"Tell me, what's the situation now?"

Director Zhang looked at the 20 people below with their heads drooping, and he couldn't help but get angry.

This is the same as being dumb.

It was so quiet down there.

Director Zhang slapped the table angrily, "You guys are talking, why are you all dumb? What did you learn today? When will you learn it? When will this excavator come in handy on our construction site?"

The ten captains were also in a hurry. Although they didn't learn, each of them had a mission.

The two selected drivers are naturally the best talents drawn from the team.

"The director is right, but you are silent, what is the situation now?"

Who is not in a hurry?

In the city, it costs 2000 yuan to pay these experts a day.

2000 yuan is a sky-high price in this era.

How much is a worker's salary?

"Director, it's not that we don't speak up, it's that we have no face to speak up. You don't know that foreign experts are very thieves. There are only six hours a day, and there are 20 of us. If you calculate it, even 20 minutes are not enough for one person."

"The director taught us to speak very fast. The translator deliberately translated it vaguely. Every time we asked the second time, we didn't answer at all."

"I take notes in a notebook, and sometimes I can't remember them correctly. How can I remember them with my brain alone?"

"However, the foreign expert asked us not to record with pen and paper."

“And the questions we ask are not answered at all.”

"If things go on like this, I'm afraid it will take us three to five days just to memorize those joysticks and buttons. Not to mention operating them."

"When we think about it, we panic."

"It's all spent on the country's money. We wish we could learn it tomorrow and send these ancestors away as soon as possible. But looking at the other party, it's a waste of money for us."

After everyone said these words, they finally expressed the resentment in their hearts.

After hearing this, Director Zhang frowned. He knew that the mission was difficult this time, but he didn't expect that the other party was deliberately tripping him up.

"I know there are difficulties, but no matter what kind of difficulties, everyone must work hard to overcome them. Our country is a little different from them in technology, although we can't keep up with them.

But we must make up for this gap with our own diligence.

You are our hope. Only after you have learned these things can you bring out more talents in future practice. "

The earnest words made everyone in the meeting room bow their heads, who is not in a hurry?

Everyone wished that they could build excavators now, and still need to look at the faces of these foreign devils.

But the skills are not as good as others, and at this moment, it is true that they have to be confessed like their ancestors.

"Director, don't worry, we will work hard. Starting tomorrow, we will think of ways and strategies. We must learn how to drive and repair excavators as quickly as possible from foreign devils!"

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, but no one knew what to do.

I don't understand foreign languages, and these buttons and operating levers are all written in foreign characters, so I can't even read them. If I don't rely on words, I just rely on my memory to memorize them.

I don't even know what the joystick is for.

It's really embarrassing for them.

But everyone still made up their minds.

If there are difficulties, face up to them.

Originally Section Chief Liu didn't want to talk, although he didn't take what Feng Huizhen said to him a while ago when he heard it.

Especially today seeing how difficult it is for so many people to learn to mine opportunities.

He was even more heartbroken, afraid that Feng Huizhen was just talking about it.

But seeing everyone working so hard, they felt sad. How could they not feel sad when they were bullied by foreigners?

Without suppressing his anger, Section Chief Liu finally spoke out.

"Director, do you remember the female driver Feng Huizhen I told you about last time?"

Everyone was stunned, Director Zhang was also a little dazed, at this critical juncture, why mention the female driver?

"Remember! I heard that a 15-year-old girl can drive a car, and she drives very well, and she also trained ten drivers for you."

This is the hottest topic circulating on the construction site.

How could Director Zhang not have heard such rumors.

"Why did you bring up Feng Huizhen, is it possible that this girl can drive an excavator?"

Director Zhang really wanted to make a joke, liven up the atmosphere, and let everyone not be so serious and sad.

When the others heard this, they all burst into laughter.

"Feng Huizhen can drive a car, I've heard of it, but this is the first time an excavator has been introduced in our city. No one can develop an excavator, director, don't make fun of other girls, they also need face of."

Several captains next to them spoke up one after another, and Feng Huizhen stole the limelight from these old drivers.

In particular, Feng Huizhen really helped the ten teams to train ten drivers. I heard that many people saw that all ten of them were able to drive.

Even though they can't drive a long distance, ten people can perform so amazingly in just over a week.

No wonder the remaining captains were envious and jealous.

How difficult is it to train a driver?

I didn't see that although their team gave a death order, it still didn't work for a week.

"Director, what I want to say is that Feng Huizhen told me that she can drive an excavator."

Section Chief Liu, who was ridiculed by everyone, really had a burning face.

As soon as his brain became hot, this sentence was thrown out of his mouth.

Having said that, Section Chief Liu felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his body.

"Haha, Lao Liu can't joke about this kind of thing at this time. The excavator is the most important thing on our construction site this time. You said that she can open a house like a girl. You really want to take credit for it."

"Old Liu, if you say that she can drive a car, we all believe it, but every excavator in our city counts as one, and no one can drive it together! Can she drive and speak foreign languages?"

"It's Lao Liu, don't be too eager for quick success. If this kind of big talk goes out, it will be embarrassing for you if it doesn't work out."

Everyone ridiculed, and in the eyes of all the captains, they thought Section Chief Liu was crazy.

In order to gain a good impression in front of the leader and leave a deep impression, he can even say such words.

Could it be that the sum of all of them is not worth one Feng Huizhen?

A girl dared to boast that she could drive an excavator.

Section Chief Liu's face turned red from being ridiculed by everyone.

"Who is eager for quick success, who wants to make meritorious service? What I said is the truth, which is what Feng Huizhen told me. Otherwise, if you call Feng Huizhen to see, am I making up nonsense?"

Section Chief Liu was so red-eyed that he turned his head and shouted at the two novices of the tenth team who were learning excavators.

"Go, you go back and call Feng Huizhen."

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