Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 519 This Car Is Xiao Sheng's

Song Zhonglei went downstairs, just in time to see Mu Xiangrong running towards Audi.

He panicked for a moment, took three steps in parallel, followed, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Old Song, I just kicked a rock and it hit the car."


Song Zhonglei was taken aback, "Where did it hit?"

Because Mu Xiangrong was squatting, Song Zhonglei looked under the back door of the car and found that there were no scratches on the car.

"Look it scares you, I kicked the tire!"

As she said that, Mu Xiangrong pointed to Audi's thick tires, which didn't have any marks on them.

Hearing this, Song Zhonglei breathed a sigh of relief, but he still said: "You are not a child anymore, why kick a stone if you have nothing to do? What if you really kick it on the car?"

"If you really kick it, run away, who would know that I kicked it?"


One sentence left Song Zhonglei speechless.

And Mu Xiangrong asked again, "Looking at how nervous you are, I still can't recognize that this is an Audi, isn't it cheap? If it really kicks, I can squat down and take a look. Are you stupid?"

Then she asked again: "This car is worth 40 to [-] yuan?"

Song Zhonglei curled his lips and said, "Look at how thick this tire is. This is an A8. You can't even buy a shell for three or four million yuan!"

"Really? I can't buy a shell for 40 or [-]? How much does this car cost?"

Mu Xiangrong said exaggeratedly.

"I don't know the exact amount, but it must be around 100 million. This is Audi's most expensive car. I don't know how it is configured."

"Huh? So expensive?"

Mu Xiangrong said awkwardly, still a little scared, and then said: "Xiao Jia is driving a Hyundai now, and it's not cheap!"

"Still talking about Xiao Jia!"

Song Zhonglei said angrily: "I stopped you just now and stopped you from talking about Xiao Jia, but you just refused to listen!"

"Song Zhonglei, you are so interesting! You heard it just now. How can this flourishing Tang Dynasty compare to Xiao Jia? You said that you don't think about my niece's happiness, but you have to think about your son's high school, right?"

Mu Xiangrong pinched her waist and said.

"Do you really think Xiao Jia is better than Xiao Sheng?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? He is a child of a working family in a small place in Yue'an, how can he compare with a family of three who work in the Municipal Education Bureau?"

"Can you see the car?"

Song Zhonglei suddenly pointed to Audi and said.

"Song Zhonglei, is there something wrong with you?"

Mu Xiangrong was stunned for a moment, and scolded: "Do you think I'm blind or a fool?"

Song Zhonglei was not angry either, he looked at her and said, "Then what if I tell you that this car belongs to Xiao Sheng?"

"This car is—how is that possible?"

Mu Xiangrong immediately shook her head and said sarcastically, "Old Song, are you stupid? You said that the car is more than 100 million yuan, and his family can't afford it after selling the house, so pay him back!"

Mu Xiangrong's impression of Sheng Tang was that Yue An was a poor boy from a working family. How could such a person afford a car worth more than 100 million yuan?

"This car really belongs to him, because I saw him driving this car just now! Didn't you see that he moved so many things to it just now? If he didn't drive, how could a person bring so many things here?"


After Song Zhonglei finished speaking, Mu Xiangrong's mouth became an "o" shape.

Then he stuttered and said, "How... how is this possible? Old Song... did you really see clearly? Could this car... be borrowed by him?"

Mu Xiangrong still couldn't believe it, Song Zhonglei sighed and said, "If this car belonged to our family, would you borrow it?"


Mu Xiangrong shook her head. Her family also has a car, but it's just a van. Even so, when they first bought it, they treasured it. If someone wanted to borrow it, she would find various reasons to refuse it.

And this Audi can buy dozens of their cars, and they look like new ones, who would borrow such a good car?

But she still didn't give up, and asked again: "Old Song, but he said it just now, his parents are workers, this car..."

"You, you, you are still stubborn!"

Song Zhonglei said in a deep voice: "How many rich people have you seen shouting that they are rich? Don't they all want others to think they are poor?"


This time, Mu Xiangrong nodded. In her perception, rich people pretend to be poor because they are afraid of being borrowed money, and they really wronged Sheng Tang for this. He is telling the truth, and if He really wanted to pretend to be poor, so why did he drive an Audi?

It can only be said that these two couples play too much!

In the end, Song Zhonglei educated her: "So, don't say it's for Xiao Yu's happiness! Don't even think about it. Xiao Yu has been so good since she was a child. If Xiao Jia is really good, can she look down on her? And she Now that I can see Xiao Sheng, it means that Xiao Sheng must have something special! The more he hides, the better his family conditions are! Didn't you see that from the beginning to the end, no matter what you say, Xiao Sheng is not angry? If If the family is not good enough, can you be so open-minded?"

Mu Xiangrong sighed. She still agrees with her husband's statement, but it seems that there is no need to worry about the happiness of her niece, but what about her son's high school?The Jia family can't count on it now, can they?

Thinking of Jia's family, Mu Xiangrong is now troubled again. She just called Jia Limin to report the news, but it seems that the reported information is all false information. She is considering whether to call Jia Limin again to explain the situation. But I was afraid of being scolded, so I finally thought about it and let it go, anyway, this relative would not be able to get close, so I would just stop answering his calls in the future.

Mu Xiangrong glanced at Audi again, shook her head, and walked upstairs with complicated eyes.


When Mu Xiangrong and the others entered the house, they found that other people were chatting with Sheng Tang. The atmosphere was lively, and they were not affected by her going out at all. Seeing this scene, Mu Xiangrong felt even more uncomfortable. A feeling of importance.

Even if she came in, except for Sheng Tang who glanced at her and gave her a slight nod, the others would only glance at her at most, which made Mu Xiangrong feel even more uncomfortable. After thinking about it, he went directly to Mu Xiaoyu's bedroom.

At this time, Mu Xiaoyu was in the bedroom.

"Mengmeng, I don't want to go tomorrow..."

"Oh, it's New Year's Eve, he must be visiting relatives at home!"

"No, who set the date, it has to be tomorrow?"


Mu Xiaoyu was on the phone, and after she finished speaking, she listened carefully to the person on the microphone. When she saw Mu Xiangrong entering the bedroom, she also nodded to her, and then said to the person on the phone: "Let me think about it again." Come on, Mengmeng! I still have something to do here, hang up first, and I will write to you after I think it over!"


After finishing speaking, Mu Xiaoyu hung up the phone directly.


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