Rebirth 70 I have billions of supplies

Chapter 9 Peaches Are Delicious

"Second brother, be careful. Hurry up to wash your hands and face. After washing, come back to eat. I've prepared everything."

She cast a reproachful glance at her second brother, who has always been out of tune.

Feng Zhiyuan's eyes were rounded, and his mouth was so big that he wished he could swallow an egg.

"You... Oh my god, mother, come and take a look, the meal is actually cooked by my sister. Could it be that the sun is coming out from the west?"

Feng Huizhen's face flushed, she was indeed in this family back then, and that was the impression she left on everyone.

Squeeze away the second brother.

"Don't get in the way, second brother."

He came directly to the yard with the rice bowl in his hand. There was a jujube tree in their yard, and there were tables and chairs under the jujube tree.

No one likes to eat indoors in summer, it's cool and easy here.

Liu Cuihua saw that her daughter was holding a rice bowl, no matter how good or bad her cooking was, it was worthy of praise for her daughter to prepare meals for them.

Immediately boasted.

"My daughter is still sensible. You can see that you are all tired all day. This is not all good food for you. Go and wash your face."

Everyone cheered immediately, it was probably the happiest thing to be able to eat ready-made ones.

The yard suddenly became lively.

After washing their faces, they sat around the table and looked at the mush in the bowl, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

Today's batter looks very thick and seems to have something added to it.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, and glanced at their mother.

Liu Cuihua stirred the bowl with chopsticks, and immediately saw what it was.

Ask Feng Huizhen in a low voice.

"Huizhen, is someone here?"

"Mother, hurry up and eat it, no one will come! I found this thing with a few girls in the village when I was hunting pigweed. It wasn't much, we dug it all back, and each of us shared about ten catties. "

Feng Huizhen picked up the bowl and took a big sip.

Although the sorghum noodles are not tasty, the taste is much better after adding yam.

There is actually a faint sweet taste.

In this, I added a little spiritual spring water in my own space.

As soon as the brothers and sisters heard this, they picked up the chopsticks and put them in their mouths.

Once you taste it, you know it's yam.

"Sister, you are really good. You can find such a good thing when you go to the mountains to hunt pigweed."

"Some time ago, I ran all over the mountains with them, but I couldn't find wild yam."

The second brother usually hunts some wild game on the mountain. Of course, he is also the one who is often beaten by his mother, mainly because he is afraid that something will happen to him on the mountain.

"It happened by chance. By the way, I also picked a few peaches. Seeing that the peaches are red, they should be ripe. I tasted them and they were quite delicious."

Feng Huizhen pointed to the plate of peaches on the table, which was prepared for the family.

One person, one person, no one to fight, no one to grab.

Feng Zhiyuan shook his head when he saw Taozi, with a look of disdain.

"The wild peaches on the mountain are very sour. I have tried them a long time ago. Although they are bright red, they don't taste very good. They are so sour. If they were delicious, I would have picked them for our family a long time ago. "

"Then you are really wrong. The peaches I picked this time are delicious and very sweet."

Feng Huizhen's smug little appearance made her brother and sister laugh.

Sister Feng Huiru put down the bowl and picked up a peach.

"Just say that to my sister, I have to eat sour."

I took a hard bite, it was really a face-saving.

After biting, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"So sweet!"

Feng Zhiyuan pointed at his sister and smiled.

"Just pretend, just pretend. Let me tell you, don't try to trick me into eating this sour peach."

Feng Huiru seriously explained to her second brother, "Second brother is really sweet. Why are you lying to me?"

While gulping down all the peaches, leaving only one core.

Feng Zhiyuan waved his hands at Feng Huiru in disgust.

"Don't help Lao Wu lie to me, I don't know yet, you two sisters are so good that you are only short of wearing a pair of pants."

When Feng Zhixiang heard this, he hurriedly picked up a peach.

"Then let me try, second brother, I won't lie to you, my fifth brother and I don't wear a pair of pants."

It attracted a slap from Feng Zhiyuan, "You want to wear a pair of pants with Lao Wu, can you wear them?"

Feng Zhixiang jumped up to avoid the slap of the second brother, and took a bite of the peach, which was not as sour as expected.

On the contrary, it was really sweet, and he couldn't help but nodded.

"Second brother, third sister is right, it's really delicious and very sweet. Fifth, where did you find it? These peaches are really delicious, they must be juicy peaches. How about looking for some more tomorrow? Peaches are hard to come by."

While looking at how many peaches are left in the bowl with his eyes.

Feng Zhiyuan looked at his younger brother suspiciously, he didn't lie much.

"Really so delicious?"

Feng Zhiqiang picked up a peach.

"Okay, whether it tastes good or not is the wish of the fifth child. You can pick and choose peaches from the mountains for us all the way? I think you are still hungry. Our family doesn't have enough food, Eat one more peach, and eat less food at home."

With one bite, the elder brother's brows and eyes stretched.

"Not to mention, this peach is really delicious, very sweet, Mom, hurry up and taste it."

Feng Huizhen immediately took a peach and stuffed it into her mother's hand.

I can't take it, seeing the eager look of the fifth child, I can't wait to take another peach right away.

She is arranged for one person in the family.

Liu Cuihua picked up the peach and took a bite.

This is the kindness of my daughter, even if it is sour, she will say it is delicious.

But he couldn't help but raise his eyes and looked at Feng Huizhen in surprise.

"Ouch, fifth child, your peach is so sweet."

The second child couldn't bear it anymore, Feng Zhiyuan hurriedly grabbed the last peach in his hand.

The fourth brother, Feng Zhixiang, leaned over to the second brother, "Second brother, this peach is too sour. Otherwise, if I eat it for you, it will be so sour that you still have teeth."

Thieves want to take the peach away from the second brother.

Feng Zhiyuan slapped him directly.

"Fourth, you have learned badly and learned to lie. You still want to trick my peach into eating, dreaming."

Kacha bit down, and immediately his eyes widened.

"Old Five, you have finally done a good deed, the peaches are really delicious."

The whole family is full of praise for Tao Zi, but unfortunately there is only one per person.

After eating the peaches, I now eat the porridge in the bowl, and suddenly I feel much sweeter.

When they found out that Feng Huizhen had not only picked peaches from the mountain, but also brought back yams.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

I didn't realize that my sister was so capable and considerate of her family before!

In the past, Feng Huizhen was the No. 1 headstrong in the family. Whenever she felt a little bit unsatisfactory, she would immediately play a small temper and shed tears at every turn.

But today, my sister really looks like a different person.

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