Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 160 Genetics

It is rare for Li Chu to wake up late in the morning, and he was woken up by the pressure of two children.

When he opened his eyes, his daughter was sleeping on his chest, and his son was sleeping on his lap.

The two children didn't know when they got up, and their clothes had been changed. They probably got sleepy again while playing on the bed, so they fell asleep on their father's body.

Just when he was about to take the child off his body, Ding Qiunan walked in, and when he saw the sleeping position of the two children, he let out a "giggle" laugh.

"Why did you wake up so late today?" He asked, reaching out to help put the child on the bed.

Li Chu gave her an angry look: "It's not all your fault."

"What did I do to you? I should have gone to bed early last night." Ding Qiunan was a little at a loss.

"Don't you know your own sleeping position? These two children are completely up to you."

"Hey, who made you so comfortable, it wouldn't be a waste not to hug you."

"Oh..." What else could Li Chu say, after getting dressed, he went to wash up.

When I came out of the bedroom, I saw that breakfast had already been bought.

"Why did you get up so early today? You even bought breakfast."

"I get up early every day, okay?" Ding Qiunan retorted excitedly like a cat whose fur has blown.

Li Chu didn't say anything, just gave her a look to let him understand, turned his head and walked into the bathroom, and locked the door from the inside.

"What does your look mean? Ah, Li Chu, tell me clearly."

There was only a sound of running water in the bathroom, but she was so angry that she turned around in the living room.

After a while, when he heard the movement of the bathroom door and saw Li Chu come out after washing, Ding Qiunan ran over and jumped up, clamped his legs around his waist, and put his arms around his neck.

"Tell me clearly, what did your eyes mean just now?"

Li Chu was almost brought down by the force of his daughter-in-law's rushing over, so he took two steps back before stopping, and hurriedly grabbed her back with his hands.

"Be careful, daughter-in-law, you are already a mother, what if you fall?"

He patted her backside casually: "Okay, I was joking with you just now, my daughter-in-law is the best, and I can't find it with a lantern. I can marry such a good wife as you, and my ancestral grave will definitely be smoked. "

"Humph" Ding Qiunan jumped off him, turned around arrogantly and walked to the table, grabbed a big bun and bit it down, grinding his teeth at Li Chu while eating.

After coming to the hospital in the morning, Li Chu didn't go to the consulting room, but went directly to the laboratory to get the test report of the patient with kidney failure.

Thanks to such a long time of cramming, he can finally understand the various data on these laboratory reports.

After returning to the consulting room, he took the test results and began to study them seriously, occasionally looking through books.

Sure enough, as he expected, the data shown in this report is similar to the conclusion he got from his pulse, but this test report is more intuitive after all, and the conclusions drawn through pulse are too empirical.

He took out the research report he wrote from the bag and filled in the data. His report was initially completed.

He took out another stack of letter paper from the drawer, ready to make another copy.

Later, I have to submit a copy to the bureau. The letter of introduction that the bureau gave him at that time allowed him to go to other hospitals to contact patients in person, and he had collected so many medical records for him, so he had to give an explanation to the leader.

Just when he thought that there was no patient again this morning, the female cancer patient from last time came over.

"Doctor Li, I'm sorry I'm here to trouble you again."

When Li Chu saw her, he was a little puzzled. The last time he prescribed the medicine, he had to drink it for three months. Why did he come over so soon? Could it be that the disease has progressed again?But it doesn't look like her face, and her family members didn't come with her.

"Comrade Liu, you are here today..."

"Doctor Li, I drank the medicine you prescribed for me, and I feel much better now. I came to ask you, can I stop taking those medicines, after all, our family's situation..."

Liu Huiying's face turned reddish and looked a little embarrassed.

After hearing what she said, Li Chu didn't know how to answer. He knew the situation of the patient's family before. There were seniors and juniors. Both the patient and her husband were temporary workers. There were seven or eight members of the family. living on wages.

Now that she is sick, there is an additional expense every month, and the family must be stretched.

After thinking about it carefully: "I don't recommend you stop taking this medicine, because you can only temporarily control this disease by taking the medicine now. If you don't treat it now, your disease will continue to develop. Wait until then. Time is not something that can be solved by taking medicine."

"I also know a little about your family's situation. Well, I'll issue you a diagnosis certificate. If you take this certificate to your neighborhood committee, you should be able to apply for poverty relief."

"Is it really possible, Doctor Li?" Liu Huiying asked eagerly after hearing Li Chu's words.

"Yes, comrade, as long as your family is really in difficulty and you are seriously ill, you can apply." At this time, Nurse Wang next to her said.

This also made Li Chu heave a sigh of relief. It is not very clear whether he can apply for him, but he just vaguely remembers it. Since Nurse Wang said so, it can be sure.

Without saying anything more, he directly issued a certificate to Liu Huiying, and then asked her to follow Nurse Wang to the medical office to get a seal.

No matter what age, there are many people who return to poverty due to illness.

It's better to have a formal job, at least the unit will reimburse you. Last time Ding Qiunan gave birth, she didn't spend a penny.

Both Liu Huiying and the others are temporary workers. If there is no money to treat them, they really can only resist by themselves.

After spending most of the morning, I finally copied the research report again.

After handing it over to Director Liang, he didn't take care of it any more. He had already done what he could, and the rest would depend on how the hospital arranged it. If he alone did it to death, he probably collected everything. Not much data.

The matter at hand was finally dealt with. From now on, he was going to be a doctor in a down-to-earth manner, and he would stop messing with these messy things.

In the past two years, there has also been a lot of limelight. It is time to hide our strengths and bide our time. If we continue to be so bright, it is estimated that more and more people will be jealous.

Although there are those uncles who take care of him, it is easy to hide from the open, but hard to guard against the dark, and he is not alone.

Sometimes the tree really wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Just when Li Chu wanted to be quiet, the research report he handed in caused an uproar.

Regardless of whether the descriptions of the various stages of renal failure listed in this report are correct, as the first person to eat crabs, Li Chu has already been remembered by those bigwigs in the medical association.

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