Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 240 Negotiations

Director Lou is really regretful now, if his daughter could have married Li Chu, wouldn't there be so many bad things later.

Although Li Chu's background is still unclear, the card of the martyr's family on the door frame may be able to block many ghosts and demons.

But it doesn't make any sense to think about these now. The most important thing right now is to do a good job in the donation.

And not only donated by himself, the two friends who had been persuaded by him had to urge them again.

Since Dr. Li said that things should be high-profile, then this time, we must make things bigger. Don't be timid about things that have been decided, for the sake of the future of the Lou family.

Director Lou, who secretly made up his mind, seemed to relax, and his demeanor was different when he was sitting there and driving.

Lou Xiao'e, who had been watching him, also felt that her father was obviously different from before.

"Dad, what's wrong with you, I feel like you let go of something."

Lou Dong turned his head and glanced at his daughter with a smile: "It's nothing, I just figured out some things.

By the way, did Dr. Li give you any precautions for this pregnancy? "

Lou Xiaoe stuck out her tongue in embarrassment: "Say I'm a little malnourished."

Lou Dong glared at his daughter angrily when he heard the words: "It's good for other people's families to have a full stomach, but you are also picky eaters. Alas, your mother and I are really used to you."

"Okay, okay, for the sake of your future grandson, I won't be picky eaters anymore." Lou Xiao'e muttered, and touched her belly as she spoke.

When she got home, Lou Xiao'e, who couldn't hide what happened, happily told Lou's mother that she was pregnant again.

Lou's mother was also grinning from ear to ear.

Lou Dong sat on the sofa, thought about it and finally decided to tell his daughter about the donation. The situation at home will change a lot in the future, and she must understand these things clearly.

"Ma'am, Xiao'e, you two can talk about the child later, I have something to make clear to you."

The two women, who were happily talking about their children, looked at the serious expressions of their husbands and fathers, and peeked at each other.

What did Lou's mother think of? She looked at her husband and asked, "Old Lou, have you made up your mind?"

Lou Dong nodded silently.

"Oh..." Lou Ma sighed, turning her head back and forth to look at her house, her eyes full of reluctance.

Lou Xiaoe was baffled, looked at her father and then at her mother, and said anxiously: "Dad, what kind of charades are you playing?"

"Xiao'e, it's like this..." Lou Dong said to his daughter in a low tone.

It took Lou Dong a long time to finish talking about the cause and effect of the incident.

After hearing what her father said, Lou Xiaoe opened her mouth wide in surprise.

After being stunned for a long time, he asked, "Father, is it already so severe? Why is it so?"

"It's too late to do otherwise. I've thought about it for a long time before making this decision. In addition, you are pregnant again now. We must think clearly about the future of our child."

This child can be named Lou in the future, and lo and behold, Director Lou's attitude will change immediately.

After struggling for a long time, Lou Xiaoe stood up and said, "Father, send me to Qiu Nan's house again. I'll go and talk to Qiu Nan and ask her to tell Dr. Li to help us."

Lou Dong shook his head with a lonely face: "This idea was given by Dr. Li, how else can he help us."

"How could this be?" Lou Xiao'e sat down on the sofa in a daze.

Lou's mother was so scared that she hurriedly supported her: "Oh, my little ancestor, please slow down."

Lou Xiaoe turned her head to look at Lou's mother with blank eyes, and then at Lou's father: "Dad, you should send me to Dr. Li's house, and I will ask him again, there must be another way."

In fact, Lou's father was quite tempted by his daughter's proposal. The relationship between his daughter and Dr. Li and his lover is still very good.

If the daughter goes to look for it, maybe things will turn around in another way.

Looking at his watch, Lou Dong still shook his head: "Forget it, it's already late today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"Old Lou, do you think Dr. Li has other options?" Lou's mother also interjected at this moment.

"Who knows? But to be honest, I don't think there's much hope."

After thinking about it, Director Lou said firmly to his daughter: "Forget it, Xiao'e, it's better not to look for it, and keep this affection, maybe it can be used in the future.

Although we have to donate most of our family's assets this time, the rest is enough for our family to live on, and we must act in a low-key and low-key manner in the future. "

"Does this house also have to be donated?" Lou Xiao'e asked reluctantly.

"Of course we have to donate this house." Before Mr. Lou could speak, Mama Lou said first, "If we still live here, we're like a living target."

Lou Xiaoe nodded half-understood, and said nothing more, since parents have already made a decision, let's follow what they said.

"You don't have to worry about the house, Xiao'e. It's already been arranged. It's not far from Dr. Li's house. It's the same as the courtyard you live in now. It's also a three-entry house. Our house has three rooms in the middle courtyard, which is enough to live in. "

Lou Xiao'e didn't expect her father to settle down the house without saying a word, and said with a wry smile: "Dad, Mom, the compound is not so easy to live in. People in the courtyard have a lot of things to do every day, and in the future After living in it, I dare not cook those delicious food at home."

Lou Dong waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, the big deal is that if you want to eat delicious food, let's go to the restaurant to eat."

"Xiao'e, Mom will tell you, when Xu Damao comes back, you can tell him about this matter, but don't say that our family still has a little money, and don't say that our family has already arranged the house. , You just say that our family has nothing now, and see how he reacts."

"This..." Lou Xiao'e didn't know what to say after Lou's mother told her.

The human nature of seeking benefits and avoiding harm cannot withstand temptation.

Now Xu Damao treats her pretty well, but who can say what Xu Damao will become after the accident happened in their family.

Lou Xiao'e bowed her head in silence, she didn't know what to do.

Seeing his daughter's embarrassment, Mr. Lou thought for a while and said, "Xiao'e, it's not that mom and dad want to test him, but that our family didn't dare to make trouble after this. We were already unhappy because of the child. , this is also a last resort.”

Lou Xiaoe looked up at her father, hesitated to speak.

"Xiao'e, don't tell him in a hurry, tell him after Dad has dealt with everything, so as not to cause complications."

Lou Xiao'e could only nod reluctantly, she didn't know if it was right for her to do so.

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