Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 168 Acupuncture

Before Li Qin finished speaking, Li Chu interrupted her directly: "Sister, whether it is Uncle Wang or me, we are just suggesting, and you and my brother-in-law are the ones to make the decisions. No one is forcing the family Dong has to go, but you really can’t bear to go.”

"Will that make Uncle Wang unhappy?"

"Sister, I've told you what you think. It's just a suggestion. It's none of my business whether you go or not."

Li Chu continued: "If you want me to say, don't let Jiadong serve as a soldier at all. You see how many years Xiaojun has been a soldier before coming back for the first time. Since you don't want to part with it, then just go."

"But going to serve as a soldier will be good for Jiadong's future." Li Qin still understands this very well.

"Based on you and my brother-in-law, are you still afraid that you won't be able to find a job for Jiadong?"

Li Qin didn't speak, and stood there with her head down, thinking about something.

Li Chu approached his sister and said in a low voice, "Sister, I hope you can understand a little bit."

"With Uncle Wang's help, Jiadong's journey in the army will go much smoother, including promotion and promotion. If you and my brother-in-law arrange for Jiadong to serve in the army, not only will it be closer to you, but also What's the benefit? My brother-in-law has been away from the army for so many years, and now his relationship is also in the local area."

Speaking of this, Li Chu stopped, turned his head to see that there was no one around, and then continued: "As far as I know, the army arranged by Uncle Wang is very unusual, and we need educated people like Jiadong. "

Li Qin raised her head and looked at her younger brother steadily, hoping that he could speak in more detail.

Although she and Wang Ziwen are both leaders, they are at the grassroots level after all, and they have no access to many situations.

Li Chu shook his head: "Sister, that's all I can say, you can think about the rest yourself. You can't just think about not wanting your child to leave you, but also think about the future of the house."

Li Qin was touched by his younger brother's words.

Yes, I can't be so selfish, the child's life is still very long, so I can't delay the child.

"Sister, have you discussed with Jiadong, what does he think?" Li Chu asked again.

"Xiao Chu, I understand. Your brother-in-law and I will tell Jiadong tonight and let him choose. No matter what he chooses, I will agree."

"That's right. Jiadong is already an adult, and he has to make some decisions by himself. You and my brother-in-law can pave the way for him, but you can't walk for him."

"Okay, you go in, I'm going back to work too."

After speaking, Li Qin pushed the bicycle and walked towards the hospital entrance.

Li Chu didn't go in, he walked to the gate together.

Just as Li Qin was about to get on the bicycle, she stopped again, turned her head to look at her younger brother and said with emotion, "Xiao Chu, you have indeed grown up now."

I couldn't laugh or cry when I was told by my sister: "Sister, I look at Ben San, who is already the father of two children, why do you still think I haven't grown up?"

Li Qin glanced at his younger brother: "No matter how old you are, in my heart you are still the crying little kid following me." After speaking, he pedaled his bicycle and left.

Li Chu smiled and shook his head, seeing his sister walking away before returning to the hospital.

While walking to the consulting room, I thought, "When my two children grow up and have changed their minds, they will have a much easier life in the future."

Sitting in the consultation room, thinking of my little niece Jiayuan, I suddenly felt a severe headache.

This girl just grew up in the great era, and she had to think about her future path in advance, but he didn't dare to jump in the queue for this girl, let alone his sister and brother-in-law, he couldn't bear it.

At that time, I have to make an agreement with my sister and brother-in-law in advance, but don't be fooled into signing up by yourself, then it's over.

He remembered that he heard people tell him in his last life that many people signed up impulsively at that time.

It turned out that after I went there, I found that life in the countryside was not so good at all, and the children in the city couldn't bear the hardships, and then they cried and wanted to come back, but it was too late to regret.

Alas, it's still early, but this must be remembered.

Not thinking about those things anymore, Li Chu noticed that Nurse Wang hadn't come yet.

He didn't care, anyway, he has almost nothing to do here now, and if Nurse Wang doesn't want to read in the clinic, she usually stops by the clinic hall, anyway, just don't let the leader catch her.

Just as I was about to go to the library to look for a book, I remembered that I hadn’t signed in today. I stood up and washed my hands in the washbasin, wiped them clean, and sat back behind the desk before I was ready to sign in.

His signing in is not as casual as before. If it is not for the conditions, he even wants to bathe and change clothes every day, and sign in after burning incense and praying.

He was really intimidated by the huge amount of information before. If the system came back with some weird information, he would definitely go crazy.

After getting ready, Li Chu silently read the sign in his mind.

"Ding" sign-in is successful, and nine volumes of needle scriptures will be rewarded.

"???" Three big question marks popped up in his mind.

"What is this? Acupuncture scriptures? Is it the scriptures recited by monks, or the needles of Chinese medicine?" Li Chu muttered.

He opened the warehouse directly. In addition to the things he had sorted out, there were also a few books left alone in the warehouse.

He withdrew from the warehouse in his mind, since there was no one else in the consulting room, he just took out those books.

The moment he saw the book, Li Chu was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Damn, it would be great for you to make an ancient book for me, and it has some collection value. What's the point of this printed version.

Pick it up directly^_^ It says on the cover.After opening it, he carefully looked at the contents inside.

The first few pages are a summary, "Hey" isn't this the Lingshu, a part of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine.

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine is divided into two parts, one is called Su Wen, and the other is the spiritual pivot.

There are libraries in the city, and students who study Chinese medicine must learn these two books.

Li Chu was full of disappointment as to what he had learned.

He felt something was wrong again. He remembered that the coffin in the library should have 24 volumes. Why is there only nine volumes? Do we have to give this thing separately?

Anyway, there is nothing wrong, so just watch this, it's all about reviewing the old and learning the new.

He put the rest into the warehouse and began to look at the book in his hand.

Before finishing the review, Li Chu's face became a little strange, which is different from what he learned at the time!

He feels that this one is like the original version in the Western Han Dynasty, and the one in the library is more like an adaptation by later generations.

He can't say which one is better, and this is not something he can evaluate at this level, but he thinks that Hua Tuo's skills learned before, and the acupuncture techniques contained in it, are more similar to the overview introduced in this book. It's all straightforward.

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