Mind Mecha

Chapter 348 Attacking the Dragon Gang

It's another spring and winter, and during this half a year, which is like retreat, Fan Kang's cultivation base has improved again, and his cultivation base has advanced to the peak of the late prefecture level after beheading appetite and killing corpse insects.

Seeing that there is only one step away from the Great Perfection, Fan Kang has encountered the first real bottleneck on the road of cultivation, and this card lasts for more than three months.

Days passed by but his cultivation base remained unchanged, which made Fan Kang, who was used to the soaring cultivation base, very anxious.At this time, Peiqin gave a four-word evaluation: Envy others, saying that his cultivation base has improved at an unprecedented speed, and there is no need to be so persistent in hard work.

Sima Lang also gave a similar suggestion, suggesting that he can be properly distracted and do some other things, maybe by chance, he can get something occasionally and touch the opportunity of promotion.After listening to the advice of the two, Fan Kang refrained from impetuosity and turned to devote his energy to the design of magic instruments and the production of formations.

By the time the peach blossoms in Taoyuan Town are in full bloom again, Fan Kang has drawn a large number of magic weapon designs, and the level of formation production has officially entered the realm of quasi-formation masters, and he is already capable of making ground hammers and lightning chisels. It is a top-level magic weapon.

In the past two years, other people have not been idle, Liu Jing and Ruan Xiazhu have worked hard to practice the six forms of spiritual mind under the guidance of Fan Kang, and their cultivation has become more and more sophisticated.Even the housekeeper Qin Di, who has poor foundation and even missed the best cultivation age, has finally loosened the shackles with his unremitting efforts, and there are faint signs of breakthrough.Fan Kang told them not to be obsessed with rapid promotion, but to try to stabilize the foundation and expand the total amount of mental power, so as to achieve a perfect promotion and awaken their natural ability.

Xiao Tiantian took [-] middle-grade spirit crystals as capital, and with her unique vision, she has been doing reselling and picking up leaks all over the year in Qiankun Continent, and sent back some rare natural treasures and rare treasures from time to time. Magical instruments, formations and various classics.Seeing her working so hard, Liu Jing couldn't bear it, and suggested many times to let her rest in the manor for a while, but Xiao Tiantian always politely refused out of guilt for Fan Ting's death. Set off and continue on the road of Taobao.

After Fan Ting digested the spiritual body of the Tiger General of the Qiankun Empire, his cultivation level has also risen to the early stage of the prefecture level. After tasting the pleasure of rapid upgrade, he naturally does not want to meditate and practice hard. He has been looking forward to performing missions with his elder brother again, so that Hunt down enemy monks.

Hou Peiqin has no pressure to practice and upgrade, so she puts her mind on business, often travels back and forth between Wanlibao and the manor, and goes to the Array Master Association once every six months to pick up and deliver tasks and purchases for Fan Kang. Various required materials.

On this day, when Peiqin came back from Wanlibao, she also brought a newly built battle armor. Fan Kang was very satisfied after trying it on.Coincidentally, Qian Jude also sent a contact at this time, saying that the last batch of magic weapon parts he needed had all been built, and he could go to the Bada Chamber of Commerce to pick them up at any time.

Fan Kang said politely, but laughed in his heart, thinking that although Qian Jude kept the original agreement a year ago, every time he commissioned parts to be made, he would mutter a few words, questioning Fan Kang for inventing a new magic weapon As an excuse, he was actually pulling his wool.But since Hong Wantong came to him, the iron rooster changed his previous attitude and became responsive, even doubling the number of parts Fan Kang needed every time, trying his best to flatter him.

Seeing that the magic weapon and battle armor are ready, Fan Kang intends to formally start the plan that he made at the beginning, so he uses the contact magic weapon to find Lu Yuhua: "Now that everything is ready, it's time to go to Longding City to create a career. Three Tin Hau brought Principal Lu's letter of introduction and met us at Badal City."

After closing the contact magic weapon, Fan Kang held a family meeting again, revealed the purpose of the trip to Liu Jing and others and invited her and Ruan Xiazhu to go together.

Because according to what Sima Lang said, although the natural ability after the perfect promotion seems to be awakened randomly, it will also be biased by the influence of the subconscious. In order to avoid obtaining a tasteless natural ability, it is necessary to give appropriate guidance.There will definitely be fierce battles during this trip. Fan Kang hopes that they can get some inspiration from observing the battles between monks, so as to further think about and decide the future fighting style, which cannot be achieved by blindly cultivating behind closed doors.

"Don't be stingy with spirit crystals when we are away. The joint formation protecting the manor must be kept open at all times. If anyone who is not open-eyed wants to force his way in, the foster father can directly launch an attack to destroy the formation." Now Fan Kang is in the carrier. He is considered well-known in the middle school, and he must have a huge amount of wealth in the eyes of outsiders, and he himself is a new monk, like a child walking alone in a busy city with a huge sum of money, which will inevitably attract the covetousness of criminals .Just in case, Fan Kang took out a large number of middle-grade spirit crystals and instructed Qin Di and Liu Zhong to do so.

After the instructions were done, Fan Kang set off with the three beauties. They came to Bada City and lived in the headquarters of Bada Chamber of Commerce. After receiving the parts of the magic weapon, Fan Kang took out the key parts made by Liu Zhong and began to assemble the magic weapon. Peiqin took the other two girls, accompanied by Qian Yingying, to play around in Bada City.

In the early morning of the third day, Lu Yuhua arrived as scheduled, and took over the newly built armor and magic weapon from Fan Kangna. After spending half a day getting familiar with it, the group came to Longding City in the evening, and directly found the Youlong Gang. where the rudder is located.

Fan Kang pretended to be Lu Yuhua's servant, threw the greeting card in his hand to one of the small yellow doors at the door, and said carelessly: "Consultant Lu of the Royal Military Academy was ordered by the principal to come here to discuss important matters with your lord, go quickly report."

It is well known in the Youlong Gang that Yunyu wanted to find Lu Zhanwang to be the Supreme Elder, but it was impossible. Seeing the imposing appearance of the other party, Xiao Huangmen naturally did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly and politely asked Lu Yuhua to wait for him. One person invites you into the side hall to serve tea, and the other person goes to the gang leader with an invitation card.

Before he finished his cup of tea, the little Huangmen trotted back, bowed and saluted and said, "The leader of the sect is very happy to hear that Mr. Lu is here. He has already ordered people to set up a banquet in the main hall. He and the elders respectfully invite you to the table."

Lu Yuhua didn't speak but just waved his hand. Seeing this, Xiao Huangmen hurriedly led the way and led everyone to the main hall.

"Mr. Lu has worked hard all the way from afar. I hereby prepare a meager food and drink to wash away the dust for you. If you are neglected, please look forward to Haihan." As soon as he entered the door, he saw a tall and thin man who came to Lu Yuhua and greeted him warmly. There are four imposing elders standing side by side behind them, obviously these five are the leader and elders of the Youlong Gang.

After some perfunctory politeness, Lu Yuhua turned away from the guest, and led Fan Kang and the three women to take their seats in the main seat and the second seat in turn.When the elders saw the other party being rude, they immediately wanted to scold them, but they were stopped by the leader's wink.

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