Living well in Siheyuan

Chapter 150 Scary

After entering the office, Mr. Fang hadn't come back yet.Li Chu sat behind the desk, only then did he feel that he was sweating all over his body and his head was dizzy.

Picking up the jug on the table and drinking a few sips of water, my head felt a little better, but my heart still beat fast, like beating a drum.

Li Chu shook his head with a wry smile. As a human being in two lives, his mental quality is still not good enough. He can be frightened like this even if he does something good. If he really did something bad, he probably fainted just now.

After sitting in the office for more than ten minutes, he felt that something was wrong. Their small courtyard was a little too quiet, and it was usually very lively outside after eating.

Li Chu opened the office door and went out. Someone was talking in the next office, but there was no one in the yard, and no one was seen walking around.

He went directly to the outside of the small courtyard. As soon as he left the courtyard, Li Chu felt his pupils shrink sharply. He saw that the road outside was already full of soldiers with guns.

Li Chu knew in his heart that the things he put should have been discovered, and those who were still in the cafeteria were probably not allowed to move around for the time being.

He didn't stay outside, and retreated directly into the courtyard.

At this time, the door of the office where he heard the voice just now opened, and two people came out, both doctors from the western medicine side.

"Doctor Li, why don't you see other people in the group?" One of them asked after seeing Li Chu.

Li Chu shook his head: "I don't know what's going on, I just saw soldiers with guns standing on the road outside."

The two people looked at each other: "Let's go, let's go out and have a look."

Seeing the two of them running out, Li Chu returned to the duty room and let out a long breath.

This matter is over, as for what the bosses will do with those things, that's not something he should worry about.

He just hopes that the system will never give him these things again, it's too exciting and thrilling.

Perhaps it was because the matter was successfully concluded and his heart was relieved, he actually felt a little sleepy at the moment.

Li Chu didn't go to the rest room to rest, and just lay down on the table and closed his eyes to rest. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know how long it took until the door of the duty room was pushed open to wake him up. He looked up and saw that Mr. Fang had returned.

"Old Fang, why are you coming back now? What happened?" Li Churuo asked nonchalantly.

"Don't mention it." Mr. Fang picked up the tea mug and took a sip before continuing: "I don't know who put something on the way to the small cafeteria, and I don't know what it is. Stop them and don't let them go."

"What did you put?" Li Chu pretended to be interested and inquired.

Fang Lao shook his head: "Then who knows, we were all in the cafeteria and we were not allowed to go out, and we didn't see anything."

"Xiao Li, I'm going to lie down in the lounge for a while. I really can't hold on if I don't take a break at noon when I'm old. Call me if you have something to do."

"Alright Mr. Fang, go and rest."

After Mr. Fang left, Li Chu looked at his watch. It was not yet two o'clock. He just lay on the table and stared in a daze for an hour.

At this moment, Li Chu felt full of energy, stood up and moved around, walked out of the duty room and went directly to the outside of the small courtyard.

There were no more soldiers standing guard on the main road. It seemed that the materials he had put up had been taken away, and I felt my heart relax all of a sudden.

The two big men I saw at noon, one is the leader of the army, and the other is the future designer.

If the information is known by these two, it will definitely come in handy.

After standing at the door for a while, Li Chu returned to the duty room.

The things to be done have been successfully completed, and I can be regarded as contributing to the construction of the motherland. When I was happy, I hummed a little song: I think Lao Tzu's team just opened...

Reading in the duty room and seeing that he was off work in the afternoon, he went to the cafeteria to buy some food before riding his bicycle back home.

Aunt Wang hadn't left when she got home. Li Chu estimated that Zhang Meng might not be able to make it for a while, so he told Aunt Wang about it and asked her to eat at home.

Sure enough, it was dark when Zhang Meng came here today, and Uncle Wang came with him.

Uncle Wang also went into the room to look at the two sleeping children.

Li Chu reckoned that Uncle Wang got off work late today, and the materials he released should be the cause of the trouble.

After they all left, Ding Qiunan pulled Li Chu to let him sit on the sofa, then sat on his lap, put his arms around his neck, and then asked: "Li Chu, do you have anything to do today? I found out that after you come back from get off work, you are more... How should I put it, it seems to be excited."

Hearing what his wife said, Li Chu was a little surprised.The person who knows you best must be your pillow person. He didn't expect his daughter-in-law to observe so carefully.

"It's not exciting at all, it's something to be happy about."

"What's the matter?" Ding Qiunan was obviously interested.

"Mr. Fang of our health care team gave me his record book of practicing medicine for many years. It is all the experience of a famous doctor." There are some things that his wife should not know. shield.

"Cut, what did I think?" Ding Qiunan pouted, got off his lap, sat down on the sofa next to him and began to do needlework.

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was really not interested in this, Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief. How did those people practice their inability to express their emotions and anger? I still have too little knowledge and need to practice more.

The next morning, Li Chu was sitting in the consulting room reading a book when an officer from the medical office came to inform him that Dean Yang wanted to talk to him.

To be honest, when the officer said that Dean Yang wanted to talk to him, the hairs on Li Chu's body stood on end, and he looked at the officer of the medical office in horror.

Even Nurse Wang was so frightened that she stood up and knocked over her chair.

The officer may also realize that what he said is likely to cause misunderstanding, so he said with a smile: "Doctor Li, I'm sorry, I blame me for not saying everything. This Dean Yang just came to take office this morning."

Before Li Chu could speak, Nurse Wang spoke first: "Officer Li, please be more careful next time when you speak. Scary people will scare people to death."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Li Chu nodded to Director Li with a smile: "I know Director Li, I will go there right away."

On the way to the dean's office, Li Chu was a little puzzled. Why did the new dean not talk to those department directors when he took office?

When he came to the door of the dean's office, he tidied up his white coat a little bit, and then raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from the room, and it felt like something was rubbing against the man's throat, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

Li Chu opened the door and walked in. The person behind the desk was writing something without looking up.

"Hello, Dean Yang, I'm Li Chu from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

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