Mind Mecha

Chapter 376 Doubt

The request made by the Taoist League seems to be caring, and it looks like it is its own responsibility to the people of the world, but it is because this love is too abrupt and earnest, people can't help but doubt something.

Hou Wanli is one of them. Although he can't think of a more profound situation for a while, he knows Wang Shuai's character and all kinds of evil deeds in the past.The combination of new and old hatred naturally disgusted all the decisions of the Dao League, and kept thinking about how to reject the other party's proposal.

As if he had expected everyone's reaction, Kong Liang raised his head and said proudly after closing the silk: "Originally, this decree was read directly to the king of your country, but it was only because the Izumo warship was parked nearby , that’s why the Prophet will tell General Zhen Guo.”

"The implication is that regardless of whether the king agrees or not, the Taoist League will station troops in our country?" Hou Wanli's face darkened, and he asked sharply.

"That's right." Kong Liang put his hands behind his back and looked at Hou Wanli jokingly. The special mecha behind him had already raised the beam rifle in his hand, posing that as long as Hou Wanli uttered the word "no", he would fight with him. The battle posture of the Tianhu troops.

The Tianhu troops, who were threatened by the commander, naturally wouldn't just stand by, and the heavenly magic weapons on the surrounding walls turned their spears and aimed at the mechs of the Daomeng.

"We can understand the painstaking efforts of the leader, but please also be considerate of our responsibilities and difficulties as generals." Seeing that the war was about to break out, Zhu Guoping quickly intervened in the mediation: "I don't think it's better than this. You can find a place to park and repair yourself first. The envoy will follow me to meet the king, and then officially set up camp after receiving the decree. This will not waste time, and we will also avoid the crime of dereliction of duty. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds. I don’t know the envoy how about?"

Kong Liang just wanted to show off the two generals of the carrier country, and he didn't want the Izumo battleship to be damaged in the slightest.Seeing that the conflict was no longer intensified after the goal was achieved, she nodded slightly and said, "Let's do it this way."

Three days later, in an open space ten miles away from the Tianhu army barracks, a large number of craftsmen were building the Daomeng's camp.I saw a huge battleship moored in the open space, Kong Liang sat in the captain's chair inside the bridge, and was using a liaison instrument to report everything that had happened since the expedition.Careful in his words, respectful in tone, the identity and name of the person on the other side of the warped space is ready to be revealed.

"You mean that the carrier country has mastered the technology of manufacturing beam rifles?" Wang Shuai, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a great sense of integrity in his body, frowned and confirmed again.

"There are a total of [-] mechas coming to aid the Eternal Fortress, and each of them has a beam rifle magic weapon. It was they who resisted the army of the Qiankun Empire that caused the leader's plan to fail to be executed perfectly. This number is far more than that of ours. This is the amount of purchase, so the slave will have such a guess." It is completely different from the arrogant attitude of the previous few days. Although Kong Liang's spine is still upright, his posture has been put to the lowest level, and there is no sky-level big monk. As proud as it should be.

"You bastard! This is the third time! First, the secret of the Six Forms was leaked, then the blueprint of the spirit crystal car was leaked, and now there is an even more daring one." It's been more than two years since you haven't caught this traitor who eats inside and outside, so what are you doing!"

"Leader, please calm down. The servant is about to report this matter. The servant has found out one person, which may be related to these three incidents." Kong Liang said fearfully.

Wang Shuai calmed down when he heard the words, and after sitting down again, motioned Kong Liang to continue talking.

"The servant reported last year that all the clues of the leak of the six-style secrets were erased and could no longer be traced. And the several groups of spies sent to the carrier country have not been heard from, and they have been wiped out. At that time, the servant So I made a judgment, thinking that the traitor is a person with a high position and good hands and eyes." Seeing Wang Shuai nodding slightly, Kong Liang continued: "But the slave now denies this judgment, just because this time entering Fengtian City, once Weifu was looking around in the city, and overheard a group of scattered cultivators talking about a young cultivator who is in the limelight in the carrier country."

"Fan Kang, affiliated to the Bada Chamber of Commerce. The number of the monk's identity card is 1314. He passed the qualification test for less than three years. He was awarded the title of Fuguogong by Gu Zhigang because he wrote a thesis on the relationship between the six types of sex. He just entered He made a lot of great achievements in the realm of comprehension, and for the next two years he lived in seclusion in the small town where he usually lives, deliberately keeping a low profile."

"Fan Kang..." Wang Shuai repeated, and finally frowned: "I seem to have heard of this name before. Who did he learn from, how much he cultivated, and what did he do to show off?"

"Fan Kang has never disclosed to anyone the sect of his master, nor has he ever gone to the branch to update his information or change his identity card, so his current cultivation level is unknown. It's just that the casual cultivators made up a catchphrase for him: a trick to save the prince and become a golden turtle My son-in-law, you have broken records in your cultivation, and your way has been passed on to the world.” Obviously Kong Liang has put in a lot of effort, and the well-known things that Fan Kang has done over the years have been reported one by one.

"Such talents cannot be recruited compulsorily. It seems that there are quite a lot of loopholes in qualification testing. It is time to rectify them." Wang Shuai sighed and asked: "The spirit crystal car was manufactured and sold by the Bada Chamber of Commerce. Fan Kang, that's why you have this doubt, right."

"The leader is wise." Kong Liang couldn't help being overjoyed to see Wang Shuai's approval, and then went further: "And the name Fan Kang has a reflection, Fan Wei's son is Fan Kang."

"Is it Fan Wei who was expelled by Qiu Jinghui from the teacher's school and fell into the self-destruct of the mecha?" After being reminded, Wang Shuai recalled the past, and his brows frowned even deeper: "I remember, it seems that I sent someone to chase and kill Fan back then." Wei's two children failed in the end. When they were about to increase their troops, they received news that Qiu Jinghui's third disciple, Qin Ren, was quite suspicious, so the matter was left alone."

"Exactly. In the end, Qin Ren's family died unyielding. After the clues were interrupted, they could not prove their suspicion of Qiu Jinghui. It has also become the leader's heart disease and regret for many years." In order to strengthen his persuasion, Kong Liang continued: "calculate based on age. , today's person and Fan Wei's son are very likely to be the same person. If this matter is confirmed, then Fan Kang is very likely to get Qiu Jinghui's true biography, and he must have leaked all the secrets of the Dao League."

"Impossible." Wang Shuai immediately vetoed Kong Liang's conjecture: "The spirit crystal car and the beam rifle were invented within the past ten years. How could it be possible for Qiu Jinghui to teach him the blueprint 14 years ago? Fan Wei presumably When I was in the first faction, I had a close relationship with the disciples in the alliance, so I found out the secret of the six styles."

"Regardless of the truth, I am very interested in Fan Kang. You can arrange to have a meeting with him in private." After Wang Shuai finished his order, he stroked his chin with his left hand and gave a ghostly smile. Closed the contact device.

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