Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 245 Instinct

Sitting by the bed like this, thinking wildly, it wasn't until it was almost time to go to work that Li Chu stretched out his hand to touch his wife's little face.

Ding Qiunan, who didn't even open his eyes, smelled the familiar smell around him, raised his head and pillowed it on Li Chu's lap, and arched it a few times vigorously.

Li Chu watched his daughter-in-law's movements with a smile, and reached out to stroke her hair.

"what time is it now?"

"It's five minutes to two, it's time to get up, dear."

"Hmm..." Ding Qiunan arched his legs twice, then raised his head in a daze and sat up.

Relieved for a while, Ding Qiunan picked up the coat lying beside him and put it on, washed his face in the washbasin at the door, and finally regained consciousness.

"Daughter-in-law, let's go directly to Uncle Wang's after get off work in the afternoon, and I'll go back and ride the car later."

"Okay, isn't it raining already?"

As Ding Qiunan opened the door of the consulting room, the rain outside had indeed stopped, and the sun had come out.

"By the way, Li Chu, I want to eat the big plate chicken you made." Ding Qiunan, who had already walked outside the door, turned around and said.

"No problem, I'll go out and find two chickens later."

"Hey, thank you for your hard work, dear, I'm going to the pharmacy."

After speaking, Ding Qiunan jumped up and down and ran to the outpatient hall.

Li Chu stood at the door and watched his daughter-in-law go away, and then he turned around and closed the door. He is going home to ride his bicycle now.

As for the chickens that I told Ding Qiunan, there is no need to buy them. There are still a lot of white striped chickens in the warehouse, so just take out two later.

One is used to make big plate chicken, and the other is stewed for Li Qiaoyun. She still needs to supplement nutrition now.

When I got home, I fed the three dogs first. These three guys, the little master is not at home recently, they are listless all day long.

I took out two chickens from the warehouse and packed them in cloth bags. After thinking about it, I took out a leg of lamb and stewed a pot of lamb soup at night.

After packing up, Li Chu was not in a hurry to go back to the hospital. He went to the bedroom and set the alarm clock, lay down on the bed, and took out the English skills book that was rewarded for signing in that day from the warehouse, and prepared to use this time to learn.

As the book was opened by him, it turned into a ray of white light and penetrated into his head, and then he fainted gorgeously again.

As the alarm rang for a while, Li Chu opened his eyes, shook his bewildered head, and reached out to turn off the alarm clock.

I got up and washed my face with cold water, and my whole body immediately felt refreshed.

After careful recollection, Li Chu found that for him now, English, like Chinese, has become his instinct.

He secretly warned himself in his heart that he had to pay attention in the future, and he couldn't show that he knew English at will. Otherwise, a person who had never learned English would suddenly speak English like Chinese, and he would be in big trouble.

When you look back, you can find some English books to pretend to be self-study.

I didn't think about it any more, just take my time in the future, put on my clothes, push the bicycle and go out.

When he arrived at the hospital, he was about to get off work, so instead of going to the consultation room, Li Chu went directly to the outpatient hall. The pharmacy was empty of patients at the moment, and Ding Qiunan and his colleagues were already cleaning inside, ready to leave work.

As the announcement of getting off work sounded, Li Chu drove to Uncle Wang's house with his daughter-in-law.

Ding Qiunan looked at the cloth bag hanging on the front handle of the car, and asked, "Li Chu, what else did you buy besides chicken?"

"I got a leg of lamb, and I'll cook a pot of mutton soup later. It's cold now, and it's very comfortable to drink some mutton soup. I also brought two bags of milk powder to your daughter-in-law."

"Hmph, it doesn't sound like you're talking about your daughter-in-law." Ding Qiunan raised her hand and patted her husband's back: "Li Chu, do you think those two little guys are homesick at my mother's place?"

"Who knows, but it looks like there must be no trouble, or our mother would have sent it back long ago."

"Two little white-eyed wolves, they don't even know they miss their mother when they go out." Ding Qiunan muttered dissatisfiedly while sitting in the back seat.

"Isn't this just enough for you to rest for a few days? If we two children can't do without you, you will be tired all day."

Ding Qiunan thought for a while: "You're right. In the afternoon, I ran into the aunt of the nursery school. She also told me that she hadn't seen our children for a week. Their aunts were thinking about it. The children in the nursery school were still there. Ask every day."

"Haha, that's good, it means that our children are still very popular." Li Chu said with a smile.

"That's necessary. You don't even look at whose child it is."

Li Chu doesn't need to look back, Ding Qiunan who said this must have a complacent expression on his face right now.

The couple came to Uncle Wang's compound talking and laughing. Since they came here often, the guards had already known them. Now Li Chu and Ding Qiunan just need to register at the door, and they can come in and out at will without even the necessary inspection. went.

Only Aunt Wang and Li Qiaoyun were at home with their children.

The others have not returned yet.

When he entered the door, the child just woke up and was about to drink milk. Ding Qiunan put down his bag and ran over to hold the child.

"Auntie, I'll make dinner for us. I bought chicken and mutton. My sister and her family will come over later."

Li Chu put the things he was carrying in the kitchen.

"Okay, then today you'll give us a hand." Aunt Wang looked at Li Chu and said with a smile.

"Auntie, let me tell you, the big plate chicken he made is delicious." Ding Qiunan sat on the sofa and hugged the baby, took the bottle from Li Qiaoyun, and began to breastfeed the baby.

"Big plate chicken? What is this?" Aunt Wang had never heard the name of this dish.

"This is a dish I've come up with myself. I'll roll out some noodles later and mix the noodles into the big plate chicken. It's really delicious." Li Chu took off his coat and hung it on the clothes hanger at the door. Into the kitchen ready to start cooking.

Aunt Wang followed to the door of the kitchen: "Do you need me to help you?"

"No need, Auntie, you three go chat, I'll do it myself."

On the dinner table, one and a half of the two chickens were made into a large plate of chicken, and the cooked noodles were also mixed in. There was a bowl of mutton soup in front of everyone, and Li Chu specially baked a few pancakes with dead noodles.

Several people at the table ate with mouthfuls of oil.

"I didn't see it, Xiao Chu, you still have this level." Uncle Wang took a sip of the mutton soup, looked at Li Chu and said.

"You look down on people, don't you, Uncle, let me tell you, I cook and eat delicious food." Li Chu said sullenly.

"Well, in the future, if you have nothing to do, come over and cook a few meals for me and your aunt."

"No problem, as long as you and my aunt want to eat, you can call me anytime."

After dinner, several women cleaned up the dishes together.

Uncle Wang brought Wang Ziwen and Li Chu to the study.

Li Qin didn't come over, she wasn't interested in being promoted or not, and if there were any good things, she could just leave it to her husband.

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