Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 169 Depressed

But thinking about it is also true, the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic should be a book compiled in the early Western Han Dynasty, and Hua Tuo was born in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, so it is normal for him to learn the techniques of Lingshu.

This immediately aroused Li Chu's interest. Originally, he was going to read it to pass the time when he was bored, but now he has to read it carefully.

Just as I was about to read it, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly put the book in my hand into the warehouse.

He hardly ever sweated, the sweat on his head burst out, dripping from his forehead down his cheeks.

Fortunately, no one saw this book, otherwise there would be a big problem.

This system is going to kill him. This book is not mimeographed, it is printed, and it is printed by a laser printer. Where can I find things printed by this method in this era?

If this was seen by others, he would not be able to explain it clearly even if his mouth was all over his body.

"Huh", Li Chu let out a heavy breath.

He really didn't expect the system to play this game for him. Last time the information was all mimeographed. Why did it change this time?

He got up and left the consultation room, went to the faucet in the yard to wash his face, and then slowly calmed down.

He secretly warned himself that he would not dare to be so careless in the future.

Come on, put this book in the warehouse, and copy it slowly by yourself, copying it once is better than reading it several times.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart, is this broken system trying to kill him so that he can find another master?

After scolding in his heart, Li Chu didn't go back to the consultation room, but went directly to the medical office, and got some notebooks with cowhide covers, and some bottles of ink.

After returning to the consulting room, I opened the book in my mind, lay down on the desk, and began to copy the book carefully.

I just finished copying the review, and when I was about to copy the original text, I dropped the pen and stopped copying.

This review seems to be written by a later generation. Although it is in traditional Chinese characters, he can understand it, and it is in vernacular.

After that, it is impossible to copy the original text. It is shameful to say that he does not know most of the characters.

It's not surprising that the writing in the Western Han Dynasty is far from the current writing at 01:30.

Because the original text is in classical Chinese, you can't judge it based on the meaning of the context.

And this should be regarded as a professional book, which is even more difficult to guess.

If you want to understand this fucking book, you have to become an expert in ancient characters first.

Li Chu wailed in his heart, I am too difficult.

He could see that this system was definitely designed to manipulate him. The printer used a printer that would not appear until a few years later, but the content was the original text of ancient books.

I don't know how to offend the system.He made a decision in his heart that he would not sign in from tomorrow, and would sign in every few days. He wanted to see what kind of monsters this system could make for him.

This time, he had no intention of staying in the consulting room at all, so he put away the pens on the table, and put those newly-acquired notebooks into the drawer.

It was more than an hour before he got off work at noon, and he was going to seek comfort from his wife.

There were not many people picking up medicines in the Chinese pharmacy today, and Sister Yang happened to be there, so Li Chu took his wife to the backyard of the Chinese pharmacy.

Ding Qiunan could tell from the moment her husband entered the door of the Chinese pharmacy that he was not in a good mood, so she didn't object to being dragged to the backyard.

The two sat in the backyard and talked for a while, and it was obvious that his mood was slowly recovering.

Ding Qiunan didn't ask anything from the beginning to the end. She knew that he would definitely say what he could say. Since she didn't say anything, if she asked, it would only add trouble to her husband.

When he returned home at noon, he heard the two children calling daddy clearly, the last trace of boredom in Li Chu's heart completely disappeared.

Wenxuan and Wenhui can now call out their parents, and Wenxuan can still stand up by himself now.

However, Li Chu was not in a hurry to teach. He is less than one year old now, so he can learn it if he has the consciousness.

After eating, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan took their children and sat on the floor in the living room to play.

He didn't buy that kind of plush carpet, so he spread the blanket that someone gave him last time on the floor, so that the two children could have a bigger place to move around.

After all, the stroller was a bit small, and it was uncomfortable for the two children to sit in it for a long time.

Mama Ding's heart ached when the blanket was spread on the floor. She kept saying that the two of them were prodigal sons and wanted them to put away the blanket.

But seeing her grandson and granddaughter crawling happily up and down, she didn't say much.

Putting the two children on the blanket to play, Ding's mother saved trouble.

If the two of them wanted to climb out of the blanket, Xiao Hei would help push the child in without Mama Ding's hands.

The two children are newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and are not afraid of Xiao Hei at all. Sometimes they are good at patting and plucking it, but Xiao Hei has never been annoyed.

Ding's mother told them during the meal just now that the two little ones were tired from playing on the blanket this morning, and fell asleep on Xiao Hei's stomach, and Xiao Hei just lay there obediently, motionless for more than an hour .

Li Chu looked at Xiao Hei lying on the side of the blanket, and scratched its head.

The two children are each other's companions, and they grow up with pets, so they won't be lonely, which is very good.

Li Chu also felt a little strange, he and his wife are both in good health, why is it so difficult to conceive a baby?

The first child was conceived after more than a year of marriage. Now that I have not taken any measures for such a long time, there is still no movement. What is the situation?

Ding Qiunan was still chatting about things.

After coming to the hospital in the afternoon, Li Chu was completely fine. In order not to let himself be too bored, he started taking outpatients again.

Then when there were no patients, he continued to copy the book. Although he didn't know the characters, he wrote it out as it was. When he had a chance later, he was going to see if he could find an expert who studied ancient characters for advice.

Such a good thing can't be shelved and wasted.

The days passed slowly day by day, Mama Ding helped them take care of their child for a month and then went back, and Aunt Wang came here again.

Wang Jiadong also failed to enter the university as he wished, and was sent to a teaching team in Changxindian by Uncle Wang.

One day in early September, just after dinner in the afternoon, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan were about to push their children out in a stroller, but Xu Damao unexpectedly came to their door.

Seeing Xu Damao's sad face, Li Chu understood why he had this expression in his heart.

The matter started when Lou Xiaoe gave birth to a son for him.

It has been more than two months since she gave birth, and Lou Xiaoe has been living in her natal home.

There is no one to take care of her here, and it is fine to live in her mother's house, but the Lou family actually made a request that Xu Damao could not accept. The Lou family actually wanted the child to be named Lou, which made Xu Damao furious.

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