Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 182 Opinions

"Uncle, how can I be joking about this kind of thing, I copied it once, and I can still distinguish some characters, it should be right."

Lin Sanshou asked in a hurry: "How many volumes? How many volumes are there in the acupuncture scripture you are talking about?"

"Nine volumes, a total of nine volumes, there should be nothing missing."

Lin Sanshou clenched his right hand and smashed his left hand: "That's right, it should be the original. I remember reading it in an ancient book before, saying that the original Lingshu was nine volumes, and Su Wen was also nine volumes. All together, there are 24 volumes in total, which is the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic. And the Lingshu that is circulated now has [-] volumes, all of which were adapted by later generations.”

Then he asked again: "Where is the book now?"

"The original is gone, only I copied it myself."

"Just copy it down, it doesn't matter if it's there or not, where is it?"

"It's in my consulting room, uncle, do you want to see it now?"

"I want a car to take you for a ride, you can take it here and let me have a look, I can't wait."

After Lin Sanshou finished speaking, he picked up the phone and called Xiao Cheban.

Li Chu didn't expect Uncle Lin to read this book so eagerly, so he could only follow the car for a ride.

When he handed over the notebooks he had copied to Mr. Lin, Li Chu was thrown aside.

Nothing to do, Li Chu can only hold the book on the table and read.

The sound of the broadcast outside the window woke up two serious people, and they glanced at each other blankly, only then did they realize that it was lunch time.

The notebook was left behind by the uncle, and Li Chu didn't object. Anyway, he still has a foundation, so if he gave it to the uncle, he would just copy it again.

Lin Sanshou led Li Chu to have a meal in Xiaozao.

After eating, I asked for a car to take them to the ministry.

When he arrived here, Li Chu thought that he should be the first to arrive, but unexpectedly he was the last to arrive. The other three candidates had already come here in the morning and waited in the small conference room.

Lin Sanshou asked him to wait in the small meeting room, and someone would come and notify him when the assessment started.

After saying hello to the other three candidates, Li Chu saw that none of them seemed to want to chat, so he sat down on a chair against the wall and began to close his eyes and meditate.

He didn't know any of the other three candidates, and he rarely interacted with people in the Chinese medicine field.

He seldom goes to the meeting of the Chinese Medicine Branch of the Sijiucheng Medical Association.

Although he didn't know anyone else, those people treated him like thunder.

These three people are all in their forties, and they are considered young people in Chinese medicine.But there is no way to compare with Li Chu.

Li Chu's current medical skills, not to mention these younger doctors, even old Chinese doctors in their 70s like Fang Lao and Wang Lao in the health care team, dare not say that their medical skills are better than him.

During that time, when he ran all over the city and collected data on patients with kidney failure, he helped those hospitals solidly and solved many difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

The shadow of the famous tree, the other three candidates, when they saw that the last person was indeed Li Chu, their hearts were half cold.

When Li Chu felt himself staring for a moment, the assessment finally started.

He didn't expect the assessment time to be so long, and it was more than two hours later when it was the turn of the second person.

Depending on the situation, he didn't know what time it would be when he went back tonight, so he came to the office of the Health Bureau while the second person was being assessed, and called Director Yang of the hospital pharmacy.

Please Director Yang tell Ding Qiunan that I have something to do outside, and I may go back very late at night.

Sure enough, by the time the second person finished the assessment, it was already off-duty time.

The Ministry arranged for them to have a meal in the cafeteria before returning to continue the assessment.

I don't know if it was intentional or what, but he was scheduled for the last assessment, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening when it was his turn.

When we came to the big meeting room for the assessment, there were more than a dozen committee members participating in the assessment, and even the major leaders of the department were there.

When Li Chu came in, he could clearly feel that the judges were relieved, making him confused.

He didn't know if the judges were tired or not, anyway, he was tired from sitting in the small meeting room.

"The last person to participate in the review is Li Chu from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Union Medical College Hospital, who is also in the health care group. All members should know each other." The person who spoke was Director Zhang of the review committee.

He went on to say: "Members, let me talk about my thoughts first. I believe everyone knows Comrade Li Chu's medical skills. You all know what level he is. If it weren't for the working years card Stop, I believe that his current technical level should be beyond the limit, do you have any objections to my saying this?"

Director Zhang's words made all the committee members silent for a while before they all nodded in agreement.

Seeing that everyone nodded in agreement with his statement, Director Zhang continued: "My suggestion is, let's just skip the medical skills assessment. There is no need to go through the procedure again. Of course, I am asking for everyone's opinions. As long as there is one person who disagrees, we will start the assessment."

Director Zhang's proposal was obviously beyond everyone's expectations, and even the big leader sitting on the side glanced at him.

This time, the committee members were silent for a longer time, and Director Zhang said again: "Anyone who has a different opinion can raise his hand. It is an offense for us to be a review committee member, so you don't have to worry about it."

After waiting for a while, no one raised their hands to object. Just as Director Zhang was about to say something, the leader said, "Do you have any concerns, comrades? Otherwise, let Comrade Li Chu and his uncle Director Cheng with his leadership will avoid it for a while, and then you decide?

I know that there are many comrades who have objections to Comrade Li Chu in private, why no one objected right now? "

Sitting below, Li Chu felt helpless. What time is it and you guys are still wasting your time, so you can just give me the exam directly. I didn’t think about exempting the exam.

"Ahem" At this time, an older committee member cleared his throat and said, "Let's be clear, I am the one who has an opinion on Comrade Li Chu, but I have an opinion on some of his actions. I really admire his medical skills, so I didn't object."

What this committee member said made several other people nod their heads. Judging by their age, they should all be Chinese medicine practitioners.

These committee members sit here and can tell who is Chinese medicine and who is Western medicine at a glance. The oldest Western medicine doctor is only 50 years old, and the youngest of the five Chinese medicine practitioners is Lin Sanshou, who is also in his early [-]s.

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