"It's not in vain to worry. It's our first time. We all want to do our best. We just think a little more."

After listening to Li Chu's words, Ding Qiunan struggled to sit up from his arms.

"I'll give the cotton and cloth tickets to my sister tomorrow morning, and ask her to help me buy the cotton and quilt inside."

"I have no objection. Didn't you all discuss it just now?"

"Oh yes, and the sheets."

Seeing his daughter-in-law started to wrench her fingers again, Li Chu reached out and pulled her to lie on the bed.

"Don't think about it. Didn't my sister write it down in a notebook just now? You can just get her the ticket tomorrow morning, and you still have money."

This time Ding Qiunan didn't sit up again, and lay obediently in her husband's arms.

"My sister doesn't want money. She said that it's enough to just give her the ticket. She pays the money. It's her gift to her nephew."

"That's fine too."

"Li Chu, do you think there is a baby in Yueyue's belly? It feels like they are still children. Why are they getting married?"

Her words made Li Chu not know how to answer her questions.

The thinking is too detached, what did the last sentence say, why did the next sentence come here.

Ding Qiunan also knew that she was asking nonsense, but she just couldn't sleep and wanted to say something.

Hearing his daughter-in-law nagging non-stop in his ears, Li Chu couldn't bear it anymore, and turned over...

The dogs that had already slept under the eaves outside due to the hot weather all moved their ears at the same time, and then quickly drooped down again.

These dogs must hate their own bright ears very much at this time.


The next day, as soon as Li Chu entered the office, Zhao Zhijun followed him in.

A week ago, he had taken up the post of Li Chu's full-time assistant.

"Leader, Director Yang came over yesterday afternoon. When he heard that you were on vacation, he left without saying anything. And there is..."

Zhao Zhijun roughly talked about some things that happened yesterday.

With this assistant, even if Li Chu is not in the hospital, he doesn't have to worry about missing anything.

"Jingle Bell……"

Zhao Zhijun, who was waiting to see if the leader had any more orders, found that the red phone on the desk rang, so he hurriedly backed out.

After he closed the office door, Li Chu answered the phone.

"Hi, I'm Li Chu!"


"Uncle Shen!"


"I'll go to Mulao's ward and take a look around. If there's nothing else going on there, then I'll be free later."


"Okay, Uncle Shen, I'll be there at noon."


Putting down the phone, Li Chu sat on the chair and pondered for a while, then stood up and took off the white coat from the hook on the wall, put it on, and walked out of the office.

Zhao Zhijun sat in the office next to him and watched the leader walk by, but did not follow.

He knew where the leader was going, and he was not qualified to go to that three-story building as an assistant.

As soon as he got to the bottom of the special needs building, Li Chu saw Director Yang running down the stairs in a hurry.

"Dean Li, I'm going to look for you."

"Ju Yang, are you busy? I heard from the assistant that you came here yesterday afternoon."

"It's something, but it's a good thing, let's go, let's go to the small meeting room and talk."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked upstairs, Li Chu could only follow him upstairs.

In the small conference room on the third floor, Director Yang took out a large pile of test papers from his bag after closing the door.

"Dean Li, various test reports came out one after another yesterday afternoon. How should I put it, compared to ten days ago, Mu Lao's various bodily functions are steadily recovering, especially his lungs."

As he spoke, he put the test papers on the table.

Li Chu didn't even move, he just turned his head and glanced.

"So what? Director Yang, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I... what I want to say is that Mu Lao's health is improving."

"I know!"

"Uh... Dean Li, don't you want to read these test reports?"

"I'm a Chinese medicine doctor, why should I look at these things?"

"You don't look at these, why did you ask Mr. Mu to do these tests?" Director Yang asked in a daze.

"These are just for you to see. Without these test reports, I said that Mu Lao's physical condition is improving, and you don't believe me!"


Director Yang suddenly felt very tired.

I'm being despised, I'm sure.

Well, he has already made up his mind at this moment, and he will look for a few books on Chinese medicine when he returns home.

Well, especially the ones this guy compiled.

I heard that his son is studying with him. Not surprisingly, he will definitely join the health care team in the future.

He didn't want to be despised by Li Chu now, and then be despised by his son in a few years.

If that was the case, he estimated that he might explode on the spot.

"Ju Yang, is Mr. Mu sleeping now, or awake?"

"I fell asleep. I just came here too. The doctor on duty said that I woke up in the morning and drank the medicine and a bowl of porridge. I just slept for a while."

"Since I'm asleep, I won't go there. I have something to go out later, so come back in the afternoon."

Seeing that Li Chu wanted to leave, Director Yang hurriedly said, "President Li, wait a moment."

"Director Yang, there's something else to do, tell me."

"It's Dean Li like this. When you were discussing Mr. Mu's condition that day, you were talking about phlegm fever and other diseases..."

"Director Yang, do you want to talk about phlegm-heat-interacting-blocking-wind-type tremors?"

"Hey, that's right, that's it! Is the one you're talking about the same as Parkinson's?"

"Ju Yang, the Parkinson's disease you mentioned is a name in Western medicine, and the original name of this disease is Parkinson's paralysis, which is a kind of neurological disease of middle-aged and elderly people.

The name you mentioned just now is only one of them, it can be regarded as a type. "

"You mean that these two are considered a disease."

"You can think so if you want." Li Chu was too lazy to explain to him.

His words also made Chief Yang's teeth ache, but he continued to ask.

"Dean Li, from the perspective of your Chinese medicine practitioners, can this tremor disease be cured?"

"Difficult, I can only say that I can maintain it as much as possible and want to cure it. Anyway, I don't have that ability."

Director Yang ignored his last words.

"President Li, what kind of state is the maintenance you are talking about?"

"For example, Mu Lao's current physical condition is like this..." Li Chu started to imitate while talking.

"After treatment, the best state can be like this..."

"It's so powerful!" Director Yang sighed from the bottom of his heart when he saw the movements of Li Chu's hands.

"It's just the ideal state."

"Dean Li, can I trouble you with something?"

"you say!"

"My father-in-law is suffering from Parkinson's, can you help treat him?"

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