Mind Mecha

Chapter 347 Doubts in the Heart

"Brother, it turns out that you haven't fallen yet. What happened back then, and why did Wang Shuai tell such a big lie?" Seeing the long-lost and familiar face, Hong Wantong and Hou Wanli reacted exactly the same. He also vaguely understood in his heart that Wang Shuai might have committed an unforgivable crime.

"Fortunately, the old man also received a loyal and courageous disciple, so he escaped the catastrophe." Seeing the old brother's true feelings, Sima Lang was also deeply moved. After a long sigh, he related what happened after the catastrophe with Fan Kang's life experience. Eloquently.

"On weekdays, my elder brother regards Wang Shuai as his own son, but I didn't expect him to be a white-eyed wolf." Hong Wantong gritted his teeth after knowing the whole story, and then turned his eyes to Fan Kang: "It turns out that he is an elder brother's high-achieving student. No wonder he is so old. It’s such a small achievement.”

"Although the villain has a little reputation, he can't compare with my younger brother. I think that when I first took the throne of the leader of the alliance under the behest of my master, many elders refused to accept it. They raised three difficult problems and wanted to embarrass me. Thanks to the help of my virtuous brother, I was able to succeed." Successfully completed." Sima Lang shook his head first, then looked out the window, as if recalling the past when he was young.

"At that time, the younger brother's cultivation base was not yet complete, and he could only distract the enemy's attention for the older brother, which was not a great contribution." Hong Wantong said modestly.

Fan Kang asked curiously: "Which three problems are they? Why have you never heard the master mention this?"

"Leaving aside the other two, the most difficult one is to arrest 36 heaven-level evil cultivators who are wanted by the whole mainland without the help of the Taoist League. We have traveled to every corner of the mainland for more than three years, He went through more than ten fierce battles before and after, and finally completed the task at the cost of seven minor injuries and one serious injury. How heroic the old brother was when he threw 36 heads in front of the elders, that scene is still memorable.”

Although Hong Wantong passed the three difficult problems in a few words, he can understand the difficulties and dangers without elaborating.These 36 heaven-level evil cultivators are wanted by the entire cultivation world but are still at ease. They must have their own unique means.

The elders of the Dao League made this request intentionally to make things difficult, and wanted to give the new leader a blow.But he didn't expect Sima Lang to be full of blood, relying on his superb cultivation and long-term tenacity, and Hong Wantong's help to complete this great feat.The embarrassment made by the elders finally made Sima Lang a big hit. After thinking about it, the people in the Dao League must be obedient to the new leader, and they will never dare to rely on the old to sell the old or to obey the shadow.

Thinking of this, Fan Kang couldn't help being awe-inspiring, and respectfully saluted Hong Wantong: "It turns out that the senior and the teacher have a life-long friendship, and I hope that there are some rude words in the previous speech."

Sima Lang floated between the two of them, supported Fan Kang with his spiritual thoughts, and said to Hong Wan: "This matter has nothing to do with Fan Kang, it's all because I was too cautious that I let him speak out. Blame me."

"Be careful, there is no big mistake. I would do the same if I did it differently. There is no need to mention this matter again." Hong Wantong generously expressed his understanding, and at the same time looked at Fan Kang and said in a deep voice: "It's just that you did another thing I was wrong, and if I don’t try to make up for it, I’m afraid there will be a big problem.”

"Senior is referring to the paper on the six forms of divine sense?"

"That's right." Hong Wantong frowned and said, "Although the relationship between the six forms of Divine Sense was passed down to the Daomeng by the Tianyi faction, it has been regarded by the Daomeng as its own unique secret for so many years. How can I let it go when I go out. This move is really unwise, and I'm afraid it will attract Wang Shuai's attention."

"What the senior blamed was that the junior heard that none of the outside monks were opponents of the disciples of the Dao League. The secret was only to narrow the gap in strength between them and pave the way for the future crusade against Wang Shuai. The junior has repeatedly weighed the pros and cons. In the end, I felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, so I decided to take this risk, and it was definitely not for grandstanding." Fan Kang immediately revealed his plan to control and strengthen the Youlong Gang, and asked Hong Wantong to help the village secretly.

Hong Wantong repeatedly considered the feasibility of the plan in his mind. After a long time, he nodded and said: "This plan is indeed likely to succeed, so you can just let it go. I have my own arrangements for the dissertation. noticed you."

"So thank you, senior." Fan Kang bowed again to thank him but couldn't get up for a long time.Seeing this, Hong Wantong knew that Fan Kang must have other matters to ask, so he waved his hand to let him speak out.

"Seniors also know the existence of the master and it is inconvenient to mention the name to outsiders, but people often ask about the sect of the younger generation, and suspect that the younger generation is a famous monk in the cultivation world. So the younger generation wants to use your name to carry out Please excuse me, senior, please agree." Fan Kang said his request, and also revealed the whole transaction with Qian Jude.

"It turns out that the reason why the Bada Chamber of Commerce has the technology to make spirit crystal cars is that you are the instigator. If there are any omissions that need to be filled by the teacher, please tell them." Hong Wantong laughed and scolded, but the words were already He agreed to Fan Kang's request.

Fan Kang was overjoyed, and after a symbolic apprenticeship ceremony, he said: "There is also a beam rifle, but the carrier country is secretly making it, and the Taoist League should not know about it in a short time."

Hong Wantong was shocked when he heard the words, and asked Fan Kang where he got the design drawings of the spirit crystal car and the beam rifle, but at this moment Sima Lang said: "These two drawings were originally owned by the Tianyi faction. It’s for Fan Kang to earn spirit crystals and fame. This move is also to narrow the gap with the Dao League, so you don’t have to ask me.”

Although Sima Lang's voice was not loud, it stirred Fan Kang's mind, and he was afraid that Hong Wantong would see the clue, so he could only suppress his surprised expression, and quickly looked away from his master.

Hong Wantong didn't suspect him, Shi then discussed the other details with Fan Kang in detail, and took Chen Jun out of the manor an hour later.

After sending Hong Wantong away, Fan Kang hesitated to speak to Sima Lang. The latter yawned and burrowed into the Qiankun ring and left a sentence: "Whenever you want to say something, let me tell my teacher."

From then on, Fan Kang knew that Sima Lang's daily actions had all fallen into the eyes of Sima Lang. The latter must have become suspicious when he saw him constantly inventing various new magic weapons, but he never said anything about it and helped cover it up at the critical moment. , so tolerant must be because Fan Kang has no dissent in dealing with Daomeng.

However, as Sima Lang said, now is not the best time to confess everything, because there is still a doubt in Fan Kang's heart that has been lingering in the bottom of his heart and has not been solved. tell others.

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