Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 241 3 times

Compared to the gloomy and gloomy situation at Lou Xiaoe's house, Li Chu and his wife had just had a heart-to-heart battle at home.

Ding Qiunan was lying on her husband's body with a flushed face, breathing rapidly.

As soon as her breathing stabilized, she turned over and got off Li Chu's body, lay flat on the bed, and lifted her legs high to the wall.

Seeing his wife's actions, Li Chu was a little dumbfounded, and asked in a daze, "What are you doing?"

"Hey." Ding Qiunan smiled a little embarrassedly: "I read a book that said that doing this after that can increase the chances of conception."


There was a question mark on Li Chu's forehead, what books did his wife read all day.

"Where did you get the book?"

"I won't tell you." Ding Qiunan rolled his beautiful eyes.

"You see, Xiao'e is pregnant with her second child. Why haven't I made any progress? You are still a doctor."

Li Chu felt that his head would be filled with question marks tonight.

Who said that doctors have to make their daughters-in-law pregnant?

But just think about it, if you dare to say it, maybe she has something else waiting there.

Knowing that Lou Xiaoe was pregnant with a second child during the day, he knew that he would not be able to escape this topic tonight.

My daughter-in-law has been thinking about getting pregnant for a long time, but fortunately she has already given birth to one child, and there are still two, otherwise Li Chu felt that her daughter-in-law would be depressed.

Li Chu silently calculated in his heart without saying anything to avoid being bullied.

Hey, it seems that now is a dangerous period, so how about...

Thinking in my heart, the big evil hand slowly stretched out, followed by my head.

"young married woman……"


"I did the math just now, it seems that these two days are your dangerous period."

"What is a dangerous period?"

"Uh..." There was no other way, Li Chu could only teach his daughter-in-law a lesson.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Ding Qiunan asked suspiciously after listening.

Unexpectedly, this statement also brought up a problem.

"Don't we both exercise every day as long as you don't come? It doesn't matter whether we talk about it or not."

"Then why are you telling me this now?"

"I mean, do you want to...hehe, do you want to..."

Ding Qiunan rolled his eyes one after another, how could she not understand her husband's narrow-mindedness, she just asked on purpose.

She retracted her legs that were placed on the wall, ignored her husband's expectant eyes, and pretended to get out of bed to take a shower.

Just when a hint of disappointment appeared in Li Chu's eyes, Ding Qiunan threw himself on him again.

Seeing her husband's bewildered expression, Ding Qiunan smiled triumphantly, leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Honey, from tonight until I get pregnant, three times a day from now on."

"Three...Three times?" Li Chu's expression of surprise gradually turned into panic. Even the donkeys of the production team can't use it like this, right?

As Ding Qiunan gently licked his earlobe, the horn of war between men and women was sounded again.

No matter how many times he is comfortable, let's talk about it first.

In the morning, Li Chu put his daughter-in-law, who was half asleep on his body, aside gently, and slowly got down under the bed.

The plated kang has this advantage, you can build it casually, and you don’t have to worry about it creaking.

Standing under the bed and rubbing his slightly numb lower back, Li Chu was thinking in his mind how he should mend himself in the future, or he would be squeezed dry by this tiger girl sooner or later.

After doing Wu Qin Xi in the yard, I went into the bathroom and took a shower.

After getting dressed, he led the three dogs out to buy breakfast.

Now that he went out in the morning, it had become a scene in their alley. The three majestic big dogs, the key point was that they were all very obedient, just following his feet and not running around.

There is no one in the alley who does not know the three of them, and no one is afraid of them.

Any child can come up to them and stroke their fur.

But once he saw someone with heavy hands, Li Chu would stop, no matter how obedient he was, he was still a dog, and he would bite people when he was in a hurry.

Sometimes if someone's hands are heavy, the three dogs will whine, and now there are only two little guys in the family, who can toss the three of them casually.

Li Chu observed that once Xiao Wenhui obviously pinched Xiao Hei's stomach, but Xiao Hei just turned around and licked it, and then acted as if nothing happened.

Then he tried it too, and the whine sounded immediately.

Angrily, Li Chu hit its head.

After strolling around, I bought a few big buns and went back.

When he got home, Ding Qiunan had already got up and washed up.

"Honey, just now I saw that there are not many coals in the coal shed." Ding Qiunan said while eating buns.

Li Chu, who was making milk powder, put the prepared cup in front of his wife, and made another cup for himself.

"It's okay, I have already found someone to fix the coal ticket, and I will try to buy it back in the past two days."

Ding Qiunan never worried about all kinds of bills at home. She only needs to go to the neighborhood committee every month and pay the utility bills.

I usually buy vegetables and grains at home, and they are all purchased with the help of the hospital cafeteria.

It's no wonder that Ding's mother always talks about her daughter. After four years of marriage, is it okay that she hasn't been to the vegetable market?

Ding's mother often said in front of Ding's father that her daughter is lucky, and she doesn't have to wait on her in-laws after she gets married, otherwise she might have been packed and returned by her in-laws.

After breakfast, the young couple came to the hospital together.

As soon as he entered the gate of the hospital, Uncle Zhang at the gate shouted to Li Chu: "Doctor Li, there are quite a lot of people lined up at the gate of your consulting room."

After hearing Uncle Zhang's words, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan turned their heads to look at the consulting room.

The young couple were dumbfounded at this sight, there were at least a dozen people lined up at the door of the consulting room, and all of them were pregnant women.

It seems that the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and the Women's Federation are now promoting the initiative to do obstetric checkups during pregnancy, which is quite effective, otherwise they would not be able to inform that so many pregnant women came to Li Chu to recuperate their bodies.

"Li Chu, you have changed your career to become an obstetrician and gynecologist."

Listening to his wife's ridicule, Li Chu was quite speechless.

"Huh?" Li Chu also saw Director Liu's jeep.

Ding Qiunan was not asked to help today, so after Li Chu said goodbye to her, he went to the consulting room.

Go to the jeep first, and the person sits in the car.

Li Chu knocked on the window of the car, and the people in the car saw him and hurriedly opened the door and got out.

"Doctor Li, Director Liu asked me to come and deliver something to you." As he spoke, the man handed over a small leather bag.

"I'm really sorry, Dr. Li. I was supposed to send it to you yesterday afternoon, but I was delayed by something. By the time I came, you were already off work."

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