Mind Mecha

Chapter 355 The Power of the Vulcan Machine Gun

The defensive performance of the Jiuyao Liulijia was beyond the cognition of the opponent, and the mood of the Four Seas Gang's victory was inevitably slightly shaken.

Seeing this, Shen Jian frowned slightly, pushed aside the crowd and walked to the front, and said to Fan Kang in a deep voice: "The defensive ability of this armor is really extraordinary, even if I do it myself, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to break through."

Just when everyone was wondering why he praised his opponent, Shen Jian changed the subject: "But the scope of the enchantment is limited after all. There are more than 50 people in the Youlong Gang, how many can you protect?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Jian laughed wildly, and then shouted to the gang behind him: "Change the attack target and attack the members of the Youlong Gang!"

After being reminded by the leader of the gang, the members of the Four Seas gang came to their senses, and under the command of the backbone of the gang, the soldiers divided into two groups to outflank the Youlong gang, trying to attack from an angle that the Tower of Light could not take care of, and Fan Kang couldn't take care of both.

Seeing that the three women were about to fall into crisis, Fan Kang didn't change his face, and he muttered to himself: "The defensive performance of the Jiuyao Liuli Armor meets expectations, and it's time to test the offensive magic weapon."

Before the siege network of the Four Seas Gang was completed, Fan Kang took out a magic weapon composed of three parts from the Wishful Box.They are a small box made of tin, a flat metal belt, and a strange guy with a round-billed duck head.

The small tin box looks very ordinary, it seems to be some kind of container, the metal belt protrudes from both sides of the small box and passes through the last strange guy, connecting the three together.The most eye-catching part is the six three-foot-long metal tubes protruding from the front end of the magic weapon. They are hooped by three circular parts also made of Taixuan alloy, arranged in a circle, and the distance between them is It is also the same.

This is the Vulcan machine gun that Fan Kang changed countless times and asked the Bada Chamber of Commerce to manufacture parts in batches. It was only installed yesterday.This product that combines technology and comprehension elements was used in actual combat for the first time. It was against the heavenly monks. Even Fan Kang had no idea what kind of results it could achieve.

The appearance of this strange guy attracted the attention of everyone present, especially the leader of the Four Seas Gang, whose eyes were fixed on this magic weapon from the beginning to the end, and even forgot to blink his eyelids.

As a heavenly monk, Shen Jian has a very keen sense of danger. When he saw this magic weapon, his heart trembled inexplicably. When he was pointed at by the six metal tubes, the hairs all over his body stood on end. A big word "Danger" appeared in my mind.

Although he didn't know what magic weapon the other party had brought out, Shen Jian still followed the alarm sounded by his intuition, and arranged five top-level barriers at his feet in a row, and then hurriedly put on the battle armor.

However, it took a lot of work to put on the traditional battle armor. As soon as Shen Jian put on the boots of the battle armor, Fan Kang's preparations had been completed.Thousands of large-caliber bullets were materialized in the metal box, and at the same time, the formation embedded in the magic weapon was activated, and the target was Shen Jian, the leader of the Four Seas Gang.

"Buzz..." I saw the metal belt and the six barrels spinning rapidly, and the sharp bullets were pushed out of the barrels at super high speed by the wind attribute array one after another, making dense buzzing sounds.

The huge movement made Fan Kang the focus of the audience again. The running members of the Four Seas Gang saw the familiar attack method of the Vulcan machine gun and understood. This magic weapon is probably an upgraded version of the continuous shooting rifle, but they don't know how powerful it is. How can it shake the defense laid down by Shen Jian?

With this in mind, their eyes naturally turned to Shen Jian, but they were shocked to find that the power of the Vulcan machine gun was far beyond their imagination, and the burst rifle was no different from a toy in comparison.

I saw frequent violent ripples on the light curtain protecting Shen Jian, the number of ripples was as high as nearly a hundred in just one second, and the most terrifying thing was that each ripple was as large as a full-strength blow from an earth-level middle-grade magic weapon. quite.

Even the top-level barriers at the ground level cannot withstand such intensive firepower attacks in a short period of time. The outermost barrier only lasted for a second before it was overwhelmed and shattered, and it cannot be reactivated in a short time .

"Damn it! Why did Shen Buping never mention that this kid has such excellent equipment." The power of the Vulcan machine gun shocked Shen Jian, and he cursed secretly and then shouted loudly: "Everyone retreats, and we will try again some other day." Dragon Gang!"

After speaking, Shen Jian quickly activated the magic weapon of inviting you to travel around the world on his boots, turned around and wanted to flee out the door.

But as soon as he turned around, he complained incessantly, because what caught his eyes was a large number of defensive barriers arranged by the members of the Universal Gang.These enchantments were scattered everywhere and the gaps between them were very narrow, blocking his escape route.

Shen Jian had to turn off the magic weapon of Aoyou Sihai, because he did not wear a full set of armor, and without the assistance of the acceleration formation, he could not change direction flexibly while running fast. If he continued to open Aoyou Sihai, there would be only one result, that is He hit the barrier with his head.

There was a formation blocking the way in front, and there was a sharp weapon in the back to pursue. Even Liu Jing, who lacked combat experience, could see that Shen Jian's situation was extremely bad.

However, Shen Jian is a heaven-level great monk after all, and no matter how unfavorable the situation is, he has not lost his position.I saw him take out all the enchantments he carried with him, and while he was shuttling through the barriers blocking the way as fast as possible, he arranged these new enchantments behind him, and from time to time he urged the manifestation method that he was least good at. , creating a thick wall.He knew that as long as he could break through the barriers in front of him, he would be able to run away from the main rudder of the Youlong Gang with the escape weapon of Aoyou Sihai. At that time, he would be trapped in the sea, and with Fan Kang's cultivation, he would definitely not be able to catch up with him.

It's a pity that the speed of the Vulcan machine gun destroying obstacles far exceeds the speed of Shen Jian's arrangement. After five breaths, not only all the barriers have been broken, but even the last materialized wall has become rubble. At this time, Shen Jian It is also necessary to bypass the two layers of road-blocking barriers in order to accelerate at full speed.

Seeing that the gang leader is in crisis, the members of the Four Seas Gang couldn't help being anxious, and they manipulated their magic weapons to harass and attack Fan Kang.But that layer of colorful tortoise shell still shone with dazzling light, and their acts of assistance could not help Shen Jian in the slightest.

At the critical moment of life and death, Shen Jian didn't dare to hold back any more, and he used the forbidden technique to double the power of the divine mind. Under his control, the sixty flying swords danced airtightly, and with the help of mental power scanning, When the flying sword rises and falls, it can accurately hit the high-speed flying bullets.

A string of sparks lit up behind Shen Jian, and nearly a hundred bullets as thick as fingers were all cut into two by the flying sword from the middle. After changing the flight trajectory, they passed by the sides of Shen Jian's body, which instead became his way to break through the road-blocking barrier. a great help.

The sky-level great cultivator had spared no effort and was indeed very powerful. He could temporarily defend against the attack of the Vulcan machine gun just by manipulating one move.

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