Mind Mecha

Chapter 362 Killing 3 Combos

Hou Yongzhong's resolute expression clearly fell into the eyes of Hou Peiqin on the other side of the warped space. Knowing that the elder brother had no face to go back to see the other brothers of the Tianhu Army, he had the idea of ​​death, and in a hurry tugged Fan Kang's cuff , indicating that he would find a way to persuade him.

After Fan Kang understood, he yelled at the contact magic weapon repeatedly, and when Hou Yongzhong's attention shifted to him, he immediately said in an orderly tone: "Even if you sacrifice, you shouldn't be here. General Hou still needs the precious Pale Knight." To guard the Eternal Fortress with your combat power! Do everything possible to go back, one more beam rifle will give you one more chance to turn the tide of the battle!"

Yes, in the current situation, no matter how heroic they are, how many mechas can be backed up, but after returning safely, it will be very different. Relying on the fortifications of the Eternal Fortress, the role that a beam rifle can play will definitely far exceed what it is now.Fan Kang's shout was like a blow to the head, which made Hou Yongzhong completely calm down, and he manipulated the pale knight to slide towards Weimu Canyon without looking back.

"This guy's luck is really good, but if he got closer just now, he would have been caught in one catch." Seeing that the fish that slipped through the net was beyond the range, a tiger general muttered and put the magic weapon of the wind warrior behind the mecha, not understanding why this happened A white mecha will stop the figure at a critical moment.

"It's the Pale Knight! The person sitting in the cockpit must be Hou Yongzhong. He is Hou Wanli's right-hand man. He has killed 22 men, and he must be killed before he enters the curtain valley at all costs." The voice came from a The platform is slightly different from other standard mechas. Among the mechas with flame-like patterns painted on the head, shoulders, chest, etc., this person is the front-line commander of this mecha unit, the Qiankun Empire with the same rank as Hou Yongzhong. Feng general Chen Youdao.

After learning the identity of the target, the tiger generals of the Qiankun Empire activated Lingboweibu and Accelerating Magical Artifacts to chase after them like hungry wolves seeing a lamb.

The reason why they were so excited was because of the number of kills that Chen Youdao said.This value represents the total number of standard mechas shot down by the officer on the battlefield. It is the most important reference value in the reward mechanism of the Qiankun Empire army. Feng will.Hou Yongzhong once shot down a total of 22 standard mechas of the Qiankun Empire on the battlefield, which means that the tiger general who completed the final blow can inherit his number of kills and become one of the few phoenix generals of the Qiankun Empire .

But the wish is full, but the reality is skinny.What they are facing is a special mecha that has been strengthened in all aspects. Its mobility and maximum speed alone are nearly [-]% higher than the standard mecha. The distance between them is gradually widening to the extent visible to the naked eye. .

Seeing this, the tiger generals raised the magic weapon of the wind master and shot out the sky-level destroying array again and again, vowing to leave the pale knight in this desolate vast desert to obtain the number of his kills.

Hou Yongzhong accurately predicted the flight trajectory of the destroying formation through the mental power scan, and manipulated the pale knight to complete the dodge movements like figure skating on the sand, easily dodging one after another heaven-level destroying formation, and the tiger general Their scattered attacks couldn't do anything to him.

"Listen to my command, shoot two bursts of salvos in a wide range, the target is the current position of the Pale Knight and 200 meters in front of him, and the interval between the two attacks is three seconds." Chen Youdao never expected that the incentive would have the opposite effect, so After decisively giving the order, the countdown began: "Three, two, one, launch!"

The tiger generals knew that Hou Yongzhong would run away in vain like a loose sand, so they all abandoned the idea of ​​monopolizing the number of kills, and launched a large-scale bombardment at the current position of the pale knight according to the order.

Scanning the annihilating array falling from the sky like a meteor shower, Hou Yongzhong knew that there would be no place to stand under his feet, so he quickly activated the jumping backpacks on the back of his shoulders and fled into the sky, avoiding the first round of salvo at a dangerous and dangerous height.

Seeing that Hou Yongzhong kept one hand and didn't use the power of the jumping backpack to the limit, Chen Youdao couldn't help but smile evilly. He manipulated the mecha to open his bow left and right, and pointed the two Wind Rider Magical Artifacts at the center left of the highest point that the Pale Knight was about to reach. At the lower right position, four sky-level destroying arrays were shot in a row.

Chen Youdao's move was not to monopolize the number of kills, but because he had already memorized all the information about the possible opponents he might encounter in this battle, including the parameters of the Pale Knight's mecha and Hou Yongzhong's manipulation habits.

Chen Youdao knew in his heart that although the barrier equipped by the Pale Knight could withstand this wave of attack, it would also lose balance due to the shock wave generated by the attack, and the posture when it landed was bound to be poor.In this way, Hou Yongzhong needs to spend several seconds to adjust the posture of the mech before he can activate the acceleration formation again, and the tiger generals can take this opportunity to shorten the distance between each other, which means that Hou Yongzhong will be beaten more and more violently. The attack entangled and fell into a desperate situation.So at this time Hou Yongzhong had only one choice left, and that was to maximize the power in the jumping backpack and make a second turn in the air.

Chen Youdao intentionally left an upward gap to force the Pale Knight to jump with all his strength, so that the landing point of the mecha will be at the position he predicted, and the last round of salvo will be completed at the moment the mecha lands. kill.

Sure enough, as Chen Youdao expected, Hou Yongzhong had to unleash all the power of the jumping backpack at the moment when the Heavenly Destroyer Array was approaching, and manipulated the mech to rise more than 30 meters abruptly in midair. Wiping the soles of the pale knight's feet, it flew into the sky.

When the Pale Knight's upward trend was exhausted, the tiger generals also shot out the second round of annihilating formation at this time, and the target was exactly the Pale Knight's foothold.If it just fell like this, the barrier protecting the mecha would be torn into pieces by the air waves generated when the destroying formation erupted, and the Pale Knight would also be burned to ashes in the sea of ​​flames.

At this critical moment, a huge whirlwind suddenly spewed out from the back of the pale knight, changing the parabola when the mecha fell.It turned out that Hou Yongzhong tried his best to use his best attack style at the critical moment, and borrowed the reaction force to make the pale knight glide forward for a distance of nearly 100 meters.As a result, Chen Youdao's well-designed three-attack combo not only completely failed, but the remaining prestige of destroying the formation became a hindrance to the standard mechs, which eventually led to a greater distance between the two sides.

Seeing that Hou Yongzhong's safety was safe, Fan Kang and others were finally relieved.At this time, everyone already understood that it was not a coincidence that Xiao Tiantian was able to witness the Lingjing convoy entering the vast desert, but the Qiankun Empire did it intentionally.They deliberately put on a sneak attack on the Eternal Fortress in order to lure the snake out of the hole, and in turn ambushed the main force of the Tianhu army.

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