Rebirth Flowers Like Water

Chapter 518 That Man Is Me

Mu Xiangrong's words instantly attracted the audience's attention.

The second aunt said, "Xiang Rong, why did Xiao Sheng lie?"

An enemy's enemy is a friend, and the third aunt couldn't understand Mu Xiangrong's behavior, and said mockingly: "Xiangrong, Xiao Sheng has already said it, so it's possible that you still don't believe him?"

Mu Xiangrong said: "Sister-in-law said just now that he has been working and sells books at Han University, so he is a book dealer!"

In Mu Xiangrong's eyes, Sheng Tang said that studying at Han University is completely self-aggrandizing, and she believes Mu's mother's words even more, thinking that Sheng Tang is indeed in Han University, but he is just a book dealer!

With this status, you are so young, you don't study, and your job is not very decent, do you still agree?

Both the second aunt and the third aunt cast suspicious glances at Sheng Tang, as if they were asking if he was real.

Sheng Tang said with a smile: "It seems that my sister-in-law attaches great importance to me and knows a lot about my affairs. I am indeed studying at Han University, and I am also a book dealer as my sister-in-law said."

The second aunt and the third aunt didn't understand how a college student in Sheng Tang became a "book dealer". When asked why, Sheng Tang simply said a few words about starting his own business.

The second aunt and the third aunt spoke highly of it after listening to it: "Xiao Sheng, it is good enough to be admitted to Han University, and you can also do business, which is too good! No wonder Xiao Yu chose you!"


Sheng Tang smiled modestly and shyly, while Mu Xiangrong almost exploded when he heard it. How can a book dealer still start a business?But now she finally understands why Mu's mother just said that he bought books from the bookstore instead of opening a store by himself - he is a student, what kind of store can he open?

Mu Xiangrong was actually very happy to hear Sheng Tang's status, because the gap between him and Jia Limin would be even greater.

So he sneered and said: "Hey, those of us haven't gone to college, so we really can't think of such a word as entrepreneurship! But according to what Xiao Sheng said, there are more entrepreneurship in the market. After all, selling books can be called entrepreneurship." It’s better to sell melons, fruits and vegetables, right? Haha!”


Mu Xiangrong laughed loudly, the others looked at her but didn't smile, Sheng Tang nodded and said, "It's okay for my sister to understand in this way."


Another punch hit the cotton, and Mu Xiangrong was ready to tear her skin apart this time: "Xiao Sheng, it's not that I don't like you, but don't you think your current identity is not suitable for Xiao Yu?"

"Sister-in-law thinks I'm not good enough for Xiao Yu?"

"You see, even you yourself have discovered the problem?"

Mu Xiangrong said coldly: "Our Xiaoyu is a graduate student of Han University, and now he is a teacher of Han University. The future is boundless, but what about you?"

"I am also a student of Han University. After I graduate, I will have a bright future!"


Except for Mu Xiangrong, when the others heard what Sheng Tang said, they subconsciously laughed: This young man is interesting!

"The little Jia I mentioned just now, her parents are both in our city's Education Bureau, and Xiao Jia himself also works in the Education Bureau. Do you know that this is a solid job, much better than your entrepreneurship!"

"Sister-in-law, 360 lines, every line is the best! There is no high or low job, and there is no one who is better than the other."

"You can comfort yourself, but I've always been outspoken. Don't blame me for speaking badly."

Sheng Tang shook his head with a smile and said, "It's fine if you have something to say, my aunt. Look at what you said before. It's not nice. I don't blame you either."


Mu Xiangrong could tell that Sheng Tang was laughing at her, but she couldn't care less about it now, and continued: "You heard what I said just now, Xiao Yu is so good that Xiao Jia doesn't even like Xiao Yu, which means what?"

"It means that he is still not good enough. If he is as good as me, Xiaoyu won't look down on him."


Mu Xiangrong almost choked: "Isn't Xiao Jia better than you? Xiao Yu looked down on Xiao Jia at the beginning, because she was too young and immature—"

"My little aunt is right, so now that Xiaoyu has graduated, worked, and matured, she can tell what kind of man is the best and most worthy of her."

Sheng Tang said generously: "Obviously, that person is me."




I just used some bowls and chopsticks for lunch, and Mother Mu and Mu Xiaoyu finished washing up in a short time. When the two of them were walking out of the kitchen, they happened to hear Mu Xiangrong making things difficult for Sheng Tang.

Mu's mother couldn't see it, and she was about to go out to say a few words for Sheng Tang, but she was stopped by Mu Xiaoyu. Mu's mother was very puzzled and said, "You didn't see Xiao Sheng being bullied", but Mu Xiaoyu Yu just pouted, "It's fine if he doesn't bully others, do you think others can still bully him?"

So she took Mama Mu and hid in the door of the kitchen and the living room. Mu Xiaoyu's analysis was very accurate. No one could bully Sheng Tang. I couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Mother Mu and Mu Xiaoyu came out.

"Sister-in-law, don't mention that Jia Limin! I didn't like him when I was in college, and I haven't seen him for so many years since I graduated, let alone him!"

Mu Xiaoyu came out and said with a straight face.

"Xiao Yu, how good is Xiao Jia? You said it, you haven't seen him in so many years, you don't know how good he is now!"

"It doesn't matter how good I am. My sister should be very clear about the occasion today. Do you think it's appropriate to say this?"


"Don't say a few words!"

Song Zhonglei couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped forward to stop it.

The farce finally came to an end, Mu Xiangrong didn't achieve his goal, and ran out angrily. Seeing this, Song Zhonglei apologized to everyone and followed him out.

Mu Xiangrong made a phone call as soon as she went out.

"Xiao Jia? Yes, it's me."

"You asked me to ask last time. I found out that Xiao Yu did have a boyfriend."

"But let me tell you, her boyfriend is a first-year student! The family belongs to Yue An, and her parents are workers. She can't compare to you at all!"

"No matter what others think, my aunt thinks that you and Xiaoyu are the best match!"

"Oh, you're welcome, our family doesn't talk about each other, I've decided in my heart that you will be my niece and son-in-law from now on!"

"Oh, tomorrow? I didn't hear what Xiaoyu said, or I'll inquire later, okay, don't worry, I will definitely persuade her to participate!"


After hanging up the phone, Mu Xiangrong became more and more angry as she thought about it. She raised her foot and lifted the stone on the ground. The stone was immediately kicked out and smashed into the Audi parked beside her impartially.

Fortunately, it only hit the Audi's tire, but Mu Xiangrong was still startled, and ran over in a hurry.


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