Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 524 The Goddess' Boyfriend

Facts have proved that if a man wants to be bad, it has nothing to do with whether he sleeps or not.

Sheng Tang did fall asleep, but this did not prevent his hands from exploring Mu Xiaoyu's body. Fortunately, Mu Xiaoyu reacted promptly and pushed his hands away immediately.

But even so, he was caught a few times.

Thinking of this, Mu Xiaoyu blushed with shame, but after seeing Sheng Tang's cautious appearance, nothing but shame was anger.

But Sheng Tang said eloquently: "Of course I have to worry."

"Why, are you worried that I will touch you?"

"Teacher Mu, you said this yourself!"

Sheng Tang analyzed seriously: "I drank too much last night and became unconscious. If Teacher Mu wants to do something to me, how can I have the slightest ability to resist?"


Mu Xiaoyu lowered her head to search for a while, and finally picked up a stuffed bear and threw it at Sheng Tang: "Go to hell!"

The fight between the two was limited to the bedroom, and when the two went out of the bedroom, they were serious again.

"Xiao Sheng woke up? Does your head still hurt?"

"Xiao Sheng, let's wash it first, and Auntie will serve you noodles."


When Sheng Tang came to the bathroom, Mu Xiaoyu brought him a new set of toothcups and toothbrushes. Sheng Tang called it a good guy. It turned out that Mu Xiaoyu had prepared it for him a long time ago, so he decided that he would stay!

It's time to leave after eating, because Mu Xiaoyu will officially go to work tomorrow, she directly puts the packed luggage in the trunk of Shengtang's Audi, and is going to go back to Jindi Apartment directly after attending the class reunion. go home again.

After packing up everything and saying goodbye to the two downstairs, Sheng Tang took Mu Xiaoyu to the city.


Donghong Seafood Hotel, box on the second floor.

At this time, seven or eight people were already sitting in the box.

"Xu Jie, who is this handsome guy?"

"Yeah, don't you give us an introduction?"

Several people were booing, and the person named Xu Jie was a beautiful girl in a light red windbreaker.

Xu Jie stood up and said generously, "This is my boyfriend, Wang Jinglin."

While speaking, he glanced at the equally handsome man sitting on the main seat, and the man just raised his head, and the eyes of the two collided in the air, with complicated emotions.

Then Xu Jie said: "My boyfriend is also idle at home, so I said why don't you come to the party with me. It happens that there are many people and it's lively. Don't you mind?"

"I don't mind, I definitely don't mind!"

"That's right, that is, I don't have a partner. If I have a partner, I must bring her, haha!"

Everyone was joking, and suddenly someone said to the man in the chair: "Old Jia, where is your girlfriend?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes shot over.

Judging from his appearance alone, Jia Limin was very handsome, and he was not short. He was still wearing a suit today, which brought out his temperament even more, and he was much better-looking than Xu Jie's boyfriend.

So Xu Jie sneaked a few glances at Jia Limin, biting her lip, not knowing what she was thinking.

And Jia Limin smiled and said: "What kind of girlfriend, I'm just like you, I'm a bachelor now, haha!"

Today's party was indeed organized by Jia Limin, and this proposal was a flash of inspiration. On the first day of the new year, someone went to his house to pay New Year's greetings. He never expected that person to be Mu Xiaoyu's aunt, and Mu Xiaoyu was Jia Limin's aunt. Limin felt pain in his heart, so he thought of organizing this party.

The purpose of this gathering was to create an opportunity for him and Mu Xiaoyu to be together. The others were just light bulbs, but Xu Jie brought her boyfriend here, and it was a bit of a show of power, which Jia Limin didn't expect.

However, Jia Limin quickly adjusted his mentality, because his goal was Mu Xiaoyu. As for Xu Jie, what should a girl he dumped be worth paying attention to?

"Is that impossible?"

"Yeah, with Lao Jia's condition, will he lack a girlfriend?"

"You can't say that, we don't have a girlfriend, it's because we can't find one, and Lao Jia doesn't have a girlfriend, it's because he doesn't want to find one."


Today's gathering was organized by Jia Limin, and he was also the host, so everyone started talking around him, and it was normal to praise him moderately.

"Hey, don't say that, it's just that you haven't met the right one."

Jia Limin waved his hands and said modestly.

"Old Jia, it's not because of someone that you don't fall in love, right?"

"Who is so-and-so? Why are you still playing charades?"

"Of course it's Mu Xiaoyu!"

Speaking of Mu Xiaoyu, this group of people began to gossip. After all, Mu Xiaoyu was the class flower who did their part in college.

"I heard that Mu Xiaoyu stayed in school after graduating from graduate school!"

"Yes, how many people are envious!"

"I also heard that she has never been in love!"


Speaking of this, those boys went to see Jia Limin. In college, Jia Limin and Mu Xiaoyu were considered the class grass and class flowers in their class, and Jia Limin still made a bet among the boys that they won Mu Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu, he didn't win until graduation.

Some boys booed and said, "Old Jia, are you and Mu Xiaoyu waiting for each other? Or it's like a discussion, and you're not in a relationship yet?"


Jia Limin smiled and said nothing, but a girl with a round face immediately became unhappy: "Don't talk nonsense, okay? Xiaoyu already has a boyfriend, and I will bring him here later. When he comes, you'd better not talk about it." Say something like that!"

Jia Limin frowned, but didn't say much, because he did get the news that Mu Xiaoyu was in a relationship.

But he wasn't worried at all, teacher-student love?

Hehe, he was vulnerable in his eyes, and this student was quite courageous, so he dared to come to their party?Then I will give you a good lesson today!

As for the others, they were very curious, and immediately surrounded the round-faced girl and asked, "Liu Mengmeng, where did you hear the news?"

"No, it's true or not, why don't we know?"


Liu Mengmeng glanced at everyone, and said: "Xiao Yu and I are roommates, but not with you, you don't know, isn't that normal?"

Everyone heard it right, and someone asked again: "Liu Mengmeng, what does Mu Xiaoyu's boyfriend do?"


Liu Mengmeng originally wanted to say "I don't know that", but after thinking about it, she changed her mind and said, "The person will come later, if you have any questions, you can just ask them face to face!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Liu Mengmeng raised the phone: "Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, I'm going down to pick up Xiaoyu!"


When Liu Mengmeng left the private room, everyone began to discuss Mu Xiaoyu's boyfriend. After all, Mu Xiaoyu was considered a goddess in their hearts. It was indeed curious that the goddess found a boyfriend.


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