Mind Mecha

Chapter 375 Izumo Battleship

The unknown is the easiest thing to cause fear in people's hearts, especially for those who have seen the tragedy of the Qiankun Empire and are worried that they will end up in the same end.

At this time, the soldiers of the carrier country only knew that there was a force that could rival the Tianlong army hidden in the sky, and they felt that they were unlucky and poor hunters who had just finished a desperate fight with the wolves, but were killed by a tiger with a white forehead and drowsy eyes. peg.

After a cup of tea, there is still no trace of it. Everyone has experienced an experience that is actually short, but the physical time is extremely long.Just when everyone thought that the attacker was an immortal descended from the mortal world, and he was already floating thousands of miles away after his unrestrained attack, a huge shadow suddenly appeared above the clouds.

This object has no limbs, basically ruling out the possibility of immortals or special mechs. It is an object that looks like a fortress and a ship.After appearing, the shadow reflected on the cloud gradually grows larger, as if it is lowering the altitude.

Soon, a huge crimson monster broke through the thick clouds and came into everyone's eyes.If Fan Kang saw this thing, a word would definitely flash in his mind, "Battleship".

That's right, what appeared in the sea of ​​clouds was a huge red metal battleship.It has a narrow head and a wide tail, and is about 30 meters high. It is roughly the same size as the Eternal Fortress. It floats quietly in the air relying on many anti-gravity formations, and only makes a little wind breaking sound when it moves.There are many flap windows on all sides of the battleship, and a bunch of beam rifle weapons are being retracted into the belly of the ship.

What a steel flying fortress.Although I don't know what kind of magic weapon it is equipped with and what functions it has, but just the tip of the iceberg that was shown when it swept the canyon just now, we can already know the value it can produce on the battlefield.If it is an enemy of Eternal Fortress at this moment, even with the support of Tianlong troops, it may be enough for the latter to drink a pot.

Seeing a pair of Taiji diagrams painted on both sides of the ship, everyone understood the battleship's ownership, and at the same time sighed in their hearts, only the Daoist League has such technology and financial resources to create such a monster.

Although seeing that the battleship took back the magic weapon, Zhu Guoping still ordered out of safety considerations: "Tianlong belongs to disperse immediately, hide in the woods on both sides of the canyon and wait for orders, remember not to turn off the mecha."

Zhu Guoping controlled the mecha back to the Eternal Fortress, still maintained the connection with the mecha, and at the same time got in touch with Hou Wanli with the magic weapon of communication: "This thing can be hidden from our eyes and ears, it must have used more than seventy eyes of the sky level The phantom array, floating in the air also requires a lot of anti-gravity array blessings to achieve. This strange guy has used a lot of high-grade spirit crystals just for flying, so it is estimated that he is also equipped with a magic weapon that is more powerful than a beam rifle."

"The Daomeng is really a big hand, I'm afraid the conspiracy is not small. Let's hold back for now and see what they are going to do." It's definitely uncomfortable to be stared at by a powerful existence all the time, but who would take it easy until the last moment? Fighting to the death, Hou Wanli chose to wait and see what happened, not daring to make any rash moves.Wouldn't it be too unfair if the Fortress of Eternity fell due to a misunderstanding between the two sides?

Zhu Guoping nodded silently, but his eyes were fixed on the battleship. As long as he saw the slightest movement of the opponent, he would order the Tianlong troops to attack without hesitation.At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that if the beam rifle was not equipped with the Tianlong troops, not only would he not be able to easily win the previous battle, but he might also lose the qualification to fight this strange guy.

The battleship finally hovered in mid-air 200 meters above the ground, the front armor slowly opened left and right, and twelve specially-made mechas came out from the door and landed in front of the Eternal Fortress.Only now did Hou Wanli understand that this strange guy was not only powerful in firepower, but also a flying tool for carrying mechs.

"Kong Liang, the envoy of the Dao League, is here, so he quickly opened the door to greet him." The arrogant voice came from the front violet mech, resounding throughout the Eternal Fortress.

Although the emissary's tone was very unpleasant, but the situation was stronger than others, Hou Wanli in the commander's tent waved his hands and let his soldiers go to greet him, while he brought a group of high-ranking generals to the original parking lot. Mecha school field.

"I don't know why the messenger came here?" Zhu Guoping opened the cockpit of the mecha, and met Kong Liang's eyes.

"If the lord was not merciful and worried that hundreds of millions of people in the carrier country would be poisoned, who would want to come to such a remote place at night and starry night?" Kong Liang rolled his eyes strangely, and took out a roll of gold silk satin from the wish-fulfilling box.

After the silk was unfolded, Kong Liang continued to read: "The lord's decree: I recently heard that there was a change in the Qiankun Empire. After in-depth investigation, I found out that King Zhao Wuji had his own private thoughts, and in the name of supporting the false emperor, he arbitrarily raised troops and challenged the emperor. Started a war with the carrier country, doing the thing that both humans and gods are angry with. Therefore, the Izumo battleship was dispatched overnight to help the Eternal Fortress. It is a pity that it was one step too late and both sides lost..."

Seeing the astonished expressions of everyone present, Kong Liang immediately realized that the writing on the silk did not match the reality, so he coughed quickly to cover up his embarrassment.

"Fortunately, the army and civilians of the Chengyun country withstood the pressure and refused to let the powerful enemy outside the country, so that hundreds of millions of lives were not tortured." Kong Liang played on the spot, created a paragraph of his own to continue the words, and then continued: " In order to prevent the Qiankun Empire from making a comeback, the Yongchang Kingdom will take advantage of the opportunity to enter, and the Daoist League will station heavy troops in your country, such small-timers will certainly not have the guts to invade your border again."

There are actually only two pieces of information in the high-sounding and polite words. One is that the monster in the sky is called the Izumo Battleship, and it is coming from the Domeng headquarters.The second is that the Daomeng wants to station troops in the carrier's country.For a while, everyone was talking about it, but the topic of discussion with the scholar was completely different.

"The Izumo battleship is so huge, it shouldn't be possible to use the teleportation array to transfer it. Could it be that it flew directly from the Domeng headquarters?"

"The headquarters of the Dao League is five vast deserts away, but it arrived at the same time as the mecha troops of the Qiankun Empire. It seems that its flying speed cannot be underestimated."

"It's a good thing that the Qiankun Empire doesn't have warships. Otherwise, without the support of the Tianlong troops, the fortress will definitely fall." Those who rank below General Huwei all focus on the battleships, because they don't have two generals on the left and right. Qualifications of thought.

"Although the Tianhu army lost its main force, the Eternal Fortress remained unscathed. The Qiankun Empire is the real loser, and even the foundation of the country has been shaken. How can there be a comeback?"

"That's right, even if there is a change in the Yongchang Kingdom, the Sirius troops will stop it, and there is no need for the Daoist League to intervene to help."

"Didn't the envoy slip up just now? I'm afraid their original plan was to wait for the fort to be breached before doing the trick. If the fort's barrier is lost, the Daoist League will have to obediently submit to any request." .”

The few Fenwei generals around Hou Wanli spoke to each other, shaking out all the thoughts of the Daomeng.

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