Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 227 Family

"Hey, you kid still has this ability. Why don't you just come over and be my assistant. It saves me having to take notes during meetings, and sometimes I can't remember them." Uncle Wang said jokingly.

Uncle Wang's words made Li Chu's forehead full of black lines.

"Uncle, don't be joking. I am suitable to be a doctor. If I follow you to meetings every day, I must go crazy."

Uncle Wang smiled and pointed at Li Chu: "Okay, no kidding, Director Liu will be here soon, Xiao Meng, you can meet him at the door, otherwise he might not be able to come in."

In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Meng led Director Liu over, and there was another person with him, who should be a colleague of Director Liu.

Director Liu came in and said, "Minister Wang, we have already brought that Jiang Cheng under control, but he categorically denies what happened in the south."

Uncle Wang nodded: "It's true that he didn't do it himself, but someone he found."

Director Liu stared at Uncle Wang with wide eyes in surprise: "Minister Wang, how do you know?"

Uncle Wang raised his finger and pointed at Wu Xiaoliu: "Let Xiaoliu tell you about it. I let you come here today to give you a big gift."

Director Liu immediately became interested, and at the same time asked the person who came with him to make a record.

After listening to Wu Xiaoliu's narration, Director Liu waved his fist excitedly: "Through the investigation and some things left over from the scene, we found that there should be two people in this organization, and we have been looking for this group all these years. They didn't know whether they were abandoned or what, but they didn't leave any clues behind, and I didn't expect to finally catch their pigtails this time."

Director Liu smiled and said to Wu Xiaoliu: "Comrade Wu, after this case is over, I will definitely give you credit."

Wu Xiaoliu smiled: "Director Liu, there's no need for this, it's the right thing to report criminals."

"Minister Wang, I won't waste time here anymore, I'll go back and arrange the arrest now, so as not to have long nights and dreams." Director Liu stood up and said to Uncle Wang.

Uncle Wang nodded: "Okay, I will still say the same thing, if there is any progress in the matter, please tell me about issues that do not involve principles."

"Don't worry Minister Wang, I will."

Uncle Wang turned to Li Chu and said, "Xiao Chu, send your Uncle Liu off for me."

Li Chu sent Director Liu to the gate of the compound. Director Liu asked the man to drive. He said to Li Chu: "Xiao Chu, don't worry, this matter will be resolved smoothly."

"Uncle Liu, to be honest, I don't care about my own safety. The main reason is that I have a wife and children, and my sister. I am mainly worried about them."

"We will take care of it and make sure that the previous incident will not happen again. If there are any problems in the future, I hope you can tell me as soon as possible. Don't investigate in private. If something really happens, I will bear it." Sorry."

Li Chu nodded: "I know Uncle Liu, when I found out that someone was following me, I didn't tell you immediately, and I didn't know why, so I thought we should check it ourselves, and I won't do this again gone."

Director Liu raised his hand and patted Li Chu's shoulder: "From your parents, we are all one family, and we will do our best for everything you and Xiaoqin have."

"Thank you Uncle Liu!"

"You're calling me uncle, so you don't have to be so polite. Go back and let Minister Wang rest early."

At this time, the car also drove over. Seeing Director Liu opened the door to get in the car, Li Chu stopped him again: "Uncle Liu, if possible, can you arrange for me to meet Jiang Cheng?"

Just as Director Liu was about to get in the car, he stopped when he heard Li Chu's words, thought for a while and said, "Let's see, if possible, I will arrange it."

After speaking, he waved to Li Chu and sat in the car.

Gu Hao didn't turn around and walk back until the car was far away.

He really wanted to meet Jiang Cheng and ask him why he did this.

At the same time, he was more puzzled that those two people seemed to be looking for him, why Jiang Cheng didn't directly tell them his identity.

If Jiang Cheng just wanted to use those two people to avenge his sister, why did he find someone to follow him?

It seems that these questions can only be answered after meeting Jiang Cheng.

Alas, I don't know if Jiang Li was involved in this incident, I hope she is not.

Back at Uncle Wang's house, it was already almost two o'clock in the morning, and the matter had been settled, so they didn't waste any more time, let Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang rest quickly, and the four of them left.

"Brother-in-law, take good care of my sister during this time."

"I know, I plan to take her to and from get off work every day recently."

"Is it necessary? I guess Uncle Liu will sweep them up in a while." Sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Li Qin heard that her husband was worried about his safety and said that he would take him to and from get off work every day. Said dissatisfied.

"Sister, I'll follow my brother-in-law's arrangement, and wait until the matter is completely resolved."

"Xiao Chu, you should also pay attention." Wang Ziwen looked at his brother-in-law and urged.

"I know, by the way, brother-in-law, let sixth brother go back to work tomorrow, it's not a problem to ask for leave all the time."

Wang Ziwen looked at his cousin, but Wu Xiaoliu said that it didn't matter, and he could arrange it however he wanted.

"That's fine, Xiaoliu, you can go back to work tomorrow. Your sister-in-law even asked someone to introduce you to someone who works in a printing and dyeing factory. See you later."

"Hey." Wu Xiaoliu smiled innocently, "Thank you sister-in-law."

"You're welcome, we're all family." Li Qin waved her hand indifferently.

"Congratulations, Sixth Brother, we are about to start a family."

"It's still early, people haven't seen it yet." After saying this, Wu Xiaoliu's mouth was almost grinning behind his ears.

In these years, as long as they can get to the point where they can meet each other, this marriage can basically be done.

Because the matchmaker will clearly introduce the situation of both parties when they are the matchmaker. If the woman agrees to meet the man, it means that she is more satisfied with the man. As long as the latter is not as messy as He Yuzhu, the matter will be settled.

As for dating, you can talk about it casually after marriage.

Everyone lives through bumps and bumps. If you are really unlucky and encounter a jerk, as long as you don't really have no way to live, the woman will generally swallow her anger, and few people will take the initiative to propose a divorce.

Just like Jiang Li, if Jiang Cheng hadn't come back and forced her to divorce, I guess she would still make ends meet.

Whether this situation is good or not, no one can say. Of course, domestic violence is definitely not right. It is not an exaggeration to say that the party who commits domestic violence is a beast, but many people are beating, scolding and making noise like this. It's been a lifetime of trouble, and in the end, no one can do without anyone.

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