In that compound, there were countless pairs of eyes staring openly and secretly, and his usual range of activities was limited, and there were some places where no one took him, so it was impossible for him to go there.

After thinking about it, I don’t know how many ways there are, but he overturned them one by one.

It was already late at night, and he didn't feel sleepy at all. He felt that the child seemed to be waking up.

Li Chu withdrew his arms from under his wife's head, picked up the two children separately, soaked the urine first, then went to the living room to prepare the prepared milk powder, put it in cold water to keep the temperature warm, and fed them both. The two children can sleep in the morning.

Looking at the watch, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and I probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

It wasn't until dawn that Li Chu had some immature ideas, and he had to wait until he was on duty to see the details.

Thursday, June [-]

Li Chu came to the place on duty early, first in the big courtyard, he wandered around wherever he could, but couldn't find a suitable place, so he had to go back to the small courtyard on duty helplessly.

He was going to wait until lunch time to see if his plan last night would work.

Li Chu's plan is actually very simple, that is, to put the information directly on the only way to the small cafeteria where the bosses eat.

Although the large canteen and the small canteen where they eat are not in the same place, they are both in the same area, and there is a certain distance for everyone to walk.

According to his previous observations, although not everyone of the bosses at home will go to the small cafeteria at noon, there will be at least one or two people who will eat in the small cafeteria every day, which should be the same as on duty.

"Sigh..." Li Chu, who was sitting in the duty room of the health care team, sighed. He felt that it was too difficult for him. It was obviously a good thing, and it was a very good thing. Why is it that what he is doing now is like doing something bad.

Sitting opposite him, another health care doctor, Mr. Fang, heard Li Chu sigh, raised his head to look at him, and asked, "What's the matter, Xiao Li, why are you still sighing?"

"Uh, nothing old Fang, just a bit of a headache where to start writing the fourth notebook." Li Chu found a random reason and explained.

As soon as he mentioned notes, Fang Lao's eyes lit up a little, and he took out a notebook from the drawer.

After looking through it, he looked for it, and then Mr. Fang dragged the chair directly to Li Chu and sat down, pointed to his notebook and said, "Come on, Xiao Li, I read the third notebook you wrote, and there is I don’t quite understand acupuncture and moxibustion, so I want to ask you for advice, so please give me some pointers.”

Li Chu quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Fang, you've broken me. How can I guide you at my level."

Mr. Fang pulled him to sit down: "Oh, Xiao Li, I specialize in surgery. I really don't know much about acupuncture. Why do you look down on me, old man?"

"Mr. Fang, what you said is serious. As a junior, I have little talent and learning. If I want to ask for advice, I should be the one who asks you."

Mr. Fang waved his hand and said, "You are young, why are you more rigid than me. The ancients said that threesomes must have my teacher. When you come to you, the seniors must know more than the juniors."

"Mr. Fang, if there is something you don't understand, we can discuss it with each other, but I really dare not point it out."

"You boy!" Fang Lao raised his hand and pointed at Li Chu with a smile, then put the notebook in his hand on the table: "It's here, take a look."

Only then did Li Chu pay attention to Mr. Fang's notebook. The contents recorded on it were all excerpted when he read his own notebook. The handwriting was neat and the edges of the notebook were fluffed.

The same is true for Mr. Wang who works in the same office as them. He usually holds a notebook when reading books and materials, and writes down important things in his own notebook when he sees important things.

The two old doctors always said that a good memory is not as good as a bad pen. When you are old, if you don't write it down in your notebook, you may forget it in a blink of an eye.

Li Chu didn't refuse, and just started talking.

One of the two spoke carefully, and the other listened carefully. Mr. Fang also made the speech slow down from time to time so that he could take notes.

Among other things, Li Chushi admired Li Chushi's spirit of hard work.

After Li Chu finished speaking, Mr. Fang closed his notebook, sat back in his seat, and said, "I'm old, and I'm not afraid of offending people. The people in our group count as one, and I don't care about other things." Dare to say, but in terms of acupuncture and moxibustion, no one can compare with you."

"Mr. Fang, you're flattering me too much."

Fang Lao shook his head: "This is not flattery, but the truth. When you first joined the health care team, I didn't approve of it because you were too young. When I was your age, I was still an apprentice."

Picking up the tea mug and taking a sip of water, Elder Fang continued: "After reading the notes you handed in, I really envy your master for finding a successor like you."

Li Chu smiled shyly, but remained silent.

Elder Fang opened the drawer again, took out a notebook again, and handed it over: "Hold it and have a look. This is what I wrote down every time I read it to patients. I hope it can be of some help to you."

Li Chu got up and took it with both hands, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Mr. Fang."

Old Fang smiled and said, "You're welcome, just treat it as repaying the favor you taught me just now."

As Li Chu opened his notebook, the room fell silent.

When it was time to eat at noon, Li Chu took a careful look at the road.

After reading it, he called it a fluke. The road to the small cafeteria happened to have a bend, and the situation there was completely blocked by green trees. He took things out of the warehouse and put them in a place within five meters of his body. any designated place.

He checked the distance with his eyes, and it should be just enough to put it on the other side of the turn.

After entering the cafeteria and finishing the meal, he purposely sat on the table by the window where he could see the road. He wanted to see which big boss came to eat at noon today. If possible, he was going to throw the box there later. .

After the meal was finished, I didn't see anyone walking towards the small cafeteria.

Just as he stood up and was about to wash the lunch box, a few people appeared on the road over there. The two people walking in front of him were very familiar to him, and they were the big bosses he wanted to see the most.

Some excitedly shook his fist, then hurried to wash the lunch box.

It will definitely take a while to eat there. He packed his lunch box and walked out of the cafeteria slowly, always paying attention to whether there is anyone behind him. When he walked to the shared road, there was no one around him for a while.

Li Chu hurriedly moved a few steps to the side leading to the small cafeteria, and put those boxes directly behind the corner with his mind, like throwing a hot potato.

He didn't bother to see what would happen behind him, so he left the road and walked to the main road as if nothing had happened, as if he had just finished eating and took a walk, and walked towards the small courtyard of the health care team.

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