Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 183 Notice

"If you don't have enough to eat, use your money to go to Pigeon Market to buy."

"You can still buy food in Pigeon Market. I thought you could only buy meat, chickens, and eggs."

Li Chu glanced at Ding Qiunan strangely, didn't he know?Suddenly, she realized that it was not surprising that her daughter-in-law didn't know. In the past, there was no food shortage in her family, and the four members of the family had a ration. Even if it was not enough, there was her father. She never worried about it.

He explained to his daughter-in-law: "There are many things you can buy, and even those tickets are resold, but if you only buy food, even if you are caught, you will only criticize education and confiscate things. You're in trouble, you're going to jail."

"Li Chu, don't you want to go to Pigeon City?" Ding Qiunan asked when he heard that he was arrested and going to jail.

"Where should I go? We don't lack anything at home. I've never been there. I just heard from others."

The two of them sat there again and had a conversation, then washed up and went upstairs to sleep.

The next day, Li Chu was still thinking about the idea of ​​last night. After arriving at the hospital, he went to the surgery department to get some cotton wool rolls.This is much more convenient, just throw it away when it gets dirty.It's just that this thing can't stick to it, which makes Li Chu scratch his head a little.Forget it, let the daughter-in-law figure it out on her own, since he doesn't use this thing, he really can't think of it.

It's just that the cotton pads are a bit expensive, one roll costs one yuan, and it's because Li Chu is also a doctor in the hospital, and outsiders don't sell them yet.Li Chu bought ten volumes directly, which was enough for a while.You can't tell your wife how much money you have when you go back, or you will be nagged again.

It was cold, and the number of people coming to see the doctor gradually increased. In the middle, I went to the internal medicine department for two consultations.Now in the hospital consultation in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as long as Li Chu is there, Director Liang will basically let him go, and the other doctors are also happy.Li Chu is almost becoming the pillar of their department now.

When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Li Qin came over, called him out, and directly gave him the land deed and several keys of the yard.

"You can ask that rich boss to start working. If you need anything, you can find your brother-in-law yourself. You must keep this land deed and house deed well. If it is lost, it will be very troublesome to replace it." Li Qin told him.

Li Chu held the two pieces of paper, his face was full of joy: "Sister, you are really a real sister, I love you to death."

"Go, what nonsense are you talking about." My sister slapped him, "Okay, take your time, I'm leaving, and take Qiu Nan to eat when I have nothing to rest."

"Sister, why are you in a hurry to leave, come in and sit down and drink a glass of water."

Li Qin didn't stop, just pushed on the bicycle and left: "I don't want to sit anymore, what time is it, I'll go back straight away. Remember, bring Qiu Nan here if you have nothing to do."

"Listen, sister, please slow down on the road."

Li Chu carefully put the two pieces of paper in his pocket, and showed them to Qiu Nan when he went back, and put them away in the space when he returned.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is New Year's Eve.

Early in the morning, Ding Qiunan was wearing a cotton coat and a cotton hat, ready to go to work.

Li Chu followed behind and repeatedly told her to ride slowly and pay attention to safety.Two days ago, Ding Qiunan fell while riding a bicycle. Fortunately, he was wearing thick winter clothes and nothing happened. This made Li Chu feel bad. As long as Ding Qiunan was riding a bicycle these two days, he would chase after his buttocks and tell him that Ding Qiunan was about to I was moved and felt that he was too wordy.

Li Chu stood at the gate of the courtyard and watched his daughter-in-law go away before preparing to go in, "Xiao Hei, you're back." Now whenever Ding Qiunan goes out, Xiao Hei will run after the bicycle, and will not come back until he reaches the entrance of the alley.When Li Chu went to work every day, he still locked Xiao Hei at home and released him after get off work. Once he was released, Xiao Hei would run to the gate of the courtyard and wait until Ding Qiunan came back from get off work before he came back.

After Li Chu got home and packed up, he walked slowly to work.He basically walks when he goes to work now, and he is too lazy to ride a bicycle.

When he came to the office, Dr. Luo told him as soon as he entered the door: "Dr. Li, I will go out to buy some things later. If Director Liang comes over, please help me talk."

Li Chu nodded: "Okay, you can go."

Dr. Luo passed the assessment in November last year, and his salary has also increased. Now the life of the family is much better, and he dares to buy some New Year's goods for the family this New Year.

Li Chu also passed the assessment smoothly, and his salary has been raised to 92 yuan. If there is no accident, he should not have a salary increase for several years.

The construction of the new yard has also started, and now the trenches are being dug for the pipes. This time, we must clean it up, at least we can't go out to the toilet anymore.As for the house, Li Chu has some new ideas now, and he plans to communicate with the rich boss after the new year to see if his ideas can be realized.

Li Chu is very satisfied with his current living conditions, but his sister Li Qin is really dissatisfied. She has been married for half a year, and there is still no movement. Afraid to see my sister.

He wants to wait for a while before having a baby. Ding Qiunan is taking the medicine he prescribed, and his physical fitness has improved rapidly. Now he can fight with him for several rounds, and the life of husband and wife is becoming more and more harmonious. .

Sitting on a chair humming a little song, thinking wildly, the door of the office was pushed open. Li Chu looked at the door and stood up in surprise: "Brother Zhang, when did you come back?" The person who came in was Li Chu Uncle Wang's guard, Zhang Meng, has been with Uncle Wang for almost 20 years.

"We just arrived last night."

"Have Uncle Wang and Auntie come back?"

"Come back, I'm here today, because the chief asked me to tell you that I have to go to my house for dinner tonight and bring your wife with me. If you don't go, he will send someone to arrest you. These are the words of the chief, I just came Send a message. I will go to your sister later." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"Brother Xing Zhang, you will go back later and tell Uncle Wang, I will definitely be there tonight."

"It's not that you will definitely arrive tonight, and you will bring your daughter-in-law with you."

"It's necessary, definitely bring it."

"That's it, I'm leaving." After Zhang Meng informed the matter, he was ready to leave.

"Brother Zhang, are you not sitting with me?"

"I won't sit down anymore, I have to go to your sister's place. After I go back, I have to see what the chief lacks. I'm going to go shopping." After speaking, he walked out of the office and got into the jeep parked in the yard. Li Chu followed After walking out, he saw Zhang Meng beckoning to him in the car, and drove away.

This Zhang Meng is really a soldier, he acts vigorously and resolutely, and he never sloppy in speaking and doing things.

Oh, I can have a good meal tonight, and I finally don't have to be so aggrieved in the yard and dare not eat this or that.Li Chu hummed a little song happily and walked into the office.

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