Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 523 Grasping Cotton

After hearing Mu Xiaoyu's words, Sheng Tang felt that the reality was really bloody.

But it's easy to understand, as long as Mu Xiaoyu is an ordinary-looking girl, there won't be too many stories happening to her, but she is not, beautiful girls will always encounter many strange people and things.

"Then it seems that Xu Jie called you not because she missed you, but because she had ulterior motives?"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head and said, "Who knows?"

"I know!"

Sheng Tang reasoned according to the plot of the novel: "This Xu Jie must think that Jia Limin has you in her heart, so she has never been in a relationship, and the two of them broke up because of you! So when she heard that you haven't been in a relationship yet, she will definitely borrow it." I will take this class reunion as an opportunity to humiliate you!"


Mu Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, and finally couldn't help but said: "I found that you still have the potential to be a screenwriter!"

"Just tell me if there is such a possibility?"

Mu Xiaoyu nodded, shook her head again, and finally said the same thing.

"I do not know."

Then he said: "According to you, no matter how you look at it, this class reunion is a Hongmen banquet. I shouldn't go, right?"

"Why not, you should go, you should!"

Mu Xiaoyu looked puzzled and said: "You said it all, Xu Jie asked me to participate in the class reunion just to humiliate me, so if I go, don't I go to be humiliated by her?"

Sheng Tang smiled "hehe": "If you go by yourself, you must be humiliated. Who made you graduate for so many years and still be single?"

"Who is the dog?"

Mu Xiaoyu pinched her waist and said dissatisfied.

"That's a metaphor—but it's different now. You can take me there. With me here, who can humiliate you? Who dares to humiliate you?"


Mu Xiaoyu looked at Sheng Tang, although he felt that he was acting a bit deliberately at the moment, but she was still inexplicably moved.

Damn safety!

"You really want to go?"

Mu Xiaoyu narrowed her eyes and looked at Sheng Tang.

"I definitely want to go!"


Mu Xiaoyu stared at Sheng Tang closely with burning eyes.

"Being a monk for a day hits the clock for a day. I am quite dedicated. Since I am your boyfriend now, should I do something that a boyfriend should do? Girlfriend attends a class reunion, how can a boyfriend not follow?" reason?"

Sheng Tang said with a relaxed face.

Mu Xiaoyu looked at Sheng Tang, and finally said "yes".


Going out of Mu Xiaoyu's room, Sheng Tang saw the figures of the second aunt and the third aunt running to the kitchen in a hurry, and thought that it was no wonder Mu Xiaoyu pulled him to the window to talk just now, it seemed that she knew her relatives very well Ah, it's also fortunate that the voice was not loud just now, even if two people eavesdropped outside, it would probably be loud enough.

Back in the living room, Mu Xiangrong asked Sheng Tang Shen if he would attend tomorrow's party, and Sheng Tang told the truth, Mu Xiangrong looked relieved.

Since the decision to stay, a meal of wine is inevitable.

The average alcohol consumption of men in Handong is leading in the country. In addition, there are actually many people who do not know how to drink. The reason why the average is still so high is that some people are particularly able to drink.

For example, in Liu Siyu's house before, Liu Guoquan and Fang Chenghua's drinking capacity can only be regarded as above-average, while the drinking capacity of men in ordinary families like Mu's family is not ordinary at all.

Sheng Tang originally thought that his drinking capacity was considered strong among college students, but in front of the men of Lao Mu's family, he was so weak that it was not worth mentioning.

Sheng Tang didn't remember how much he drank, because he felt light afterward, and there seemed to be something in his ears, "How can someone sleep on the sofa", "Let him sleep in Xiaoyu's room", "Anyway, they were in We slept together when we were in the Jindi Apartment", and it was Mu's mother who said it.

Sheng Tang felt that he really drank too much, and even fantasized about this kind of scene, and then he didn't know who helped him, and sent him to the bed, Sheng Tang fell asleep.

In the dream, Sheng Tang saw a lot of cotton.

He stretched out his hand and pinched it, and it was indeed cotton, very soft.

He grabbed another handful, hey, the cotton is still warm.

But when Sheng Tang wanted to feel it again, he couldn't catch it anyway, so he couldn't help smiling bitterly: It seems like a dream!


Early the next morning, Sheng Tang opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, then turned his head carefully, but luckily there was no one around.

He was sure, he slept in Mu Xiaoyu's room last night, and Mu's house has only two bedrooms, it is definitely impossible for Mu Xiaoyu to go to her parents' bedroom, and the sofa should also be impossible, then she...

Sheng Tang thought of the scene where he was catching cotton "in a dream", and his head buzzed: that cotton could not be...

At this moment, the door rang, and Mu Xiaoyu walked in.

"woke up?"

"Well... woke up..."

Sheng Tang scratched his head and asked again: "Mr. Mu, why am I sleeping in your bedroom?"

Mu Xiaoyu rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why, do you think you don't sleep in my room, where else can you sleep? On the ground or on the street?"

Mu Xiaoyu's answer was so straightforward that Sheng Tang was speechless.

Seeing Sheng Tang's twisted appearance, Mu Xiaoyu folded her arms around her chest with a look of contempt: "Stop pretending, it's not like I haven't slept together before, what do you have to worry about?"


Sheng Tang didn't know, when did Mu Xiaoyu become so tough?So he laughed twice: "Teacher Mu, I'm just worried that lonely men and widows will sleep together, and some people will suffer."


Mu Xiaoyu snorted coldly, and said to herself, you also know that your hands are not honest when you sleep?I have suffered a great loss!But Mu Xiaoyu can only suffer from being dumb now.

Unexpectedly, the next scene almost made her tense up.

Sheng Tang lifted the quilt and looked under himself, perhaps he was relieved to find that the waistband of his trousers was tight.

Mu Xiaoyu was going to explode with anger, he was obviously at a disadvantage, why did he look at it worriedly?Besides, isn't this kind of thing a woman's disadvantage?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, so Mu Xiaoyu said coldly, "Why, you're still worried about losing money when you're alone and widowed?"

Last night, the family's relatives left. When arranging where Sheng Tang should sleep, Mu's mother and Mu Xiaoyu discussed for a while, but Mu Xiaoyu just listened, and the opinions put forward were not adopted by Mu's mother at all.

According to Mu's mother, it stands to reason that Sheng Tang and Mu Hongkai should live in the same room, but because they both drank too much and needed someone to take care of them at night, they could only arrange Sheng Tang and Mu Xiaoyu to live together.

Mu Xiaoyu protested, but she was overruled by Mu's mother saying, "You two live together in Jindi Apartment", and then Mu's mother said that Sheng Tang was drunk and was just lying on the bed, and it would be dawn when she opened her eyes again. , are you still afraid that he will bully you?

At that moment, Mu Xiaoyu wondered if she was born to Mother Mu...


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