Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 226 Memory

After a while, the supply and marketing man came out, waved his hand towards the inside and left.

Wu Xiaoliu waited for the gate to be closed and the lights inside to be turned off, then he walked to the gate, put his ear to the door, and heard the footsteps walking farther and farther inside, he went to the side of the road and sat down.

He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his head with the sleeve of his clothes. It was really exciting just now.

I didn't expect that today's whim follow-up, I heard so many exciting content, this is a spy, and it is a spy who has been lurking for many years.

It's just that the person they are looking for is Li Chu?

Wu Xiaoliu shook his head and didn't bother with this matter anymore, it was beyond his control now.

He just wants to go back now, tell Li Chu about it quickly, and let him decide what to do about it.

After resting for a while, Wu Xiaoliu stood up and walked home.

He didn't plan to follow that supply and sales man any more. It was pointless to continue following him. He understood everything he needed to know.

In this way, he returned to Li Chu after more than an hour.

After listening to Wu Xiaoliu's narration, Li Chu's first reaction was that these two people should be looking for himself and his sister.

But why after so many years, they are still looking for themselves and their sister for revenge?

After thinking for a while, Li Chu picked up the phone and called Uncle Wang's house.

He put down the phone and called his sister's house again.

Whether it's Uncle Wang or Elder Sister, they were already asleep at this point, and they all started to move after Li Chu's phone call.

"Let's go, Sixth Brother, come with me to Uncle Wang's house."

Wu Xiaoliu didn't say anything, just washed his face on the faucet in the yard, Li Chu took out another suit, and asked him to change into the suit he bought earlier.

The clothes on his body, which he crawled around on the ground just now, are already so dirty that he can't see them.

Fortunately, I didn't come across the red cuffs on the way back, otherwise I would have been sent to the police station.

Li Chu hadn't worn this set of clothes since he got married, and now he didn't wear any other clothes except the clothes made by his wife.

Wu Xiaoliu's clothes fit quite well.

He got on his bicycle, took Wu Xiaoliu and rushed to Uncle Wang's house.

When I got to the door, my sister and brother-in-law hadn't arrived yet. They waited at the door for a while before they came.

Wang Jiayuan was already asleep, and they didn't call her when they left. Besides, she is a big girl now, so it's fine to be alone at home.

Li Qin jumped down before the car stopped, ran to Li Chu in three steps at a time, grabbed his arm and looked up and down.

"Are you okay, Xiao Chu?"

"I'm fine, sister. I didn't go again. Brother Six followed me."

"Thank God, I was scared to death. I thought you ran out again." Li Qin bowed to the sky with his palms folded.

Li Chu hurriedly grabbed her sister's hand and didn't let her mess around. This is not a random worship. You can do whatever you want at home. When you go out, there are sentries over there, so you must be careful.

Li Qin also knew that she had done a poor job, so she put her hand away and nodded to her younger brother to show that she knew.

Li Chu and Wu Xiaoliu greeted Wang Ziwen, and they pushed their bicycles to the sentinel without saying anything at the door.

Uncle Wang had already made an agreement with this side in advance, and the sentinel just took their work IDs to register and let them in.

As soon as they reached the door of Uncle Wang's house, Zhang Meng opened the door and let them in.

In the living room, Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang were sitting there. Seeing Li Chu walk in safe and sound, both elders breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiao Chu, what's the matter, I didn't say anything on the phone just now." Uncle Wang saw them coming in, and asked directly.

Ignoring the small talk, Li Chu immediately told him what Wu Xiaoliu told him just now, and finally asked: "Uncle, aunt, I always feel that the person they said, who has been looking for more than ten years, It should be me and my sister, but why are they looking for it?"

"Why else, it must be revenge. Back then, your parents caused heavy losses to their organization, and almost wiped out the entire army. It is normal for them, who are still alive, to seek revenge from you." Uncle Wang said casually. .

After listening to Uncle Wang's words, Li Chu and Li Qin looked at each other. What kind of logic is this, wasting more than ten years looking for someone just for revenge?

It's really a gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late.

Uncle Wang thought for a while and then said: "I guess, Jiang Cheng may have been controlled by Director Liu and the others, that's why he hasn't come out from the unit. Let's continue to report this matter to Director Liu and let them investigate. .”

"Old Wang, why do I feel that something is wrong with this?" Aunt Wang patted Uncle Wang's arm and said.

"What's wrong?"

"It's been more than ten years since that incident, and they went to great lengths to find Xiao Chu and Xiao Qin, just for revenge?"

"Yes, Uncle Wang, I also wonder if there is something else going on here, or the people they are looking for are not Xiao Chu and Xiao Qin at all." Wang Ziwen also said.

Uncle Wang thought for a while, then shook his head: "No matter who they are looking for, let Director Liu and the others investigate, the previous matter has been handed over to them, and it is their duty to catch spies. After that, the truth will come out.”

After speaking, he picked up the phone directly and looked at Li Chu again.

Li Chu quickly reported a series of numbers: "This is Director Liu's phone number."

When Uncle Wang was on the phone, Aunt Wang looked at Li Chu and asked, "Xiao Chu, how many calls can you remember?"

"Uh, basically I can remember anyone who has played once."

"After calling once, you don't need to read the phone book?" Li Qin asked in surprise.

Li Chu nodded: "Yes, I have called once, how can I not remember?"

These words almost made a few people vomit blood, Ma De, you are showing off your memory.

Even Uncle Wang who was on the phone with Director Liu stopped talking and took a deep look at him.

Li Qin stood up and walked around her younger brother: "Why didn't I know you have such a good memory?"

Aunt Wang also said, "That's right, I remember you didn't have such an exaggerated memory when you were young, did you?"

Li Chu scratched his head and pretended to be dazed: "I don't know, anyway, I can basically remember it after reading it once."

What he can say is that it cannot be said that it is because of the system transformation.

Uncle Wang had already hung up the phone at this time, and when he heard Li Chu's words, he also looked up and down carefully.

"Xiao Chu, what do you mean, no matter what the content is, you can remember everything after reading it once?"

"It's about the same, but it can't be the kind of inconsistency."

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