Mind Mecha

Chapter 306 Vulcan Machine Gun

Qian Jude always thought that Fan Kang was a teacher of Hong Wantong, the elder of the Dao League. Hearing such ambiguous words, he naturally mistakenly thought that Hong Wantong stole the design from the Dao League. Fan Kang repeatedly congratulated: "So brother Fan has met the respected master and was accepted as a formal disciple by him? It's really gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate."

"That's all I can say, believe it or not. But I want to remind you that in front of other people, you can only say that the blueprint was purchased from an anonymous seller on a black market in Qiankun Empire. Yes. If a word of gossip falls into the ears of my master, please bear all the consequences!" Fan Kang put on airs and warned Qian Jude, who mistakenly thought that Fan Kang had a good temper after becoming an official disciple, so he was even more unsuspecting. With him, he quickly agreed and swore to his divine sense that he would never disclose this matter to anyone.

"Alright, I'm rushing to attend Ting'er's funeral. Let's talk about the specific conditions after we meet." After speaking, Fan Kang turned off the contact magic weapon with great momentum, and let Qian Jude on the other end continue to think wildly. .

Hou Peiqin leaned in front of Fan Kang and said with a smile: "Qian Jude is an old fox, and it is not easy to take advantage of him. Now you are playing around with a few words of yours. I'm afraid no one will tell you about it." believe."

"Qian Jude's weakness is that he is overconfident. He never questioned his own judgment. That's why he kept misunderstood. I just prescribe the right medicine." Fan Kang was modest, and then said: "This time I can grab the Daoist League business, and Wang Shuai will not be aware of my existence, although the loss is only a drop in the bucket for the Daomeng, it is still very satisfying."

"Now I finally don't have to worry about Lingjing anymore. I'm going to look for an engineering team and try to finish the renovation of the manor as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Hou Peiqin left the study vigorously.

There was still a whole day before Fan Ting's funeral, and Fan Kang was not in the mood to meditate, so he began to think about how to further improve his own strength.

Having experienced so many battles with prefecture-level monks, Fan Kang felt that at medium and long distances, the fighting method of bursting out firepower in one breath was more suitable for him.Because his advantage is that he can obtain infinite explosive power in a short period of time through the talent skill of absolute time.But the fly in the ointment is that the instruments currently on hand cannot fully reflect this advantage.

If Fan Kang met a monk who was fast, good at using flying swords and wearing high-level armor, then with his current means, he would not be able to defeat the enemy in a short time.

Although the wind cannon is powerful, it is only suitable for breaking expendable barriers.As long as the opponent is a little more agile, he can completely dodge all the straight-flying shells by scanning with mental power.However, the effect of the maze ball mixed with God Stone powder is not so good in open and windy places, so it cannot be relied on all the time.

The Bahuang Sword is a well-regulated traditional flying sword magic weapon. As long as the opponent has a flying sword magic weapon of the same level, it can block the attack. In order to gain an advantage, in addition to being more proficient in manipulating the first style, the quality of the flying sword itself also needs to be improved. .However, high-quality flying swords are often made by famous masters. Not only are they rare, but most famous swords have their own owners.With Fan Kang's personality, he was naturally unwilling to spend such a waste of money. In his opinion, the competition for the level of magical artifacts is a never-ending road, and winning in this way can only be regarded as a bad strategy.

The shortcomings of the breath of the three dragons are even more obvious. Although their attack area is extremely wide, their power can only be regarded as average. You only need to open the enchantment on the armor to defend for a long time. Armor's monk dealt a fatal blow.

The Flying Needle is just like its name, and there are as many cracking methods as it can be cracked. It is only suitable to use it when it is unprepared and launches a sneak attack.And according to Fan Kang's estimation, once the inner and outer armor models are popularized in the cultivation world, no one will care about the seamless and drillable flying needles.

What Fan Kang needs now is an enhanced continuous-firing rifle magic weapon, a high-power gun-like magic weapon that can easily break through armor defenses and various bunkers.

Recalling the various firearms in his previous life, Fan Kang finally chose a weapon called the Vulcan machine gun, and decided to transform it into a magic weapon for monks.

This is a multi-barreled rotary machine gun with external power transmission. When it is started, the six barrels rotate at the same time, and one round of bullets is taken from the clip in turn to complete a series of actions of pushing the bullet into the chamber, locking, shooting, unlocking, and ejecting the shell. .Since these actions were carried out almost simultaneously, the rate of fire of the Vulcan cannon was six to ten times that of ordinary rifles. In addition, its caliber reached a terrifying [-] mm, and its destructive power was even more astonishing.

Fan Kang once watched the test firing of the Vulcan machine gun at close range. The large armor-piercing projectile flying at a high speed of 100 rounds per minute can penetrate almost any non-heavy armored object within [-] meters.An armored vehicle couldn't even stand in front of it for three seconds before it turned into scrap iron. The shock of the scene made Fan Kang unforgettable for a long time.

Fan Kang is still looking forward to the prospect of the Vulcan machine gun in the cultivation world, but although it is powerful, it has many shortcomings, and it needs to be improved.

The first is the issue of weight.If you want to use the Vulcan machine gun normally, you need to be equipped with a transmission device and a loading device, and the total weight has reached [-] catties.Coupled with the weight of each thousand rounds of bullets up to one hundred catties, mortal soldiers must rely on vehicles to carry them.

Then there is too much recoil when shooting, and it must be fixed in one place with a bracket to transmit the impact to the ground.But doing so will make the manipulator a good target, and may be hit by the enemy's attack before launching an effective attack.

The third problem is that the barrel is easy to overheat and become soft when shooting, which not only affects the use but also affects the life of the barrel.When I used the Vulcan machine gun in my previous life, I had to stop firing every time I used it for a period of time, and I could continue shooting after the barrel cooled down.

However, Fan Kang believed that the first two shortcomings were not a problem at all for prefecture-level monks.Because the divine sense of the earth-level monks is much stronger than the strength of the arms, as long as they are skilled enough to operate the first move, they can float around and shoot like the wind cannon.This can not only overcome the problem of recoil, but also maintain its own flexibility.And there is no need to worry about the weight of the bullet, just use the instant formula and use it now.

Fan Kang's current goal is to solve the various disadvantages of the Vulcan machine gun, reduce its size as much as possible, and make it a top-level magic weapon at the ground level, so that it can shine in the Qiankun Continent.

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