Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 159 The Road

After giving Mama Ding the pulse, Li Chu asked his brother-in-law to bring a pen and paper, and wrote a prescription for Mama Ding.

"Mom, just drink this medicine once a day, after meals, for seven days in a row."

Then he said to Ding Qiunan: "I'll show you two acupoints, and you'll give our mother an injection later."

"Ah, I... I can't... I can't, where did I get a needle?"

"It's okay, Qiu Nan, don't be nervous, I can teach you." Li Chu pointed to two acupuncture points on his wife's abdomen, and it was indeed not convenient for him to pierce such places for his mother-in-law.

After speaking, Li Chu went to the outside room and took out acupuncture needles from his bag, and then asked Dad Ding for some white wine to sterilize the needles.

Ding Qiunan's hands trembled a little while holding the needle, and he looked a little flustered at her husband.

Li Chu smiled and squeezed her hand: "Don't be nervous, it's okay even if you make a mistake, don't worry."

"Xiao Chu, can Nan Nan do the piercing?" Mama Ding was also a little worried.

"Mom, don't worry too, I let Qiu Nan do it because there is no problem, you both can rest assured."

After speaking, he encouraged his daughter-in-law before walking out of the back room.

Dad Ding also kept paying attention to the movement in the back room, and when he saw Li Chu coming out, he also looked at him worriedly.

"Dad, don't worry, Qiu Nan is fine."

Although it was the first time for Ding Qiunan to give someone else an injection, it was still his own mother who had sweaty palms and trembling hands.

But when she heard Li Chu's determined voice from outside, she seemed to calm down all of a sudden, and she injected Mama Ding smoothly.

After finishing the piercing, she hurriedly came out and pulled Li Chu aside, behind her back, Papa Ding showed him where the piercing was done. She was still a little worried that she had pierced it in the wrong place.

"Don't worry, that's right, you did a good job." Li Chu touched his wife's face with a smile.

"Oh, what are you doing!" Ding Qiunan blushed and ran into the back room after being touched by her husband in front of her father.

Papa Ding turned his head to the side and said nothing, pretending that he didn't see anything.

"Qiu Nan, look at your watch and twist the needle every five minutes." Li Chu said loudly.

After finishing speaking, he sat down on the chair and said to Dad Ding: "Dad, my mother's disease is actually not considered a disease. Everyone will have it when they reach their age, regardless of gender, but it is generally not obvious for men, and slightly more obvious for women. "

"Usually at home, you and Jianguo follow her more, try not to make my mother angry, talk to her more when you have nothing to do, talk about happy things, don't let her think wildly, it will pass soon."

After hearing Li Chu's words, Dad Ding and Ding Jianguo nodded.

This time, Dad Ding realized firsthand how reassuring it is to have a doctor at home.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Ding Qiunan was not completely relieved until the needle was removed.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or it's really amazing, Mama Ding felt that her lower abdomen didn't feel the pain of falling down, and her waist felt a lot easier.

Standing on the ground and twisting her waist, Mama Ding said with a smile, "Nan Nan, Xiao Chu's medical skills are really good."

"Of course, Mom. If you have any problems in other departments in the hospital, you will always look to him."

When mentioning this, Ding Qiunan's eyes were filled with admiration. Her husband was her pride. She didn't know it when they didn't work together before. Only after she went to work in the hospital did she deeply understand the influence of her man in the hospital.

Don't say anything else, just say that she is pregnant and has a baby this time, and she has taken a vacation at home for nearly a year. Who can do it?

Usually in the hospital, because she is Li Chu's daughter-in-law, the directors of those departments greeted her with a smile and were polite to her.

Now in the hospital, no one used Li Chu's age as an issue for a long time.

Behind Mama Ding's back, Li Chu told his wife again.

"Qiu Nan, you will tell our mother later that her menstruation may be irregular in the past few months, sometimes more or less, and the length of time will also vary. These are normal, so she doesn't have to worry."

Ding Qiunan nodded: "Anything else?"

"It's nothing, I told my father and Jianguo. Our mother is taking medicine to recuperate, this stage will pass soon, it's okay."

With Li Chu's guarantee, Ding Qiunan felt at ease about her mother's health.

Holding the two waking children in their arms, the whole family sat in the shade by the door and chatted.

Because the son's future path was agreed today, Ding's parents and Ding's mother were relieved of the heavy pressure, and the whole afternoon was full of laughter.

Even Ding Jianguo slipped out to play and Mama Ding ignored him.

After dinner at home in the afternoon, the family of four took Xiao Hei, and then went home in the car driven by Zhang Meng.

In the evening, in the living room, Li Chu was brushing his daughter-in-law's hair.

After I came back, I was busy with the two of them. First, I gave the two children a bath, and then washed the three dogs.

After taking a bath for himself, Ding Qiunan was so tired that he didn't even want to move a finger.

After drying his hair, Li Chu carried his wife to the bed and took a shower himself.

When he came out after washing, he slept soundly in the early morning and early morning on the bed.

Xiao Hei also slept on the floor next to the bed. Since the two puppies moved into the den, it has been sleeping on the floor of the bedroom at night. Ding Qiunan even sewed a new mat for it.

Li Chu didn't go to bed to rest, he turned around and came to the study, and took out the indications of patients with kidney failure and various stages that he had sorted out, and prepared to summarize them.

The patient's examination data should come out tomorrow, and if he agrees with his own judgment, he will fill in the data at that time, and he will be ready to hand in the report.

This report is a bit rough, and it will definitely cause controversy among all parties, but it finally points out the direction. The rest of the work requires a lot of patient data and time to complete, which cannot be done by him alone.

After writing the last word on the paper, Li Chu exhaled lightly and shook his sore wrist, only to realize that it was early morning.

Ignoring the research report, I got up and went to the living room to prepare milk powder for the child.

After waiting for the two little ancestors to drink milk and urinate, they went to bed and prepared to rest.

Just lying down on the bed, Ding Qiunan coiled up like a beautiful snake.

After arching in his arms for a long time, I finally found a comfortable position.

Li Chu felt a little helpless from being tormented by her. He was a little sleepy at first, but now he became more energetic.

The daughter-in-law is good at everything, but this sleeping position is not flattering, and she doesn't consider whether he is uncomfortable or not.

He wanted to hug her directly to the small bed in the study, and whip her severely.

Look at the time and give up again, if this tossing continues, I won't have to sleep tonight.

Rubbing his wife's granary bitterly, he turned off the light and prepared to count sheep to sleep.

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