhao Zhijun, he went straight out of the hospital in the car driven by Tian Jun.

There is no rush to go to Uncle Shen's place. The appointment is at lunch time, and it's still very early.

Tian Jun drove to Xu Damao's restaurant first.

The business of the restaurant is very good now, not because of the high quality and low price, people who are willing to come here to eat, just want to feel comfortable.

At least here, you don't have to worry about the waiter throwing face at you, or being beaten or scolded.

In the restaurant, Huai Hua and Xiao Dang had already arrived, and together with another waiter, the three of them were cleaning the first floor.

It's been half a month since I came here to work, and these two girls have fallen in love with this place thoroughly.

Although they are indeed a little tired when they are busy, they are not afraid of being tired, they are afraid of being poor.

I just came here for a week, and it happened that the restaurant was paying wages, because the two of them had just arrived, so they didn't get paid this time.

However, Lou Xiao'e was kind enough to give each of them ten yuan in advance and ask them to buy something for themselves.

Growing up so big, the ten dollars was the biggest sum of money that the two girls got by themselves.

Sophora Huaihua and Xiaodang hugged each other and cried.

Lou Xiaoe's eyes turned red.

Needless to say, these two girls are much better than their elder brother. After returning home at night, each of them paid five yuan to Qin Huairu, and the remaining money was reluctant to spend, and they were all saved for themselves.

Xiao Dang, who was cleaning, saw someone coming in from the door out of the corner of his eye. He raised his head and said with a smile, "Excuse me, guest, we... Uncle Li?"

"Xiaodang." Li Chu nodded with a smile, then turned to look at another girl who timidly called out to him with a rag in her hand.

"You are Sophora japonica? Hello, where is Xu Damao, is he there?"

"Doctor Li, wait a moment, I'll call the boss for you." Another waiter had already put down the mop in his hand and walked to the back.

"Uncle Li, please sit down, I'll pour you some water."

"Don't be too busy, Xiao Dang, I will leave after a few words."

Although Li Chu said so, Xiao Dang still insisted on pouring him a glass of water.

"Brother Chu, why did you come here so early? Just tell me if you have anything to do."

Before the person came over, Xu Damao's voice came from the backyard, and then I saw him lift up the curtain and come out, followed by Lou Xiao'e.

"Brother Chu, why didn't Qiunan come over?"

"You go to the department store now, she should be there with Yueyue."

After hearing Li Chu's words, Lou Xiao'e's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she walked around the restaurant all day, and she didn't have time to go out for a long time.

Seeing this, Xu Damao said before his wife could speak, "Go, go, go around."

"Hey, Brother Chu, sit down, I'll find Qiu Nan."

After watching Lou Xiaoe run out, Xu Damao sat opposite Li Chu.

"Brother Chu, is there something wrong?"

"There is indeed something wrong. On the 22nd of next month, let Zhuzi come to my place to cook a few meals, pots, pans, tables, benches, and ingredients. You help me prepare them."

Originally, Li Chu planned to put the banquet here, but after thinking about it last night, he decided not to.

It's too inconvenient. If it's placed here, it will be inconvenient for Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang, including Uncle Shen who may also come over.

So after much deliberation, let's put it in your own home, the place is big enough, just pull some useful things over there.

As for the kitchen, my own home is not enough, and my sister's next door can also be used.

This way nothing is delayed.

"No problem, how many tables? By what standard?" Xu Damao agreed without hesitation.

"I'll go back and figure out how many tables to sit at, and then I'll tell you. If there's a standard, there's no standard. According to the ingredients you can buy, the best ones will come."


Only then did Xu Damao realize that something was wrong.

"Brother Chu, who are you entertaining?"

"Marry Wenxuan and Yueyue."

With a "huh", Xu Damao stood up in surprise.

"Wenxuan married?"

"Why are you so excited, sit down." Li Chu stretched out his hand and pressed down.

"No, Brother Chu, Wenxuan is married, why didn't you inform me of such a big event?"

"I'm telling you right now. There's still a month left. Is it too late for me to tell you now?"

"No, no, Wenxuan is married, I, as an uncle, have to express it, let me think about it, let me think about it."

Xu Damao couldn't sit still anymore, he kept spinning around in place.

"Brother Chu, just tell me what's missing at home, I'll prepare it."

Over the years, Li Chu's help to Xu Damao's family has not been a little bit.

Whether it was his physical problems before, or helping his father-in-law later, there are still many things to come up with.

This made both Xu Damao and Lou's family indescribably grateful to Li Chuna.

Now that he finally encountered such a big event in Li Chu's family, he wished he could take care of it all.

Li Chu looked at Xu Damao who was spinning around there with some amusement: "Sit down quickly, there is nothing missing at home."

"No, no, Brother Chu, you must ask me to do something, or else I will feel uneasy!

By the way, you don't have to worry about these tables of meals, I'll cover them all. "

Xu Damao clapped his hands and said.

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