Mind Mecha

Chapter 305 It's not the first category of people who don't enter a house

Although Qian Yingying has always ignored business matters, she also wanted to show her grandpa a result, so she asked with great interest: "What kind of business do you want to discuss with grandpa, can you tell me a little bit first, so that grandpa can have a look?" ready?"

When talking about doing business, Hou Peiqin's interest was brought up again, and he pestered Fan Kang to tell him about the cooperation project.Fan Kang couldn't resist her, so he handed over the Chu Nianshi that had been recorded two months ago, and asked her to watch it by herself.

Hou Peiqin probed into the memory storage stone with her spiritual sense, and after reading the contents of the first nine squares, her face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in surprise: "It's actually the design drawing of the core components of the spirit crystal car!"

Hou Peiqin's words caught the attention of everyone present, and they could not help but focus on the memory stone in Hou Peiqin's hand.

You must know that as a practical means of transportation that can also be manipulated by mortals, the spirit crystal car has become popular in the entire Qiankun Continent in recent years. Whether it is a monk or a wealthy mortal, everyone hopes to own a spirit crystal car to show their status.

It is a pity that the manufacturing technology of the most important core components of the spirit crystal car has always been in the hands of the Daomeng, and the Taomeng seems to be indifferent to the benefits brought by the spirit crystal car. The number of spirit crystal cars produced each year is far lower than the number of buyers , so only those superpowers who are number one in the Qiankun Continent are eligible to line up to buy.

Under the situation of extremely unbalanced supply and demand, the black market price of spirit crystal cars is also rising all the way, but those superpowers who own spirit crystal cars will lack spirit crystals.

From everyone's point of view, Fan Kang's spirit crystal car design is like a legendary money tree, which can bring him a steady stream of wealth. Naturally, confirming its authenticity has become the most urgent thing for everyone to confirm. up.

Knowing that the matter was of great importance, Qian Yingying hurried to the side to contact Qian Jude.

"Where did you get the design drawings?" Hou Yongli knew that his brother-in-law had uniqueness in the design of magic weapons, but he couldn't believe that he could design the core components of the spirit crystal car by himself, so he approached Fan Kang asked curiously.

Seeing Fan Kang laughing but not answering, Hou Yongli was disappointed and dissatisfied and said: "As the saying goes, fat water doesn't flow to outsiders' fields, why do you want to do business with the Bada Chamber of Commerce for spirit crystal cars? Wouldn't it be more profitable to let the younger sister manage it?" many?"

This time Fan Kang finally spoke, and she took Hou Peiqin's hand and said: "A normal-style spirit crystal car is worth 40 gold coins, and if it is converted into a middle-grade spirit crystal, it is [-] pieces. Although the black market price The high price of being fired is also due to the limited supply of goods by the Daomeng. If a large number of spirit crystal cars flood into the market, the price will soon stabilize. Coupled with the various high costs that need to be invested in the initial stage of manufacturing, In fact, the profit is not as high as you imagined. I chose to do this because I didn’t want to make Peiqin overworked, and because I also considered General Hou’s position.”

Hou Yongli seemed to understand, but Hou Peiqin understood Fan Kang's meaning. She looked at the Taoist couple tenderly and then explained: "Once the news of the Hou family's ability to produce spirit crystal cars spreads, there will definitely be an endless stream of people. If the purchaser is the power of the carrier country or the Qiankun Empire, should we sell it or not? If we sell it, it is easy to be framed as a traitor by those jealous forces in the country. After all, the spirit crystal car has become The transportation and means of transport that are indispensable to the army can barely be classified as strategic materials. If they are not sold, the market will shrink by a full two-thirds. Not only will the number of spirit crystals earned drop sharply, but foreign If the power bears grudges, then it is really thankless."

"There is one more thing that must not be forgotten." Fan Kang then added: "At present, the spirit crystal car is monopolized by the Daomeng, and we are dividing their cake by doing this. If the Daomeng insists on accusing us of stealing secrets and Putting pressure on the king, asking General Hou to stop production immediately and hand over all the illegal gains, then all the spiritual crystals invested in the early stage will be in vain. The Bada Chamber of Commerce is different, it is just a purely for profit The neutral organization, the position is to recognize the money but not the person, and does not need to sell anyone's account. Moreover, the chamber of commerce also holds the right to license cross-border trade. As long as the powers of various countries have money, they can buy spirit crystal cars from it. Our country's Even if the forces of all parties are jealous, they can’t find an excuse to make things difficult. If the Daomeng pursues the source of the design, it can be said that Qian Jude bought it from the black market. I believe that the Daomeng can’t be too arrogant if the source cannot be traced. .”

Seeing that everyone understood the pros and cons, Hou Peiqin finally made a grimace at Fan Kang: "If the Taoist League really puts down its shame and arrogance once, and puts pressure on all major forces to boycott the spirit crystal car produced by the Bada Chamber of Commerce, then the only losses will be One is Qian Jude. The Bada Chamber of Commerce has a big business, and they don’t care about this little loss, right.”

Hou Peiqin's words caused everyone to burst into laughter, while Hou Yongli couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The little girl perfectly explained what it means that people who are not of the same type do not enter a family, and doing business counts on it. Counting money.

At this moment, Qian Yingying also came back. She didn't care about other people's strange expressions, and excitedly said to Fan Kang: "Grandpa is very interested in the business of Lingjing cars, so you can contact him when you have time."

Fan Kang nodded, told everyone to go to the study with Hou Peiqin after they dispersed, and contacted Qian Jude.

"Ting'er will be buried tomorrow. I have neither the time nor the mood to discuss business with you. Let's talk about everything when we meet the day after tomorrow." Warped space just stabilized, and before Qian Jude had time to say hello, Fan Kang became impatient Said, seems to have a lot of opinion on him.

Qian Jude knew that Fan Kang was showing his power to him in order to be able to take the top spot in the next negotiation, but he had no choice.After all, Fan Kang held what he dreamed of, and because the matter of Wang Lijun had not been revealed, he could only laugh and say: "It should be, it should be. It's just that I don't understand one thing, brother, I hope Brother Fan can Solve the confusion. In this way, I can also convince other elders in the chamber of commerce to come up with a price that satisfies you."

"President Qian doubts the authenticity of this design drawing, and is worried that Fan Kang will use a fake design drawing to cheat money?" Hou Peiqin snorted coldly and directly expressed Qian Jude's concerns, obviously guessing his intention thought.

"That's right." Qian Jude's face was as thick as a city wall, and he was not embarrassed after being exposed, but said bluntly: "Qian Yingying said that she didn't see the design at all, and even if she saw it, she could tell the difference with her ability. Can’t tell if it’s true or not. Brother Fan must give me a reassurance.”

Fan Kang nodded when he heard the words, and said lightly: "My master worked so hard to get this design, and the old man specifically asked me to earn some extra money for him. So you should understand."

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