Mind Mecha

Chapter 354 The Stupid Way to Break the Formation

Through Lu Yuhua's explanation, the three women learned that the Jiuyao Liulijia is dyed in nine colors: glass, cream, jet black, red, blue, earthy yellow, silver gray, green and golden, and each color represents a different function. For defensive means, the manufacturing price of this set of outer armor alone is as high as [-] middle-grade spirit crystals, which is three times that of the giant spirit armor.

All the girls were listening with gusto, but Lu Yuhua stopped abruptly at this moment. Ruan Xiazhu muttered dissatisfiedly: "Golden color represents the golden light protection array, which we already know. The other eight defensive methods What's the difference? Please don't make fools of others."

"This is the order of the boss, in order to exercise your on-the-spot judgment." Lu Yuhua looked aggrieved, and hurriedly passed on to distinguish: "Besides, you can't do two things at once. Why don't you concentrate on watching the battle and try to make your own judgment first. Is it okay to wait for Fan Kang to win a big victory and then confirm the answer with each other?"

Agreeing to Lu Yuhua's suggestion, the three women turned their attention to Fan Kang. At this time, the first wave of attacks from the Four Seas Gang had indeed arrived.

The speed is relatively fast, and the most popular flying swords among monks are like locusts flying all over the sky towards Fan Kangza.It's just weird that these sharp flying swords stalled and fell as soon as they entered the target five feet away, and fell to the ground without even touching the barrier.

The unfavorable start did not affect the mentality of the attackers, because they knew that this dazzling tower of light must be stronger than the previous one, and there must be some rare and strange formations in it, and flying swords are not for attacking fortifications. The best magic weapon, this wave of attack is only tentative.

"Flying swords are useless to him, change to a long-range magic weapon!" Shen Jian shouted, taking out a large number of wind cannons from the Ruyi box and handing them to the cronies around him, letting them organize the attack.

With the leader of the gang and the backbone of the gang taking the lead, the members of the Four Seas gang launched a second round of offensive that was more violent than before.

A large number of flying props, such as cannonballs, hit the glass-colored shield one after another. The number is like a meteor shower. One can't help but suspect that the whole room will be covered by these flying props in a short time. submerged.

The monstrous offensive shocked the members of the Youlong Gang. They originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack. They put away their magic weapons and turned to arranging barriers or using materialized methods to create obstacles to prevent being hit by stray bullets.

But their caution was superfluous, the Jiuyao Liulijia perfectly attracted the firepower, and all the attacks were precisely poured on the Tower of Light.

Just when everyone was worried about the defensive power of Jiuyao Liulijia, a scene similar to the one before happened.I saw a layer of dazzling white light on the enchantment spread out for a distance of two feet. All flying objects that entered the range of the white light immediately deviated from their original flight trajectories and fell to the ground in a sharp turn. None of them touched the glazed light curtain.

"Change attributes!" Shen Jian gave the order again decisively.

At this time, Yunyu and the others already understood that Shen Jian's research on formations was extremely superficial, but he firmly believed that the formations arranged by prefecture-level monks were limited by their cultivation, so they adopted the most stupid method to break the formation, which was Try the conventional instruments one by one to find the flaws and weaknesses of the formation.

As the members of the Four Seas Gang collectively changed their magic tools, the Xiangtang was filled with wind, lightning, and fire raging in the air, and torrents, stone thorns, and knives swept across the ground, and all kinds of attribute attacks were like a tsunami. Fan Kang rushed forward, completely engulfing the glazed mask.

Due to the inability of the attribute magic weapon to perfectly restrain its power, the remaining power spread to the surroundings, and the Xiangtang without the blessing of the formation was overwhelmed and finally collapsed.Fortunately, all the monks were present, and they all used the manipulation to move the rubble aside, and the dust in the sky was also blown away by the impact.

Such a violent attack lasted for as long as a cup of tea, and did not stop until the spiritual crystals in the magic weapon were exhausted.

"This attack is finally a hit. It should be able to peel off this kid's colorful tortoise shell." A disciple of the Four Seas Gang replaced the magic weapon with a spirit crystal, while looking at the target surrounded by thick smoke, he laughed. .

"If you can't, just attack a few more rounds. Anyway, he doesn't have the strength to fight back. I want to see how long this turtle shell can last." Another person said easily.

Worried that the other party would take advantage of the blocked vision to replace the spirit crystals on the battle armor, Shen Jianyun blew away the thick smoke with a blow, but was shocked to find that the color of the mask was still dazzling and beautiful, and there was no sign of being consumed.I saw Fan Kang yawning with his hands folded on his chest, as if the opponent's attack was like a spring breeze blowing on his face, and it was useless except to increase sleepiness.

Without Shen Jian's ordering again, the Four Seas gang manipulated the magical artifacts that had just been replaced with spirit crystals, and launched another attack on the glass-colored light curtain. Some backbones even took out all the attribute magical artifacts from their private collections and participated in the attack.

This attack was more violent than the previous ones, and the scope of the spread continued to expand, causing members of the two gangs to retreat continuously until they were nearly 200 meters apart from each other.

Seeing that the main house and property of the chief rudder were all destroyed, and all the property saved by the exhausted efforts of the past generations of gang leaders were all burned, Yunyu's eyes were already blood red.I saw him roaring angrily: "The Four Seas gang is arrogant and domineering to destroy my foundation, this hatred is irreconcilable! Everyone put on the battle armor and fight the enemy to the end, even if they lose, they will have to pay a huge price!"

"Fight to the death! Fight to the death! Fight to the death!!!" Yunyu's call aroused the enthusiasm of the gang members. They chanted neat slogans and put on their battle armor one after another, looking like they would burn everything together.

Seeing this, the Four Seas Gang did not show any weakness. While manipulating the magic weapon to continue the attack, they also put on their own armors.

After a cup of tea, the battle armors of both sides had been put on, and seeing a large-scale scuffle was about to break out, a lazy and familiar voice came from the thick smoke in the center of the field: "How can it be worth getting angry if the houses and property are destroyed?" After killing these people, move the main rudder to the Four Seas Gang, presumably their house will be bigger and more luxurious."

When Shen Jian heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly used the impact method to disperse the smoke. Fan Kang's position became the focus of everyone's attention again.

I saw five colors of silver gray, emerald green, azure blue, scarlet red, and earthy yellow shining in the pyramid-shaped light curtain in turn. The appearance of Yao Liulijia when its defense is fully activated.

Everyone in the Four Seas Gang headed by Shen Jian was horrified, while the Youlong Gang were overjoyed. The three girls hugged each other and cheered happily, discussing how the Jiuyao Liulijia defended against the four waves of attacks. .

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