Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 244 Privileges

After breakfast, Li Chu first sent Ding Qiunan to the hospital, and then he took the bus to the center.

Uncle Wang's office is also here, because Li Chu contacted him in advance last night, Uncle Wang deliberately spared him the whole morning.

When Li Chu arrived, Uncle Wang was already sitting in the office, drinking tea and reading the newspaper, waiting for him.

"Why do you have to chase after the office?" Uncle Wang put down the newspaper in his hand and asked Li Chu who had just entered the door.

Li Chu first poured himself a glass of water, then took out the list from his bag, and handed it to Uncle Wang the list Lou Dong gave him last night.

"Uncle, take a look at this first."

Uncle Wang took it and flipped through it, and asked jokingly, "What is this? Why did you start to become a bandit? Whose house did you rob?"

After hearing this, Li Chu was full of black lines. Uncle Wang, who was always serious, now liked to tease himself more and more.

Tell Uncle Wang the whole thing.

Only then did Uncle Wang pay attention to it, and he looked at the list carefully again, and asked in surprise.

"You mean, the list is full of donations? Gratuitous?"

"How about it, Uncle Wang, I'm not bad at this matter." Li Chu asked for credit with a smile.

Uncle Wang didn't say anything when he heard the words, but just nodded, his attention was still on that list.

"This is spending money to buy your life!" Uncle Wang muttered.

After speaking, he looked up at Li Chu and said, "I can't digest such a big matter by myself. I have to call some old friends."

"Uncle Wang, you can decide, but it's best to bring my sister and my brother-in-law along and let them have some soup."

"If you don't tell me, I will bring Xiaoqin and Ziwen with you. Like these houses, Ziwen and Xiaoqin will take over the shares. The shares of Dong Lou's steel factory must be provided by the metallurgist. The shares of the textile factory It will be handed over to Qinggongkou..."

Wait, wait, etc., Uncle Wang talked a lot. In just a short while, he arranged everything in an orderly manner, which made Li Chu admire.

"Uncle Wang, you can figure out how to arrange it. You don't need to tell me. It hurts me to hear it. I'm just responsible for handing it over to you."

"Alright then, you can ask Xiaoqin and Ziwen to come back together tonight."

"That's just right, I was thinking about going back to see my future daughter-in-law."

"You..." Uncle Wang smiled and pointed at him.

"Okay, get out if you have nothing to do, I still have a lot to do here." Uncle Wang waved at him.

"Hey, I said Uncle, you are killing a donkey. You just sent me away just after finishing the matter."

"What's the matter, I still want to treat you to a meal?"

"Hey, forget it, I'd better go, your meal is too delicious to digest."

Li Chu stood up and walked towards the door as he spoke, and stopped just as he reached the door.

"By the way, Uncle, I almost forgot to mention one thing. Uncle Chen and Uncle Liu from my parents' previous work unit have issued a certificate for me and Qiu Nan, and even provided us with a gun."

Uncle Wang was silent for a while before he said: "Since I gave it to you, I will take it, but it is better to use it as little as possible. If you use the privilege too much, you will always want to take shortcuts no matter what you do in the future. Well, it's easy to lose yourself."

"I know Uncle, and I will tell Qiu Nan." Li Chu replied solemnly.

Uncle Wang nodded: "I still know you young couple, and you can control yourself."

"Uncle, you are busy, I will go first."

Seeing Li Chu's leaving back, Uncle Wang smiled.

He really didn't expect that Li Chu, who had never been interested in politics, would have such a strong political sensitivity this time.

You can think so far just by reading the newspaper.

The situation will become more and more out of control in the future. This is almost a consensus among the top leaders, but the situation has developed to the present, and it is no longer possible to stop it if you want to.

Alas, isn't Chief Wu Qiang Ru worried about the foggy future?

After pondering for a while, Uncle Wang picked up the phone, and he wanted to arrange for someone to contact those merchants to confirm the contents written on this list.

Then he can carry out the next action, otherwise, if there is any change, it will not be a political achievement but a joke at that time.

After coming out of the center, Li Chu didn't go to the hospital, first went to his sister's place, then asked where his brother-in-law was, and ran over there.

Li Qin is fine with this matter, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't, as a woman, she has already reached this position, and it is already difficult to go up.

But Wang Ziwen was different. Hearing what Li Chu said, his buttocks seemed to have thorns, and he couldn't sit still when he was walking around in the office.

"Hey, it's still a little early this time. It would be better if it could be a year or two later." Wang Ziwen said with some embarrassment.

Indeed, he has just been promoted for a short time, and it is difficult to move again in a short period of time. Even if the political achievements this time are large enough, the leaders at the top still have to consider a political balance.

"Then what should I do? I'll delay it for two years to make you ready?" Hearing what his brother-in-law said, Li Chu joked.

"Haha, that's really great!" Wang Ziwen said with a big laugh.

It can be seen that he is in a very good mood now.

At noon, Li Chu went back after eating with his brother-in-law.

When he returned to the hospital, Ding Qiunan was already on the bed in the consulting room, falling into a sweet dreamland.

Sitting by the bed and looking at his sleeping daughter-in-law, Li Chu seemed to have seen that morning more than four years ago again.

The pretty face doesn't seem to have changed at all, and it's not right, it has changed a little, and the skin is fairer and more tender than before.

She doesn't look like the mother of a two-year-old child, but more like a girl of eighteen or nineteen.

It's no wonder that people from outside often inquire about Ding Qiunan, wanting to introduce her to someone.

When it comes to skin, Li Chu has a headache. You say that a woman's skin is fair and tender, but he is also like this for a man, which caused all the female doctors and nurses in the hospital to ask Ding Qiunan what medicine Dr. Li prescribed.

It often made Ding Qiunan's head huge, the key is that she didn't know why.

The medicine that Li Chu gave her to wipe her face, she spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

If the skin on the face is good, it can be said that it is the medicine used, but the problem is that the skin on the body has also changed.

Because this Ding Qiunan had asked her husband more than once, and was beaten and fooled by Li Chu every time.

If there is no change in the appearance of the two of them after another ten or eight years, then the fun will be great.

Li Chu often wants to grow a beard around his mouth, so that he can look more mature and stable.

But every time he didn't shave for more than two days, Ding Qiunan would immediately come to help him shave with a razor.

Tell her that you can't grow a beard even if you want to, she's too panicked.

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