Mind Mecha

Chapter 363 Robbing the Supply Troops

The Qiankun Empire forced Hou Wanli to resort to an ambush with its huge force.In this way, there is only one place for Hou Wanli to ambush, and that is Bada City, the only place leading to Weimu Canyon.

Counting all this, the Qiankun Empire quietly let the mecha army lie in ambush outside Bada City many days in advance, and at the same time ordered the Lingjing convoy to march strictly according to the prescribed route, all this is to let the Tianhu troops fall into the trap.As for how to control the number of casualties of the spirit crystal convoy, it was handed over to the general in the command vehicle, and he was also the only one in the convoy who knew the battle plan.

"As I reported just now, this time the Qiankun Empire conspired and used the conspiracy to severely injure the main force of our department at the cost of only a dozen spirit crystal car drivers. The mecha troops of the Qiankun Empire should take advantage of the momentum to attack the Eternal Fortress. Now that the way back to help has been cut off, how should the remnants of the ambush fail to be arranged?" Hou Yongyi used another liaison magic weapon to report the battle situation to his father and got it in Bada The city continues to investigate whether the Qiankun Empire has any backup missions.

Hou Yongyi looked at the direction of the curtain canyon worriedly, and couldn't help sighing after a long time: "The Eternal Fortress is in danger, relatives and brothers in the same robe will risk their lives and fight bloody battles. I wish I could put on my wings and fly to my father immediately Fighting side by side with everyone, even if you don't have mechas, you can still exert some strength, it's better than waiting in Bada City with nothing to do."

"Second brother, you don't have to feel sorry. Although you can't participate in the battle in person, there is still a way to help General Zhen Guo in Bada City. Maybe you will make a great contribution and even become the key to victory in this battle." Fan Kang said with a smile on the other side of the warped space, with an unfathomable look.

Hou Yongyi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said softly, "Could it be that my brother-in-law has a great idea? Don't keep it secret, just tell me."

Enjoying the adoration of the three women, Fan Kang slowly asked: "There is one thing that is supposed to be inseparable from the mecha troop, but it has not been seen yet. Without it, the ability of the mecha troop to continue to move will be greatly reduced. .Second brother, do you know what this is?"

Hou Yongyi suddenly understood, and shouted excitedly: "I see, it's the supply and maintenance troops! What my brother-in-law means is for me to find them and destroy them. In this way, the mecha troops will definitely not be able to last long. As long as the Eternal Fortress An offense that survives the first round is fine."

During the battle, the consumption of spirit crystals will intensify and a large amount of consumable formations will be used up, and some parts will even be damaged to varying degrees.At this time, the mecha needs to withdraw from the front line and look for supply troops to replenish or repair.Otherwise, if you lose the magic weapon, the mecha that has exhausted its spirit crystals will be an iron coffin to the pilot, and it will only increase the number of kills for the opponent in vain.

The supply and maintenance troop is a logistical support troop dedicated to serving mechas so that they can enjoy continuous combat capabilities. The importance to mechas is like the food and grass supply troop in the cold weapon era, and it is the lifeblood of the entire army.Once the mecha troops lost their supplies, they were like grasshoppers after autumn, and they wouldn't be able to hop for long.

"I'll go now." Fan Kang's suggestion was immediately adopted by Hou Yongyi, but the latter suddenly thought of a question, and couldn't help frowning: "It's just that there are not many high-level monks on my side. Those who have the power to fight are counted as scouts." There are only 30 people in the area, I'm afraid it's not enough for the Qiankun Empire to bite the teeth."

Fan Kang smirked and said, "There are many high-level monks in the monk trading area of ​​Bada City. Second brother, why don't you use the top-grade spirit crystals and heaven-level magic weapons in the supply troops as bait, so that they may flock to them."

"Good way, I'll go to the trading area to mobilize right away." Hou Yongyi slapped his thigh suddenly, broke off contact, ran down the city wall happily, and started to arrange the robbery.

"The supply troops of the Qiankun Empire are regular troops at any rate, and there must be many experts among them. You actually mobilized the mob in Bada City to rob. Isn't that hitting a stone with an egg. This idea is too bad." Hou Peiqin criticized the Taoist couple for a while. , can't help shaking his head again and again.

Fan Kang knew that Hou Peiqin was moved with compassion, so he apologized and said with a smile: "There is really no other way. Besides, if you don't have diamonds, don't take on the porcelain work. High-grade spirit crystals and heaven-level magic tools are priceless treasures." , wanting to get it without paying a little price, how can there be such a good thing in the world.”

Seeing what Fan Kang said, and thinking of his usual temper, Hou Peiqin rolled her eyes and snorted softly: "I'm afraid you're also greedy for those belongings, and I plan to let those monks be cannon fodder first. A fisherman will benefit later."

"The head of the family knows that Chai Migui is expensive. Whether the family of Youlong Gang can live comfortably in the future depends on this vote." Fan Kang said with a face.

His skin was as thick as a city wall, so he wouldn't blush when his thoughts were exposed, so after a haha, he turned around and went to find Yunyu.

After Fan Kang set off with the brigade, Ruan Xiazhu wondered: "Shouldn't we send scouts to find out the specific location of the supply troops at this stage? Why are they all recruiting people? Do they already know the whereabouts of the supplies?"

"Probably." Hou Peiqin used to hear his father and elder brother discussing how to deploy troops at home, and he learned some superficial information from what he heard and saw. Now he tried to make an analysis: "It takes a lot of time to prepare the mecha. The scaffolding built, together with the consumable formations and replacement parts required by the mecha, are very large. The second-generation wishful box alone is absolutely not enough, so the mecha has been carrying it by itself before the Psychic Vehicle came out. .Now that the mecha is chasing after Big Brother without carrying any extra supplies, and there are no other spirit crystal convoys hidden nearby, then the answer is almost ready."

"I see." Liu Jing took the conversation and said excitedly: "Although the spirit crystal convoy seen by Xiao Tiantian was a decoy before the mechs appeared, once the mechas continued to attack the Eternal Fortress, they immediately transformed into To supply the troops, the materials needed by the mechs are either on the vehicle or in the hiding places of the mechas."

Just as the two women guessed, the spirit crystal convoy that had been dispersed by the Tianhu troops had regrouped at this time, and under the command of the tiger general, they had found supplies and were transporting them to the vehicle.

At the same time, there is also a gossip circulating in the cultivator trading area of ​​Badal City: There was a small-scale mecha clash two miles to the north of the city. The remnants of the Mecha, while the latter's supply troops are in a desperate situation.

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