Feng Huizhen has always paid attention to excavators. She doesn't really want to show off, but learning about excavators these days seems like a mysterious research project.

It is so mysterious that it is even surrounded and not allowed to be seen by everyone. The more people are not allowed to see it, the more curious everyone will be.

The sand and cement they were supposed to pull today were all pulled back, and now she is preparing to take the students for another last trip.

The empty car allows everyone to practice more. Starting today, she has officially stepped down from the driver's seat, and all the apprentices start running back and forth.

She just sat in the co-pilot's upper seat and pointed them out, making preparations just in case.

Their last train was about to start, but someone came running from a distance, waving and shouting while running.

"Feng Huizhen, Feng Huizhen wait a minute."

Zhai Wei, who was about to start the car, immediately turned off the engine.

"Master is looking for you."

The visitor ran to the car, breathless for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Feng Huizhen, the captain and the director are looking for you. They are in the meeting department in front of you. Hurry up and have a meeting."

The people in the car immediately sighed, they were not allowed to move the car without the master.

Because in case of an accident, there is no way to deal with it.

The master is gone, and they can be regarded as a complete rest today.

"Okay, don't moan and sigh, today will be a day off for you, and go to the cafeteria now."

Feng Huizhen comforted them with a smile, jumped out of the car, and followed the two people in front of her to the meeting room.

"Comrade, the section chief told me to go over, what's the matter?"

Inquiring from the side, it will be good for her after all, Feng Huizhen thinks it must have something to do with being able to drive an excavator.

But I feel that foreign experts will definitely not be able to learn it after a day of teaching. Even if you go to Lan Lanxiang to study, you will have to learn for a while.

It is impossible to become a powerful operator right away.

Learning is one thing, and long-term practice and operation are needed to turn the theoretical knowledge learned into real experience.

"Feng Huizhen, can you drive an excavator?"

The two of them knew that it was inappropriate to ask this question, so they asked behind the back of the section chief and director.

It seems to be a little prying into the truth.

Feng Huizhen is completely relieved, it seems that it has something to do with the excavator.


The categorical answer made the two gay men who were following him look at her in dismay.

It's not that they don't believe Feng Huizhen, it's because after investigation, no one in their city knows how to excavate.

If you want to study in the next province or city, it is not easy for them to teach you.

Everyone can't wait to hide this technology, why bother their own people.

A little girl brazenly told them yes, so what are these big men doing today?Worse than a girl.

But the two did not show any contempt or contempt either.

Whether it is true or not is naturally decided by the section chief and director, and they will not make any evaluation here.

Feng Huizhen arrived at the conference room, and the moment she entered the conference room, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Feng Huizhen felt that it was quite stressful. Although she had managed an enterprise with tens of thousands of people before, it was different now and in the future.

At that time she was the leader, but now her position has changed, she is the insignificant person surrounded by everyone.

Fortunately, after so many years of being the habit of being watched by others, in the face of such occasions, she is absolutely stable and able to control the situation.

Director Zhang and the captain nodded when they saw Feng Huizhen.

Nothing else, but they are quite accurate in seeing people.

They don't know if this girl can drive an excavator, but she can still be calm in the face of so many people's eyes. Such a calm and composed appearance is definitely admirable.

This temperament and calm energy alone make people feel admirable.

Director Zhang showed a kind smile on his face, a 15-year-old girl, they don't need to scare this child.

Yes, yes, if it's not a big deal, just make a joke as a child, and won't hold the child accountable.

He waved at Feng Huizhen.

"Feng Huizhen, come! Come here."

Feng Huizhen strode to Director Zhang's desk.

In this era, don't think how tall the meeting room is, this is the simplest meeting room.

Except for this relatively rough desk, there are all long benches inside, and people sit on long benches for meetings.

Don't think about any other conference room equipment.


"Do you know what I called you to ask you?"

Director Zhang's words made Feng Huizhen want to roll her eyes, and tried her best to restrain herself.

Needless to say?

What can I ask her?

Those in positions of power like to use this method to show that they cherish talents.

Feng Huizhen knows current affairs, this time she is not showing her rebelliousness, besides, she is not so rebellious.

"Director Zhang, I have already asked those two comrades on the way, and the comrades probably know about it. You came to me to ask about the excavator."

Director Zhang's eyes showed even more approval, the child was not timid at all.

Even if it's a lie, the child can still be so calm and composed, which is worthy of appreciation.

Perhaps this is the protagonist's aura.

"Then let me ask you something, can you drive an excavator?"

As soon as Director Zhang said this, the surroundings were so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

Feng Huizhen smiled, with a peaceful smile on her face.

"Director Zhang..."

"Feng Huizhen, this is not a child's play. If you know how to do it, you can do it. If you don't know how to do it, you won't know it. If you don't know how to pretend, it will affect the progress of the entire construction site."

A captain next to him said that he had long disliked Section Chief Liu.

Especially this Feng Huizhen, a 15-year-old girl Jiajia, doesn't want to stay at home well.

Do your own work honestly, and insist on grabbing the limelight like a man.

This is to take this opportunity to scare Feng Huizhen.

"Section Chief Wu, what you said is a bit biased. How do you know that Feng Huizhen can't? Feng Huizhen, ignore him. You told me last time that you can drive an excavator."

Chief Liu jumped out hastily.

The main reason was that he was afraid that Feng Huizhen would be frightened, so he changed his words temporarily, and it was him, Section Chief Liu, who was the one who cheated.

Director Zhang immediately waved his hand, "You all be quiet. Don't say anything, don't put any pressure on the child at this pass. Feng Huizhen, it's okay. Even if you don't know how to drive an excavator, you won't be held accountable."

The attitude is very kind, completely like an elder.

Feng Huizhen raised her head firmly, looked at Director Zhang with clear eyes, and said word by word.


As soon as these words came out, Director Zhang sat on the spot, not moving for a long time.

It took a minute to digest it, and the girl wasn't kidding.

Judging by the calm look in her eyes, she is not a lying child at all.

Whether a person's mind is right or wrong can be seen just by looking at those eyes.

Director Zhang believes that the child is not lying.

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